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Major studies concerning Franciscan and non-Franciscan preaching during the medieval and early modern period


A Companion to Pastoral Care in the Late Middle Ages (1200-1500). ed. Ronald J. Stansbury, Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition (Leiden: Brill, 2010). See review by Adam J. Davis (

Felice Accrocca, 'La predicazione francescano intorno a Reg. Bull. IX', in: Negotium Fidei. Miscellanea di studi offerti a Mariano D'Alatri in occasione del suo 80° compleanno, ed. Pietro Maranesi, Bibliotheca seraphico-capuccina, 67 (Rome-Bravetta, 2002), 107-125. Re-issued in: Felice Accrocca, L'identità complessa. Percorsi francescani fra Due e Trecento (Padua: Centro Studi Antoniani, 2014), 51-66.

Jonathan Adams, 'Language Difficulties in Some Medieval Vernacular Scandinavian Sermons', in: Constructing the Medieval Sermon, ed. Roger Andersson, Sermo: Studies on Patristic, Medieval, and Reformation Sermons and Preaching, 6 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2007), 189-206.

Sarah Joy Adams, 'Monastic preaching and pastoral care as ascetic sanctity in William of Malmesbury's 'Vita Wulfstani", The American Benedictine review 63 (2012), 122-140.

Yuichi Akae, 'Between artes praedicandi and Actual Sermons: Robert of Basevorn's Forma praedicandi and the Sermons of John Waldeby, OESA', in: Constructing the Medieval Sermon, ed. Roger Andersson, Sermo: Studies on Patristic, Medieval, and Reformation Sermons and Preaching, 6 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2007), 9-31.

Yuichi Akae, A Medicant Sermon Collection from Composition to Reception: The Novum opus dominicale of John Waldeby, OESA (Turnhout: Brepols, 2015).

Alain de Lille, Summa de arte praedicatoria, in: Migne, Patrologia Latina, 210, pp. 109-198.

M. D'Alatri, 'la predicazione francescana nel due e trecento', Picenum seraphicum. Rivista di studi storici locali a cura dei frati minore delle marche, 10 (1973), 7-23.

Mariano D'Alatri, 'Predicazione e predicatori francescani nella cronica di fra Salimbene', Collectanea Franciscana 46 (1976), 63-91.

Mariano D'Alatri, 'Pulpito e navata nella cronaca di Fra Salimbene', Collectanea Franciscana 59 (1989), 5-21.

A Late Fifteenth-Century Dominical Sermon Cycle edited from Bodleian Library MS E Musaeo 180 and Other Manuscripts, ed. Stephen Morrison, The Early English Text Society, O.S. 337, 2 Vols. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012).

F.L. Albert, Die Geschichte der Predigt in Deutschland bis Luther I-III (Gütersloh, 1892-1896).

Alexander of Hales, Quaestio de officio praedicationis, edited in: Magistri Alexandri de Hales, Questiones disputatae 'Antequam esset frater' (Florence: Quaracchi, 1960) I, q. xxix, p. 516-527.

J.L. Allgeier, The Canonical Obligation of Preaching in Parish Churches (Washington, 1949).

A Macaronic Sermon Collection from Late Medieval England, ed. & trans. Patrick J. Horner, PIMS, Studies and texts, 153 (Toronto: PIMS, 2006). The work also contains materials by Robert Grosseteste.

C. Colt Anderson, Christian Eloquence. Contemporary Doctrinal Preaching (Chicago: Hillenbrand Books, 2005). [with various chapters devoted to Augustine, Gregory the Great etc.] See also the same author's essay in the 2008 volume Franciscan Evangelization mentioned below.

Roger Andersson, 'From Erfurt and Lyons to the Parish Church of Björkvik: The Friars of vadstena Abbey as Cultural transmittors', Mediaeval Studies 60 (1998), 185-218.

Roger Andersson, 'Preaching the Sacraments: Catechesis for the Laity or Education for the Clergy?', Erebea 1 (2011), 41-56.

R. Andersson & S. Borgehammer, 'The Preaching of the Birgittine Friars at Vadstena Abbey (ca. 1380-1515)', Revue Mabillon n.s. 8 (1997), 209-236.

A New History of Penance, ed. Abigail Firey, Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition, 14 (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2008).

Anonymus Minorita, Ars Concionandi, edited in: Sancti Bonaventurae Opera omnia (Quaracchi, 1901) IX, pp. 8-21.

S. of St. Anthonis, 'Preaching in the 13th Century. A note on Ms Gonville and Caius 439', Collectanea Franciscana 32 (1962), 310-324.

Alessandro Arcangeli, 'Carnival in medieval sermons', in: Papers from the First International Conference on European Medieval Drama, ed. Sydney Higgins (Turnhout, 1997).

A Repertorium of Middle English Prose Sermons, ed. Veronica O'Mara & Suzanne Paul, 4 vols., Sermo, I(Turnhout: Brepols, 2007).

Megan C. Armstrong, The Politics of Piety: Franciscan Preachers During the Wars of Religion, 1560-1600 (Rochester NY: University Rochester Press, 2004).

Megan Armstrong, 'Predicare la politica. L'evangelizzazione francescana nella Francia della Riforma', Quaderni Storici 2 (2005), 369-388.

E. Artifoni, 'Gli uomini dell'assemblea. Oratori civile, i concionatori e i predicatori nella società communale', in: La predicazione dei frati dalla metà del '200 alla fine del '300, Atti del xxii convegno internazionale, Assisi, 13-15 octobre 994 (Spoleto, 1995), 141-188.

Arsenio d'Ascoli, La predicazione dei Cappuccini nel Cinquento in Italia (Loreto: Libreria S. Francesco d'Assisi, 1956).

Jean-Baptiste Auberger, 'Une tradition franciscaine: la prédication contre l'usure', Évang. aujourd'hui  185 (2000), 47-54.

Gabriel Audisio, Preachers by Night. The Waldensian Barbes (15th-16th Centuries) (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2007). Review in Renaissance Quarterly 60:4 (2010), 1366-1367.

Augustin d'Hippone, Vingt-six sermons au peuple d'Afrique. 2e édition revue et corrigée, ed. F. Dolbeau, Institut d'Études Augustiniennes (Turnhout: Brepols, 2010).

Ginetta Auzzas, 'Dalla predica al trattato: lo Specchio della vera penitenzia di Iacopo Passavanti', Lettere italiane 54 :3 (2002), 325-342.

G. Auzzas & C. Delcorno, 'Inventario dei manoscritti di prediche volgari inedite (Biblioteche dell'Italiacentro-settentrionale)', Lettere Italiane 51/4 (1999).

H. Backes, Bibel und ars praedicandi im Rolandslied des Pfaffen Konrad, Studien und Quellen, 36 (Berlin, 1966).

Bailey, Lisa Kaaren, Christianity's Quiet Success. The Eusebius Gallicanus Sermon Collection and the Power of the Church in Late Antique Gaul (Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 2010).

Ildikó Barczi, 'Die Predigt als Hypertext. Hypertextualität als Schlüssel zum Verständnis der spätmittelalterlichen Predigt', in: Kulturtechnik Philologie: zur Theorie des Umgangs mit Texten, ed. Pál Kelemen (Heidelberg, 2011), 277-290.

A. Bartola,'La tecnica della predicazione in due sermoni di Alano di Lilla', ,Studi medievali 3rd ser. 27:2 (1986), 609-636.

Alessandra Bartolomei Romagnoli, 'L'immagine di Bernardino da Siena nella predicazione degli Osservanti', in: Biografia e agiografia di san Giacomo della Marca. Atti del III Convegni internazionale di Studi (Monteprandone, 29 novembre 2008), ed. Fulvia Serpico, Quaderni di san Giacomo, 2 (Tavarnuzze-Florence: SISMEL, - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2009), 1-21.>> volume very important with many essays on the hagiographical representation of Giacomo, Bernardino etc.

Louis-Jacques Bataillon, 'Les instruments de travail de prédicateurs au XIIIe siècle‘, in: Culture et travail intellectuel dans l‘Occident Médiéval (Paris, 1978).

Idem, `Approaches to the Study of Medieval Sermons‘, Leeds Studies in English, 11 (1980), 19-35.

Idem, `Similitudines et exempla dans les sermons du XIIIe siècle‘, in: The Bible in the Medieval World: Essays in memory of Beryl Smalley, ed. K. Walsh & D. Wood, SChH, Subsidia 4 (Oxford, 1985), 191-205.

Idem, `Sermons rédigés, sermons réportés (XIIIe siècle)‘, Medioevo e Rinascimento, , 3 (1989), 69-86.

Idem, `Early Scholastic and Mendicant Preaching as Exegesis of Scripture‘, in: Ad Litteram. Authoritative Texts and Their Medieval Readers, ed. Mark D. Jordan & Kent Emery jr. (Notre Dame-London, 1992), 165-198.

Idem, ‘Sermons from Bonus Homo, O.P.’, Dominican History Newsletter, B. Bibliography (Oxford, 1992) I, 109-111.

Idem, La prédication au XIIIe siècle en France et en Italie. Études et documents (Aldershot: Variorum Reprints, 1993).

Idem, ‘The Tradition of Nicholas of Biard‘s Distinctiones’, Viator 25 (1994), 245-288.

Idem, `Sermoni e orazioni d’ambiente universitario parigino nel sec. XIII’, Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale, 5 (1994), 297-329.

Idem, ‘La prédication populaire d‘un dominicain italiien à la fin du xiiie siècle (Göttingen Univ. Bibl. Theol. 156a)’, Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum 65 (1995), 171-183.

Idem, ‘Les sermons du franciscain Bindo da Siena pour les dimanches’, Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 92 (1999), 95-116.

Idem, ‘Chronique de doctrines médiévales: Étude et prédication’, Rev. Sc. Philos. Théol. 84 (2000), 357-366.

Idem, ‘Compléments au Repertorium de Schneyer: I’, Medieval Sermon Studies 44 (2000), 15-36.

P. Bayley, French Pulpit Oratory, 1598-1650 (Cambridge, 1980).

M. Bayless, Parody in the Middle Ages. The Latin Tradition (Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1996).

P. Bayley, Selected Sermons of the French Baroque (1600-1650) (New York, 1983).

Nirit Ben-Arieh Debby, ‘The Preacher as Goldsmith: The Italian preacher’s use of the visual arts’, in: Preacher, Sermon and Audience in the Middle Ages, ed. Carolyn Muessig, A New History of the Sermon, 3 (Leiden-Boston-Cologne: Brill, 2002), 127-153.

Nirit Ben-Aryeh Debby, ‘Art and Sermons: Mendicants and Muslims in Florence’, in: Tradition, Hererodoxy and Religious Culture, ed. Chanita Goodblatt & Haim Kreisel (Beer Sheva: Ben-Gurion University Press, 2007), 331-352.

Nirit Ben-Aryeh Debby, ‘Saracens on the Pulpit of Santa Croce in Florence’, in: In Laudem Hierosolymitani. Studies in Crusades and Medieval Culture in Honour of Benjamim Z. Kedar, ed. Ronnie Ellemblum, Jonathan Riley-Smith & Iris Shagrir (Aldershot – Burlington: Ashgate, 2008), 425-436.

Nirit Ben-Aryeh Debby, ‘The Santa Croce Pulpit in Context: Sermons, Art and Space’, Artibus et Historiae 57 (2008), 75-94.

Nirit Ben-Aryeh Debby, The Renaissance Pulpit: Art and Preaching in Tuscany, 1400-1550, Late Medieval and Early Modern Studies, 6 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2007).

Nirit Ben-Aryeh Debby, Il pulpito toscano tra 300 e 500 (Rome: Istituto Poligrafico e Zecco dello Stato, Libreria dello Stato, 2009).

Nirit Ben-Aryeh Debby, 'Preaching and Architecture in Tridentine Italy', Erebea Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales 1 (2011), 221-242.

Kathryne Beebe, Pilgrim & Preacher: The Audiences and Observant Spirituality of Friar Felix Fabri (1437/8-1502), Oxford Historical Monographs (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014).

Marina Benedetti, ‘‘De patria Spolitana’: due predicatori itineranti di fine Quattrocento’, Franciscana 2 (2000), 259-278.

Anna Benvenuti, ‘Santità e cura d’anime: secoli XIII-XIV. Riflessioni su alcune ‘sinonimie’ concettuali’, Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa n.s. 30/62 (2002), 164-171.

Sara Benvenuti, ‘Pesaro e la fiamma della predicazione (XVII secolo)’, Quarderni per la ricerca 11 (2007), 153-211.

Valentina Berardini, 'Prédicateurs et acteurs. À la recherche d’indices de performance dans les sermons de la fin du Moyen Age', in: Prédication et performance du XIIe au XVIe siècle, ed. Marie Bouhaïk-Gironès & Marie-Anne Polo de Beaulieu (Paris: 2013), 79–90.

Valentina Berardini, '«Est enim eloquentia valde necessaria praedicationi»: Bernardino da Siena e la sermonicatio', Cahiers d’études italiennes 29 (2019) [ , last accessed 25 November 2019].

Kirsten M. Berg, ‘On the Use of Mnemonic Schemes in Sermon Composition: The Old Norwegian Homily Book’, in: Constructing the Medieval Sermon, ed. Roger Andersson, Sermo: Studies on Patristic, Medieval, and Reformation Sermons and Preaching, 6 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2007), 221-236.

Nicole Bériou, ‘L‘art de convaincre dans la prédication de Ranulphe d‘Homblières’, in: Faire croire. Modalités de la diffusion et de la réception des messages religieux du xiie au xve siècles (Rome: École française de Rome, 1981), 39-65.

Nicole Bériou, La prédication de Renulphe de la Houblonnière. Sermons aux clercs et sermons aux simples gens à Paris au xiiie siècle, 2 Vols. (Paris: IEA, 1987).

Nicole Bériou, ‘Saint François, premier prophète de son ordre, dans les sermons du XIIIe siècle’, Mélanges del’École française de Rome Moyen Âge-temps modernes 102:2 (1990), 535-556.

Nicole Bériou, ‘La Madeleine dans les sermons parisiens du XIIIe siècle‘, Mélanges d‘École Française de Rome, Moyen Âge 104 (1992), 269-340.

Nicole Bériou, ‘Femmes et prédicateurs: la transmission de la foi au XIIe et XIIIe siècles’, in: La religion de ma mère. Le rôle des femmes dans la transmission de la foi, ed. J. Delumeau (Paris: Le Cerf, 1992), 51-70.

Nicole Bériou, ‘Latin and the Vernacular. Some remarks about sermons delivered on Good Friday during the Thirteenth Century’, in: Die deutsche Predigt im Mittelalter. Internationales Symposium (Berlin, 1989), ed. V. Mertens & H.-J. Schiewer (Tübingen, 1992), 268-284.

Nicole Bériou, ‘La parole du prédicateur, objet d‘Histoire’, in: La parole du prédicateur. ve-xve siècles, ed. R.M. Dessi & E. Lalou (Paris: Larousse, 1992), 625-646.

Nicole Bériou, ‘L’esprit de lucre entre vice et vertu. Variations sur l’amour de l’argent dans la prédication du XIIIe siècle’ , L’Argent au Moyen Age: XXVIIIe Congrès de la Société des Historiens Médiévistes de l’Enseignement Supérieur public (Clermont-Ferrand, 30 mai-1er juin 1997), Série Histoire Ancienne et Médiévale, 51 (Paris, 1998), 267-287.

Nicole Bériou, L’Avènement des maîtres de la parole. La prédication à Paris au XIIIe siècle, Collection des Études Augustiniennes. Série Moyen Âge et Temps Modernes, 31, 2 Vols (Turnhout: Brepols, 1998). [With info on a number of known and anonymous Franciscan preachers active during the academic year 1272-1273].

Nicole Bériou, ‘Entre sottises et blasphèmes. Echos de la dénonciation du Talmud dans quelques sermons du XIII siècle’,in: Le brûlement du Talmud à Paris (1242-1244), ed. Gilbert Dahan Nouvelle Gallia Judaica (Paris, Éd. Du Cerf, 1999), 211-237 [also on Berthold of Regensburg]

Nicole Bériou, ‘L’intercession dans les sermons de la Toussaint’, in: L’Intercession du Moyen Age à l’époque moderne. Autour d’une pratique sociale, ed. Jean-Marie Moeglin, Ecole Pratique des hautes Etudes Sciences historiques et philologiques V: Hautes Etudes Médiévales et Modernes, 87 (Geneva: Librairie Droz, 2004), 127-156.

Nicole Bériou, ‘Pellem pro pelle (Job 2,4). Les sermons pour la fête de saint Barthélemy au XIIIe siècle’, Micrologus 13 (2005), 267-284.

Nicole Bériou, ‘Prédication et communication du message religieux: le tournant du XIIIe siècle’, in: Annoncer l’Évangile (XVe-XVIIe siècle). Permanences et mutations de la prédication. Actes du colloque international de Strasbourg (20-22 novembre 2003), ed. Matthieu Arnold, Patrimoine Christianisme (Paris: Cerf, 2006), 41-60.

Nicole Bériou, ‘Medieval Sermons and St. Bonaventure‘s Sermons‘, in: A Pilgrimage Through the Franciscan Intellectual Tradition, ed. André Cirino & Josef Raischl (Canterbury: Franciscan International Study Centre, 2008), 225-268.

Nicole Bériou, ‘L’eucharistie dans l’imaginaire des prédicateurs d’Occident (XIIIe-XVe siècle)’, in: Pratiques de l’eucharistie dans les Églises d’Orient et d’Occident (Antiquité et Moyen Age), ed. Nicole Bériou, Béatrice Caseau & Dominique Rigaux, Étues Augustiniennes. Série Moyen Age et Temps Modernes, 45-46, 2 Vols. (Paris: Institut d’Etudes Augustiniennes, 2009) II, 879-925.

Nicole Bériou & David D‘Avray, Modern Questions about Medieval Sermons. Essays on Marriage, Death, History and Sanctity (Spoleto: Centro Italiano di Studi sull‘Alto Medioevo, 1994).

Jacques Berlioz, ‘La mémoire du prédicateur: Recherches sur la mémorisation des récits exemplaires (XIIIe-XVe siècle)‘, in: Temps, mémoire, tradition au Moyen Age, Actes du XIIIe congres de la société des historiens médiévistes de l‘enseignement supérieur public (Aix-en-Provene, 1982), 157-183.

Jacques Berlioz, ‘Le récit efficace: l‘exemplum au service de la prédication (xiiie-xve s.)’, Mélanges d‘École Française de Rome, Moyen Âge 92 (1980), 113-146.

Jacques Berlioz, ‘La prédication des Cathares selon l’inquisiteur Etienne de Bourbon (mort vers 1261)’, Heresis 31 (1999), 9-35.

A.E. Bernstein, ‘The Invocation of Hell in Thirteenth Century Paris’, in: Supplementum Festivum. Studies in Honor of P.O. Kristeller, ed. J. Hankins, J. Monfasani & F. Purnell Jr., Mediaeval and Renaissance Texts and Studies 49 (Binghampton NY, 1987), 13-54.

A.E. Bernstein, ‘The exemplum as ‘incorporation‘ of Abstract Truth in the Thought of Humbert of Romans and Stephen of Bourbon’, in: The Two Laws: Studies in Medieval Legal Theory dedicated to St. Kuttner, ed. Laurent Mayali & Stephanie A.J. Tibbets (Washington D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 1990), 82-96.

Alan E. Bernstein, ‘Teaching and preaching confession in thirteenth-century Paris’, in: The Devil, Heresy and Witchcraft in the Middle Ages: Essays in Honor of Jeffry B. Russell, ed. Alberto Ferreiro, Cultures, Beliefs and Traditions: Medieval and Early Modern Peoples, 6 (Leiden, 1998), 111-130.

Luciano Bertazzo, ‘Per una storia della predicazione francescana’, in: 800 anni in piena Regola. L’arte di seguire Francesco da Cimabue ai nostri giorni. Catalogo della Mostra, ed. Rosa Giorgi (Milan: Edizioni Biblioteca Francescana, 2009), 99-103.

Peter Biller, ‘The Preaching of the Waldensian Sisters’, Heresis 30 (1999), 137-168. Reprinted in his Variorum Collected Studies essay collection The Waldensians.

Elena Biondi, ‘Povertà e predicazione nella chiesa dei domenicani di Tolosa (I ‘Jacobins’)’, Rivista di Ascetica e Mistica 34 (2009), 773-814.

Debra J. Birch, ‘Jacques de Vitry and the ideology of pilgrimage’, in: Pilgrimage Explored, 79-93.

Jessalyn Bird, 'Medicine for Body and Soul: Jacques de Vitry’s Sermons to Hospitallers and their Charges', in: Religion and Medicine in the Middle Ages, ed. Peter Biller & Joseph Ziegler (York: York Medieval Press, 2001).

Alcuin Blamires, `Women and Preaching in Medieval Orthodoxy, Heresy, and Saints‘ Lives‘, Viator 26 (1995), 135-152.

Alcuin Blamires, ‘Beneath the pulpit’, in: The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Women’s Writing, ed. Carolyn Dinshaw & David Wallace, Cambridge Companions to Literature (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2003), 141-158. [on female church attendance, female preaching, the portrayal of women in sermons etc.]

Lyn Blanchfield, ‘The sincere body: the performance of weeping and emotion in late medieval Italian sermons’, Quidditas 20 (1999), 117-135.

J. Wheatley Blench, Preaching in England in the late Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries: A Study of English Sermons, 1450-c. 1600 (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1964).

Lina Bolzoni, ‘Predicazione e arte della memoria: un quaresimale di Bernardino da Siena e l’immagine del Serafino’, in: Musagetes: Festschrift für W. Prinz, ed. R. Kecks (Berlin, 1991).

Lina Bolzoni, La rete delle immagini. Predicazione in volgare dalla origini a Bernardino da Siena, Saggi, 846 (Turin: Einaudi, 2002)/Lina Bolzoni, La rete delle immagini. Predicazione in volgare dalla origini a Bernardino da Siena, Piccola biblioteca Einaudi, N.S., 473 (Turin: Einaudi, 2009). Translated as: The Web of Images: Vernacular Preaching from its Origins to St. Bernardino da Siena, trans. Carole Preston & Lisa Chien, History of Vision (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004).

Bonaventura, see Author database.

Karl Borchardt, ‘Casting Out Demons by Beelzebul: Did the Papal Preaching against the Albigensians Ruin the Crusades?’, in: La papauté et les croisades: actes du VIIe Congrès de la Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East, Avignon 27 - 31 aout 2008, ed. Michel Balard, Crusades subsidia, 3 (Farnham, 2011), 77-90.

Mishtooni Bose, ‘Can orthodoxy be charismatic?: The preaching of Jean Gerson’, in: Charisma and religious authority: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim preaching, 1200 - 1500, ed. Katherine Ludwig Jansen & Miri Rubin (Turnhout: Brepols, 2010), 215-233.

J.G. Bougerol, `La predicazione dei religiosi mendicanti del secolo xiii nell’Italia centrale’, in: Les ordres mendiants et la ville en Italie centrale, MEFR, moyen âge – temps modernes, 89 (Rome, 1977), 691-694.

Idem, `Les sermons dans les `studia’ des mendiants’, in: Le scuole degli ordini mendicanti (secoli xiii-xiv), Convegno del Centro di Studi sulla Spiritualità Medievale, XVII, 11-14 ottobre 1976 (Todi, 1978), 249-280.

Idem, ‘Saint François dans les premiers sermons universitaires’, in: San Francesco d‘Assisi nella storia (Rome, 1983) I, 173-199.

Idem, `Sermons inédits de maîtres franciscains du XIIIe siècle‘, AFH, 81 (1988), 17-49.

Idem, ‘Un sermon inédit de Saint Bonaventure’, Collectanea Franciscana 60: 1-2 (1990), 155-173. [contains also edition of a text from München, Bayerische Staatsbibl. clm 23372]

Idem, ‘La nouvelle édition critique des sermons de saint Bonaventure. Un bilan’, Revue Mabillon n.s. 4, 65 (1993), 49-82.

L. Bourgain, La chaire française au XIIe siècle, d‘après les manuscrits(Paris, 1879).

Jean-Paul Boyer, ‘Prédication et état napolitain dans la première moitié du XIVe siècle’, in: L’état angevin. Pouvoir, culture et société entre XIIIe et XIVe siècle, ed. André Vauchez, Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, Nuovi studi storici 45 (Rome, 1998), 127-157 [replete with an edition of a sermon by Barthélemy de Capoue]

L.E. Boyle, A study on the works attributed to William of Pagula with special references to the Oculus sacerdotis and Summa summarum Unpublished PhD Thesis, 2 Vols. (Oxford, 1956).

Idem, Pastoral Care, Clerical Education and Canon Law (London: Variorum Reprints, 1981).

Idem, ‘The inter-conciliar Period 1179-1215 and the Beginnings of Pastoral Manuals’, in: Miscellanea Rolando Bandinelli papa Alessandro III, ed. F. Fiotta (Siena, 1986), 45-56.

Annette Brasseur, Le Sermon d'Amiens. Anonyme du XIIIe siècle en langue vernaculaire, Textes littéraires français (Genève: Droz, 2018).

C. Brémond, J. Le Goff & J.-C. Schmitt, L‘‘exemplum‘, Typologie des sources du moyen âge occidental, 40 (Turnhout, 1982).

Dieter Breuer, ‘Der Prediger und die Macht der Phantasie: Besonderheiten der Barockpredigt’, Rottenburger Jahrbuch für Kirchengeschichte 16 (1997), 61-70.

I. Brian, 'Des professionels de la chaire dans la France de l'âge classique', Revuede synthèse 133:2 (2012), 251-272.

M.G. Briscoe-B.H. Jaye, Artes praedicandi-artes orandi, Typologie des sources du mogen âge occidental, 61 (Turnhout, 1992).

Marianne G. Briscoe, ‘How was the ars praedicandi taught in England?’, in: The Uses of Manuscripts in Literary Studies. Studies in honor of J.B. Allen (Kalamazoo, 1992), 41-58.

Caroline Bruzelius, Preaching, Building and Burying. Friars in the Medieval City(Yale University Press 2014).

Ph. Buc, ‘Vox clamantis in deserto? Pierre le Chantre et la prédication laïque’, Revue Mabillon n.s. 4, t. 65 (1993), 5-47.

Christoph Burger, ‘Preaching for Members of the University in Latin, for Parishioners in French: Jean Gerson (1363-1429) on ‘Blessed are they that mourn’’, in: Constructing the Medieval Sermon, ed. Roger Andersson, Sermo: Studies on Patristic, Medieval, and Reformation Sermons and Preaching, 6 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2007), 207-220.

Marjorie Burghart, Remploi textuel, invention et art de la mémoire: les Sermones ad status du franciscain Guibert de Tournai (†1284), Diss. Université Lyon 2 (Lyon, 2013).

C. Buridant, ‘Les proverbes et la prédication au Moyen Âge. De l‘utilisation des proverbes vulgaires dans les sermons’, in: Richesse du proverbe, vol. I: Le proverbe au Moyen Âge, ed. F. Suard & C. Buridant (Lille, 1984), 23-45.

Lluís Cabré, ‘Homilètica lulliana: context i públic a l’ombra de l’art’, Studia lulliana 40:96 (2000), 3-22.

Michele Camaioni, ‘Riforma capuccina e riforma urbana. Esiti politici della predicazione italiana di Bernardino Ochino’, Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia 67 (2013), 55-98.

M. Camaioni, ‘L’eredità di Bernardino Ochino. Predicazione eterodossa ed eresia tra i cappuccini dopo il 1542’, in: Ripensare la riforma protestante. Nuove prospettive degli studi italiani, ed. L. Felici (Turin: Claudiana, 2015), 73-94.

Michele Camaioni, ‘Capuchin Reform, Religious Dissent and Political Issues in Bernardino Ochino’s Preaching in and towards Italy (1535–1545)’, in: Religious Orders and Religious Identity Formation, ca. 1420–1620: Discourses and Strategies of Observance and Pastoral Engagement, ed. Bert Roest & Johanneke Uphoff (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2016), 214-234.

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Alan J. Fletcher, ‘Preaching in late-medieval Ireland: the English and the Latin tradition’, in: Irish Preaching, 700-1700, ed. Alan J. Fletcher & Raymond Gillespie (Dublin, 2001), 56-80.

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Franciscans and Preaching. Every Miracle from the Beginning of the World Came about through Words, ed. Timothy Johnson, The Medieval Franciscans, 7 (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2012) [With the following essays: Beverly M. Kienzle, ‘Foreword’, xi-xv; Timothy J. Johnson, ‘Introduction: The Franciscan Fascination with the Word’, 1-12; Michael W. Blastic, ‘Preaching in the Early Franciscan Movement’, 15-40; Darleen Pryds, ‘Franciscan Lay Women and the Charism to Preach’, 41-57; J.A. Wayne Hellmann, ‘A Theology of Preaching – A Theology of Transformation. The Life of St. Francis by Thomas of Celano’, 59-69; Timothy J. Johnson, ‘Franciscan Bodies and Souls: Bonaventure and Bacon on Scripture, Preaching and the Cura Corporis/Cura Animae’, 73-89; C.Colt Anderson, ‘Polemical Preaching at the University of Paris: Bonaventure’s Use of Paul as a Forerunner of Francis’, 91-113; Nicholas W. Youmans, ‘Haec Visio Rapit: Mystic Love and the Erotic in Bonaventure’s Sunday Sermons’, 115-143; Joshua C. Benson, ‘Matthew of Aquasparta’s Sermons on Theology’, 145-173; Patrick Nold, ‘Poverty, History, and Liturgy in a Sermon Work of Bertrand de la Tour’, 175-206; Alison More, ‘Gracious Women Seeking Glory: Clare of Assisi and Elisabeth of Hungary in Franciscan Sermons’, 209-230; Stephen Mossman, ‘Preaching on St. Francis in Medieval Germany’, 231-272; Michael Robson, ‘Sermons Preached to the Friars Minor in the Thirteenth Century’, 273-296; Amanda D. Quantz, ‘Focus on the Family: Bernardino da Siena on the Common Good and the Nefarious Other’, 299-325; Steven J. McMichael, ‘Roberto Caracciolo da Lecce and His Sermons on Muhammad and the Muslims (C. 1480)’, 327-352; Francisco Javier Rojo Alique’, Fifteenth-Century Franciscan Preachers in Castile’, 353-379; Bert Roest, “Ne Effluat in Multiloquium Et Habeatur Honerosus’: The Art of Preaching in the Franciscan Tradition’, 383-412; Jay M. Hammond, ‘The Counter Façade of the Basilica of St. Francis’, 413-449; Francesco Lucchini, ‘The Making of a Legend: The Reliquary of the Tongue and the Representation of St. Anthony of Padua as a Preacher’, 451-483].

Franciscan Evangelization: Striving to preach the Gospel, ed. Elisa Saggau (Saint Bonaventure NY: Franciscan Institute Publications, 2008). With essays by Dominic Monti, C. Colt Anderson, Darleen Pryds, Joseph Chinnici.

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Mara Ioratti, ‘When Words Alone are Not Enough: A Franciscan Preacher Facing a Reluctant Audience in Fifteenth-Century Italy’, in: From Words to Deeds: The Effectiveness of Preaching in the Late Middle Ages, ed. Maria Giuseppina Muzzarelli (Turnhout: Brepols, 2014), 225-235.

F. Iozzelli, ‘La predicazione a Parigi nel sec. XIII. A proposito di un’opera recente’, AFH 93 (2000), 515-526. [review article of N. Bériou, L’Avènement des maîtres de la parole. La prédication à Paris aux XIIIe siècle (Paris, 1998)]

Fortunato Iozzelli, ‘Cardinali, legati e ‘cura animarum’ in alcuni sermoni di Odo da Châteauroux’, in: Revirescunt chartae,881-957.

Fortunato Iozelli, ‘Il rinnovamento della predicazione nel XIII secolo’, Archivo Italiano per la Storia della Pietà 19 (2006), 1-23.

Fortunato Iozzelli, ‘Francesco d’Assisi 'buon samaritano' nella predicazione di Odo da Châteauroux', in: Litterae ex quibus nomen Dei componitur. Studi per l'ottantesimo compleanno di Giuseppe Avarucci, ed. Alexander Horowski, Bibliotheca Seraphico-Capuccina, 104 (Rome: Istituto Storico dei Cappuccini, 2016), 269-290.

I sermoni quaresimali: Digiuno del corpo, banchetto dell'anima/Lenten Sermons: Fast of the Body, Banquet of the Soul, ed. Pietro Delcorno, Eleonora Lombardo & Lorenzo Tromboni, (= Memorie Domenicane n.s. 48 (2017) (Florence: Nerbini, 2017). [a series of specialist articles on Lenten sermons (Sermoni quadragesimali) in the late middle ages and the sixteenth century, with contributions by Eleonora Lombardo (on fasting and Lent in sermons on Ash Wednesday), Linda G. Jones (On fasting in medieval Islamic Ramadan sermons), Jussi Hanska (On the Collations of Thomas Aquinas and the birth of Catechetic Lenten sermons), Andrea Giraudo (On Waldensian Lenten sermons), Valentina Berardini (on Holy Friday sermons and the discourse on food and nourishment), Carolina M. Losada (On purification, fasting and flesh in the Lenten sermons of Vicent Ferrer), Pietro Delcorno (On the preaching of Dante's Commedia in the Quadragesimale Peregrini), Stefan Visnjevac (On sermons for confessors), Coralba Colomba (On Nicholas of Cusa's Lenten sermon 221), Giulia Foladore (On fasting in the quadragesimal reportatio of Bernardino of Siena), Francesco Nocco and Filippo Sedda (On the Quadragesimale of Giacomo della Marca and edition info regarding Giovanni of Capestrano), Giacomo Mariani (On Roberto's Caracciolo's Quadragesimale de poenitentia), Lorenza Tromboni (On food metaphors in the Lenten sermons of Savonarola), Rita Voltmer (On the Lenten sermons of Johannes Geiler of Kaysersberg), Michele Camaioni (on 16th-century vernacular Lenten sermons, their polemics and innovative elements), Joachim Werz (On the condemnation of Catholic fasting in Lutheran Lenten sermons)]

Thomas M. Izbicki, ‘Pyres of Vanities: Mendicant Preaching on the Vanity of Women and Its lay Audience’, in: De Ore Domini: Preachers and Word in the Middle Ages, ed. Thomas L. Amos et al. (Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications, 1989), 211-234.

Jacques de Vitry, Sermones Vulgares, See: T.-F. Crane, The Exempla or Illustrative Stories from the Sermones Vulgares of Jacques de Vitry (London, 1890); Die Exempla des Jacob von Vitry, ed. G. Fraenken, Quellen und Untersuchungen zur lateinischen Philologie des Mittelalters, V/1 (Munich, 1914); Die Exempla aus den Sermones Feriales et Communes des Jacob von Vitry, ed. J. Greven, Sammlungen Mittel- lateinischer Texte (Heidelberg, 1914); Iacobus de Vitriaco Sermones ad vulgares vel ad status, ed. Jean Longère, Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis, 225 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2013).

Katherine Ludwig Jansen, The making of the Magdalen. Preaching and popular devotion in the Later Middle Ages (Princeton, NY Princeton University Press, 2000).

K.L. Jansen, `Mary Magdalen and the mendicants‘, Journal of medieval History 21 (1995), 1-25.

Katherine Jansen, ‘Preaching as Playwriting in Late Medieval Italy’, in: Defenders and Critics of Franciscan Life, 237-247.

Jean de La Rochelle, Processus negociandi themata sermonum, in: G. Cantini, ‘Processus negociandi themata sermonum di Giovanni della Rochelle, o.f.m.’, Antonianum 26 (1951), 247-270.

Jean Gobi, Scala Coeli, see: La Scala Coeli de Jean Gobi, ed. M.-A. Polo de Beaulieu, Sources d‘Histoire Médiévale (Paris: IRHT/CNRS, 1991).

Madeleine Jeay, ‘The ‘savage mind’ of late medieval preachers’, in: Medieval folkore: an interdisciplinary international Bi-annual journal dedicated to all aspects of folklore in the Middle Ages and XVIth Century 2 (1992), 49-66.

M. Jennings, The Ars Compondendi Sermones of Ranulph Higden O.S.B. (Leiden-New York-Copenhagen-Oslo: Brill, 1991).

M. Jennings, "Rhetor redivivus? Cicero in the Artes praedicandi‘, AHDLMA 56 (1989), 91-122.

Margaret Jennings, ‘Medieval thematic Preaching: A Ciceronian Second Coming’, in: The Rhetoric of Cicero, 313-334.

Pilar Jiménez Sánchez, ‘Le Traité cathare anonyme: un recueil d’autorités à l’usage des prédicateurs cathares?’, Heresis 31 (1999), 73-100.

Holly Johnson, ‘The divine dinner party: domestic imagery and Easter preaching in late medieval England’, Traditio 67 (2012), 385-415.

Timothy J. Johnson, ‘Preaching precedes theology: Roger Bacon on the failure of mendicant education’, Franciscan Studies 68 (2010), 83-95.

Timothy J. Johnson, 'Fides ex auditu: Alexander of Hales and the Franciscan School on the Ministry of Preaching', Franciscan Studies 78 (2020), 51-66.

Linda Gale Jones, ‘Bodily Performances and Body Talk in Medieval Islamic Preaching’, in: The ends of the body. Identity and community in medieval culture, ed. Suzanne Conklin Akbari & Jill Ross (Toronto: U. of Toronto, 2013), 211-238.

M.D. Jordan, `The Care of Souls and the Rhetoric of Moral Teaching in Bonaventure and Thomas’, Spirit and Life. A Journal of Contemporary Franciscanism, 4 (New York, 1993).

T. Kaeppeli, ‘‘Praedicator monoculus’. Sermons parisiens de la fin du XIIIe s. (1293-1294)’, Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum 27 (1957), 120-167.

Ji-Soo Kang, ‘The significance of the Eucharist scenes in the Croxton Play of the Sacrament’, Medieval English Studies (Korea) 9:2 (2001), 131-153. [argues that the play should be read in the context of medieval sermons and signals the ‘sermon structure’ of the play]

Sini Kangas, ‘A Great Stirring of Hearts or Papal Inspiration? Contesting Popular Authority in the Preaching of the First Crusade’, in: Authorities in the Middle Ages. Influence, Legitimacy and Power, ed. Sini Kangas, Mia Korpiola & Tuija Ainonen (Berlin, 2012), 55-68.

Robert J. Karris, ‘St. Bernardine of Siena and the Gospel of Divine Mercy (Luke 15, 11-32), Franciscan Studies 62 (2004), 31-66. On the form of Sermon XXIV of Bernardine’s De Christiana Religioneand its use of the parable of the Prodigal Son. Article contains an annotated translation of the sermon.

Katalog der Leichenpredigten und sonstiger Trauerschriften in der Christian-Weise-Bibliothek zu Zittau. 3 Vols., Marburger Personalschriften-Forschungen, 25) (Stuttgart, J. Thorbecke, 1999).

Katalog der Leichenpredigten und sonstiger Trauerschriften in der Hessischen Landesbibliothek Wiesbaden, ed. R. Lenz, Marburger Personalschriften-Forschungen, 23 (Stuttgart, J. Thorbecke, 1999).

Katalog der Leichenpredigten und sonstiger Trauerschriften in oberschlesischen Bibliotheken und Archiven, Marburger Personalschriften-Forschungen, 30 (Stuttgart, J. Thorbecke, 2000).

Annette Kehnel, ‘Poets, preachers and friars revisited: fourteenth-century multilingual Franciscan manuscripts’, in: The Beginnings of Standardization: Language and Culture in Fourteenth-Century England, ed. Ursula Schaeffer, Studies in English Medieval Language and Literature, 15 (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2006), 91-114 [suggests that the Franciscan use of the vernacular went beyond its usefulness for preaching].

Erick Kelemen, ‘Drama in sermons: quotation, performativity and conversion in a Middle English sermon on the prodigal son and in A Tretise of Miraclis Pleyinge’,ELH: Journal of English Literary History 69:1 (2002), 1-19.

G.-A. Kennedy, Classical Rhetoric and its Christian and Secular Tradition from Ancient to Modern Times (The University of New Carolina Press, 1980).

Paul Keppler, `Zur Passionspredigt des Mittelalters‘, Historisches Jahrbuch 3 (1882), 285-315 & 4 (1883), 161-188.

Idem, `Beiträge zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Predigt‘, Theologische Quartalschrift 74 (1892), 52-120 & 179-212.

Beverly Mayne Kienzle, ‘Operatrix in vinea Domini: Hildegard of Bingen’spreaching and polemics against the Cathars’, Heresis 26-27 (1996), 43-56.

Beverly Mayne Kienzle, ‘Henry of Clairvaux and the 1178 and 1181 missions’, Heresis 28 (1997), 63-87.

Beverly Mayne Kienzle, ‘Holiness and obedience: denouncement of twelfth-century Waldensian lay preaching’, in: The Devil, Heresy and Witchcraft in the Middle Ages: Essays in Honor of Jeffrey B. Russell, ed. Alberto Ferreiro, Cultures, Beliefs and Traditions: Medieval and Early Modern Peoples, 6 (Leiden,1998), 259-278.

Beverly Mayne Kienzle, ‘Preaching as touchstone of orthodoxy and dissidence in the Middle Ages’, Medieval Sermon Studies 43 (1999), 19-54. This article appeared in French in Heresis 30 (1999), 11-151.

Beverly Mayne Kienzle, The Sermon, Typologie des sources du MA Occidental 81-83 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2000).

Beverly Mayne Kienzle, ‘Margherita of Cortona: Women, Preaching, and the Writing of Hagiography’, Medieval Sermon Studies 54 (2010), 38-50.

Beverly Mayne Kienzle, ‘Catherine of Siena, Preaching, and Hagiography in Renaissance Tuscany’, in: A Companion to Catherine of Siena, ed. George P. Ferzoco, Carolyn Muessig & Beverly Mayne Kienzle (Leiden: Brill, 2012), 127-154.

Yoko Kimura, ‘Predicazione ‘di routine’ di fine Quattrocento. Il diario di un anonimo predicatore francescano (Biblioteca Comunale di Foligno, MS. C. 85’, AFH 106:3-4 (2013), 585-598. This discusses a ‘preaching diary’ of an anonymous Franciscan preacher, active between 1484-1507. The article builds on the work of M. Sensi, ‘Predicazione itinerante a Foligno nel secolo XV’, Picenum Seraphicum 10 (1973), 139-195 (esp. pp. 145-147 & 190-193). Sensi thought the preacher was maybe Bernardino da Foligno. Kimura does not want to confirm this but confirms the diary was the work of an Observant Franciscan friar. The sermons referred to and partly recorded are general sermons to towns people (one de tempre cycle, 20 quaresimal cycles, 9 Advent cycles, and a few individual sermons), and sermons to groups of religious people (friars in chapter, nuns, tertiaries, confraternities, as well as sermons/preaching occasions in dominican and benedictine churches. The diary provides info on the towns in which the preacher preached and normally provides the theme and the divisiones, auctoritates, exempla info of the sermons.

Sean Kinsella, “The Lord give you peace’: the preaching of peace in the writings and early lives of St. Francis of Assisi’, Mediaevistik 16 (2003), 51-99.

Hans-Martin Kirn, ‘Contemptus mundi-contemptus Judaei? Nachfolgeideale und Antijudaismus in der spätmittelalterlichen predigtliteratur’, in: Spätmittelalterliche Frömmigkeit zwischen Ideal und Praxis, ed. Berndt Hamm & Thomas Lentes, Spätmittelalter und Reformation, Neue Reihe, 15 (Tübingen, 2001), 147-178

Thomas Klosterkamp, Katholische Volksmission in Deutschland, Erfurter Theologische Studien, 83 (Leipzig: St. Benno Verlag, 2002).

S. Knoblock, `Kapuzinerpredigt‘, LThK 3rd. ed., V, 1227f

Boguslaw Kochaniewicz, ‘La Vergine Maria nella predicazione barocca’, Theodokos 16 (2008), 245-264.

Shawn Madison Kramer, ‘Aelred of Rievaulx and the feminine in the Marian sermons for the feasts of the Assumption and Purification’, Cistercian Studies Quarterly 35:2 (2000), 459-478.

Udo Kühne, ‘Die Lehre vom Predigtaufbau in frühen Artes praedicandi’, Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 40:2 (2005), 171-190.

F.L. Landmann, `Zum Predigtwesen der Straßburger Franziskanerprovinz in der letzten Zeit des Mittelalters’, Franziskanische Studien, 13 (1926), 337-365; 14 (1927), 297-332; 15 (1928), 96-120, 316-348.

Idem, `Die spätmittelalterliche Predigt der Franziskanerkonventualen nach den handschriften der Konsistorialbibliothek zu Colmar‘, Archiv für elsässische Kirchengeschichte, 5 (1930), 19-88.

Bernhard Lang, ‘Predigt als intellektuelles Ritual'. Eine Grundform religiöser Kommunikation kulturwissenschaftlich betrachtet’, in: Literarische und religiöse Kommunikation in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit, ed. Peter Strohschneider (Berlin, 2009), 292-323.

Odd Langholm, 'The Economic Ethic of the Mendicant Orders: a Paradigm and a Legacy', in: Etica e politica: le teorie dei frati mendicanti nel Due e Trecento (Spoleto: Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 1999), 153-172.

Ch.-V. Langlois, ‘L‘éloquence sacrée au Moyen Âge‘, Revue des Deux Mondes 115 (Jan. 1893), 170-200.

La parole du prédicateur ve-xve siècle, Collection du centre d’étude médiévale de Nice, 1 (Nice, 1997).

La parole du prédicateur (Ve-XVe siècle), ed. R.M. Dessi & M. Lauwers, Collection d’Études médiévales de Nice, 1 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2005). Reprint

La Parole publique en ville des Réformes à la Révolution, ed. Stefano Simiz (Villeneuve d’Ascq: Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2012).

Anthony John Lappin, ‘From Osma to Bologna, from Canons to Friars, from the Preaching to the Preachers: the Dominican Path Towards Mendicancy’, in: The origin, development, and refinement of medieval religious mendicancies, ed. Donald Prudlo, Brill’s companions to the Christian tradition, 24 (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2011), 31-58.

La predicación medieval: sermones cristianos, judíos e islámicos en el Mediterráneo / Medieval Preaching: Christian, Jewish and Islamic Sermons in the Mediterranean, ed. by Linda G. Jones, in: Anuario de Estudios Medievales 42/1 (2012), 1-300. This is an interesting volume on late medieval preaching with contributions by a large number of specialists.

La prédication en Pays d’Oc (XIIe-début XVe siècle), Cahiers de Fanjeaux 32 (Toulouse, 1997).

La predicazione dei frati dalla metà del‘200 alla fine del ‘300, Atti del XXII° Convegno internazionale di studi francescani, Società internazionale di studi francescani Assisi (Spoleto, 1995).

La predicazione in Italia dopo il concilio di Trento tra cinquecento e settecento, ed. G. Martina & U. Dovere (Rome: Edizioni Dehoniane, 1996).

La predicazione nel Seicento, ed. Maria Luisa Doglio & Carlo Delcorno, Studi della Fondazione Michele Pellegrino (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2009).

Béatrice Lavène, ‘Une collation d’Armand de Belvézer pour le temps du Carême: Loquentur omnes qui operantur injusticiam’, Heresis 31 (1999), 37-53.

L. Lazzerini, `Per latinos grossos. Studio sui sermoni mescidati‘, Studi di filologia italiana, 29 (1971), 219-339.

J. Leclercq, ‘Le magistère du prédicateur au xiiie siècle‘, AHDLMA 15 (1946), 105-147.

J. Leclercq, ‘Saint Bernard prêcheur‘, in: Mélanges Chenu (Paris, 1967), 345-362.

Jean Leclercq, Predicare nel Medioevo, trans. Antonio Tombolini (Milan: Jaca Books, 1999).

A. Lecoy de la Marche, La chaire française au Moyen Âge, spécialement au XIIIe siècle 2e Éd. (Paris, 1886).

P. Lehmann, Die Parodie im Mittelalter (Munich, 1922).

P. Lehmann, Parodische Texte-Beispiele zur Lateinischen Parodie im Mittelalter (Munich, 1923).

L’Éloquence de la chaire entre écriture et oralité (XIIIe-XVIIIe siècles). Actes du colloque international de Genève, 11-12 septembre 2014, Gabriel Aubert, Amy Heneveld & Cinthia Meli: Colloques, congres et conférences sur le Classicisme, 20 (Paris: Editions Honoré Champion, 2018).

Le missioni popolari della Congregazione della Missione nei sec. XVII-XVIII. Studi e documenti, ed. Luigi Mezzadri, 2nd ed. (Rome: Ed. Vincenziane, 2002).

Le rire du prédicateur. Récits facétieux du moyen âge, Miroir du Moyen-Âge (Turnhout: Brepols, 1992 & 1999).

Robert E. Lerner, ‘A Collection of sermons given at Paris ca. 1267, includin a new text by Saint Bonaventure on the life of saint Francis’, Speculum 49 (1974), 456-498.

Robert E. Lerner, ‘Preaching in Paris in the thirteenth century: A Review of Nicole Bériou, “L’avènement des maîtres de la Parole”’,  Franciscana 2 (2000) 185-200.

Les Exempla Médiévaux: Nouvelles perspectives, ed. Jacques Berlioz& Marie Anne Polo de Beaulieu (Paris: Honoré Champion, 1998).

Le temps des beaux sermons, ed. J.-P. Landry (Lyon, 2006). On 'magnificent' preaching in the baroque era.

Letteratura in Forma di Sermone. I rapporti tra predicazione e letteratura nei secoli XIII-XVI, ed. Ginetta Auzzas, Giovanni Baffetti & Carlo Delcorno, Biblioteca di ‘Lettere Italiane. Studi e testi LX (Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 2003).

P.O. Lewry, ‘Rhetoric at Paris and Oxford in the Mid-Thirteenth Century‘, A Journal of the History of Rhetoric, Rhetorica 1 (1983), 45-63.

Peter Linehan, “Quedam de quibus dubitans’: on preaching the crusade in Alfonso X’s Castile’, Historia. Instituciones. Documentos 27 (2000), 129-154. Also published in Idem, Historical memory and clerical activity in medieval Spain and Portugal (Farnham, 2012) Pt. X, 129-154.

Joseph C. Link, Fully Instructed and Vehemently Influenced: Catholic Preaching in Anglo-Colonial America (Philadelphia: St. Joseph’s University Press, 2002).

Anton Linsenmayer, Geschichte der Predigt in Deutschland von Karl dem Großen bis zum Ausgange des vierzehnten Jahrhunderts (München, 1886).

A.G. Little & F. Pelster, Oxford Theology and Theolologians, II: Sermons and Preachers at the University of Oxford in the years 1290-1293 (Oxford, 1934).

Anette Löffler, ‘Die ‘Postilla Evangeliorum’ des Johannes de Sancto Laurentio’, in: Constructing the Medieval Sermon, ed. Roger Andersson, Sermo: Studies on Patristic, Medieval, and Reformation Sermons and Preaching, 6 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2007), 309-323.

Peter V. Loewen, ‘The Conversion of Mary Magdalene and the Musical Legacy of Franciscan Piety in the Early German Passion Plays‘, in: Speculum Sermonis. Interdisciplinary Reflections on the Medieval Sermon, ed. G. Donavin, C. Nederman & R. Utz, Disputatio, 1 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2005), 233-256.

Peter Victor Loewen, ‘Mary Magdalene Converts Her Vanities through Song: Signs of Franciscan Spirituality and Preaching in Late-Medieval German Drama’, in: Mary Magdalene in Medieval Culture. Conflicted roles (2014), 181-207.

Eleonora Lombardo, ‘I sermones de sancto Antonio tra XIII e XIV secolo. Status quaestionis ed edizione del sermone Venezia, Lat. Z, 158 (1779), ff. 120v-122v’, Il Santo 52 (2012).

Eleonora Lombardo, 'La production homilétique franciscaine. Quelques considerations pour une approche structurel aux premières recueils des sermons des frères mineurs', Études Franciscaines n.s. 1:5 (2012), 85-110.

Eleonora Lombardo, ‘Les sermons sur saint Antoine et le bon usage de la prédication come ‘vertu’’, Medieval Sermon Studies 56 (2012), 46-62.

Eleonora Lombardo, ‘Predicare la santità. L’evoluzione dell'immagine di sant’Antonio di Padova in alcuni sermoni medievali’, Il Santo 54 (2014), 357-378.

Eleonora Lombardo, 'The Shepherd and the Flock: An Approach to the Preacher's Role in Some Franciscan Sermon Collections', in: The English Province of the Franciscans (1224-c.1350), ed. Michael Robson (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2017), 193-213.

J. Longère, Oeuvres oratoires de maîtres parisiens au XIIe siècle. Étude historique et doctrinale, 2 Vols. (Paris, 1975).

J. Longère, La prédication médiévale, Études augustiniennes (Paris, 1983).

J. Longère, ‘La prédication en langue latine‘, in: Le Moyen Âge et la Bible, ed. P. Riché & G. Lobrichon (Paris: Beauchesne, 1984), 517-535.

J. Longère, ‘Quatre sermons ad religiosas de Jacques de Vitry‘, in: Les religieuses en France au XIIIe siècle (Nancy, P.U., 1985), 215-300.

J. Longère, ‘Les chanoines réguliers d‘après trois prédicateurs du xiiie siècle: Jacques de Vitry, Guibert de Tournai, Humbert de Romans‘, in: Le monde des chanoines (xie-xive s.), Cahiers de Fanjeaux, 24 (Toulouse: Privat, 1989), 257-283.

E. Longpré, ` Les Distinctiones de Fr. Thomas de Pavie‘, AFH 16 (1925), 3-33.

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L. Luszczki, ‘De quibusdam sermonibus sancti Bernardini Senensi a sancto Iohanne Capistranensi reportatis‘, AFH 49 (1956), 345-351.

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Idem &J. Berlioz, Le rire du prédicateur. Récits facétieux du moyen âge(Turnhout-Paris, 1992).

Beatriz Marcotegui Barber, Instructio morum et fidei. La predicación en el Reino de Navarra en el siglo XV (Pamplona: Gibierno de Navarra, 2009).

Antonio Marson Franchini, ‘I sermones ad status del XIII secolto rivolti agli studenti: i vizi del mondo accademico medievale’ (unpublished Tesi di Laurea Magistrale, Università di Bologna, 2016).

Heinrich Marti, ‘Lateinische Predigten zwischen Mündlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit’, Museum Helveticum 62:2 (2005), 105-125.

Hervé Martin, ‘L‘Écriture dans la prédication au XVe s.‘, Études théologiques et religieuses 50 (Montpellier, 1975), 273-286.

Hervé Martin, ‘Les prédicateurs franciscains dans les provinces septentionales de la France au XVe siècle’, in: I frati minori tra ‘400 e ‘500, Atti del XII Convegno Internazionale Assisi, 18-19-20 ottobre 1984 (Assisi, 1986), 229-256.

H. Martin, Le métier du prédicateur à la fin du moyen âge (1350-1520) (Paris, 1988).

H. Martin, Le ministère de la parole en France septentionale: de la Peste Noire à la Réforme (Lille, 1988).

Hervé Martin, 'La chaire, la prédication et la construction du public des croyants à la fin du Moyen Âge', Politix 7:26 (Deuxième trimestre 1994), 42-50.

Hervé Martin, ‘Les sermons du bas Moyen Âge. Un réexamen en cours’, Rev. Hist. Égl. France 86 (2000), 447-458.

Hervé Martin,‘Le prédicateur polonais Pérégrin d’Opole (vers 1260-vers 1330) évoque la figure de saint Adalbert’, Revue du Nord-Histoire 86, 356-357 (2004), 709-717.

Milton McCatch, ‘Eschatology in the anonymous Old English homilies’, in: Idem, Eschatology and Christian Nurture. Themes in Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Religious Life, Variorum Collected Studies Series 681 (Aldershot, 2000), 117-165.

Milton McCatch, ‘The achievement of Aelfric and his colleagues in European perspective’, in: Idem, Eschatology and Christian Nurture. Themes in Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Religious Life, Variorum Collected Studies Series 681 (Aldershot, 2000), 43-73.

J.I.H. McDonald, Kerygma and Didache. The Articulation and Structure of the Earliest Christian Message (Cambridge, 1980).

James McEvoy, ‘The edition of a sermon on the decalogue attributed to Robert Grosseteste’, Recherches de théologie et philosophie médiévales 68:2 (2001), 228-244.

M. McGatch, Preaching and Theology in Anglo-Saxon England (Toronto, 1977).

Frederick McGinness, Rhetoric and Counter-Reformation Rome. Sacred Oratory and the Construction of the Catholic World View (Ann Arbor, 1982).

Frederick McGinness,‘Preaching Ideals and Practices in Counter-Reformation Rome‘, Sixteenth Century Journal 11 (1980), 109-127.

Frederik McGinness, Right Thinking and Sacred Oratory in Counter-Reformation Rome (Princeton, 1995).

Steven J. McMichael, 'Francis of Assisi and Anthony of Lisbon/Padua as Model Preachers in the Conformities of Bartholomew of Pisa (d. 14010', in: 'Non enim fuerat Evangelii surdus auditor...' (1 Celano 22). Essays in Honor of Michael W. Blastic, O.F.M. on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday, ed. Michael F. Cusato & Steven J, McMichael, The Medieval Franciscans, 18 (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2020), 223-246.

Martin McNamara, ‘Irish homilies A.D. 600-1100’, in: Via Crucis. Essays on Early Medieval Sources and Ideas in Memory of J.E. Cross, ed. Thomas M. Hall (Morgantown: West Virginia UP, 2002), 235-284.

J. McVann, The Canon Law on Sermon Preaching (Washington, 1940).

Medieval Eloquence Studies in the Theory and Practice, ed. J.J. Murphy (Berkeley-Los Angeles-London, 1978).

Medieval Marriage Sermons. Mass Communication in a Culture Without Print, ed. David D’Avray (Oxford, 2001).

Medieval Monastic Preaching, ed. Carolyn Muessig, Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History 90 (Leiden: Brill, 1998) [contains many interesting articles on medieval preaching within monastic contexts, both for male and female religious communities throughout the Middle Ages]

Medieval Sermons and Society, ed. Jacqueline Hamesse et al., Textes et études du Moyen Age 9 (Louvin-La Neuve, 1998) [good articles by Roberts, Chiewer, etc. on the function and impact of sermons in medieval urban and university centres]

Medieval Sermon Studies Newsletter>> important periodical of the Medieval Sermon Studies Society.

G.G. Meersseman, `Predicatori laici nelle confraternite medievali’, in: Idem, Ordo fraternitatis, III.

G.G. Meersseman, ‘La prédication dominicaine dans les congrégations mariales en Italie au XIIIe s.’, AFP 18 (1948), 131-161.

Bonaventura von Mehr, ‘Recentes collationes ad historiam praedicationis’, Collectanea Franciscana 10 (1940), 534-536.

Idem, ‘De historiae predicationis, praesertimin Ordine Fratrum Minorum Capuccinorum, scientifica pervestigatio’, Collectanea Franciscana 11 (1941), 373-422 &12 (1942), 5-41.

Idem, Das Predigtwesen in der Kölnischen und Rheinischen Kapuzinerprovinz im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert (Rome, 1945).

Idem, ‘Ueber neuere Beiträge zur Geschichte der vortridentinischen franziskanischen Predigt‘, Collectanea Franciscana 18 (1948), 245-258.

Mary Melone, ‘Vivere la fede tra decisione e responsibilità: la prospettiva dei Sermoni di Antonio di Padova’, Antonianum 88 (2013), 371-389.

E. Menestò (ed.), La predicazione dei fratri dalla metà del ‘200 alla fine del ’300, Atti del XXII Convegno Internazionale, Assisi, 13-15 ottobre 1994 (Spoleto, 1995).

M. Menzel, `Predigt und Predigtorganisation im Mittelalter’, Historisches Jahrbuch 111 (1991), 337-384.

M. Menzel, Predigt und Geschichte. Historische Exempel in der geistlichen Rhetorik des Mittelalters (Cologe-Vienna: Böhlau-Verlag, 1998).

Tom Mertens, ‘Er zullen tekenen zijn aan zon, maan en sterren. Het einde der tijden in Middelnederlandse evangeliepreken’, Queeste 7:2 (2000), 128-142.

Tom Mertens, ‘Ghostwriting sisters: the preservation of Dutch sermons of father confessors in the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries’, in: Seeing and Knowing: Women and Learning in Medieval Europe, 1200-1550, ed. Anneke B. Mulder-Bakker, Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts, 11 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2004), 121-141. On the compilation and edition of the sermons of Jan Storm in the female convent of Jericho (Brussels). The article includes a transcription and English translation of the prologue by Margriet van Steenbergen to one of the sermon collections (MS Ghent, University Library 902).

Thom Mertens, ‘The Sermons of Johannes Brugman OFM (d. 1473)’, in: Constructing the Medieval Sermon, ed. Roger Andersson, Sermo: Studies on Patristic, Medieval, and Reformation Sermons and Preaching, 6 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2007), 253-274.

Volker Mertens, ‘Schwellentexte autorzentrierter Predigten im 16. Jahrhundert’, in: Textsorten deutscher Prosa vom 12./13. bis 18. Jahrhundert und ihre Merkmale. Akten zum Internationalen Kongress in Berlin 20.-22. September 1999, ed. Franz Simmler (Bern-Berlin-Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang, 2002).

Pietro Messa, ‘La predicazione sociale dei francescani nella seconda metà del Quattrocento’, in: Monti di Pietà e Monti Frumentari tra Umbria e Marche (Foligno: Cassa di Risparmio di Foligno S.P.A., 2006).

Carolina Miceli, ‘Un sermonario: ‘strumento’ di esercizio per un futuro maestro e vescovo?’, in: Francescanesimo e cultura nella Provincia di Catania: atti del convegno di studio (Catania 21-22 dicembre 2007), ed. Nicoletta Grisanti, Collana Franciscana, 25 (Palermo: Biblioteca Francescana: Officina di studi medievali, 2008), 129-136.

P. Michaud-Quantin, ‘Les méthodes de la pastorale au xiiie au xve s.’, in: Methoden im Wissenschaaft und Kunst des Mittelalters (Berlin, 1970), 76-91.

Emily Michelson, The Pulpit and the Press in Reformation Italy (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2013).

Emily Michelson, ‘Dramatics in (and out of) the Pulpit in post-Tridentine Italy’, The Italianist 34:3 (2014), 449-462.

Emily Michelson, ‘How to Write a Conversionary Sermon: Rhetorical Influences and Religious Identity’, in: Religious Orders and Religious Identity Formation, ca. 1420–1620: Discourses and Strategies of Observance and Pastoral Engagement, ed. Bert Roest & Johanneke Uphoff (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2016), 235-251.

Gunnar Mikosch, ‘Von alter ê und ungetriuwen Juden’. Juden und Judendiskurse in den deutschen Predigten des 12. Und 13. Jahrhunderts (Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 2010).

Bruce Milem, ‘Meister Eckhart’s Vernacular Preaching’, in: A companion to Meister Eckhart, ed. Jeremiah M.G. Hackett, Brill’s companions to the Christian tradition, 36 (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2013), 337-358.

Stephen J. Milner, ‘Communication, concensus, and conflict: Rhetorical precepts, the ‘Ars concionandi’, and social ordering in Late Medieval Italy’, in: The Rhetoric of Cicero, 365-408.

Ministerium sermonis. Philological, Historical and Theological Studies on Augustine's Sermones ad Populum, ed. G. Partoens, A. Dupont & M. Lamberigts, IPM, 53 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2010).

Ramon Miró Baldrich, ‘Predicar la Quaresma a Cervera als segles XV i XVI’, Estudis de llengua i literatura catalanes 30 (1995), 81-107.

Models of Holiness in Medieval Sermons, ed. B. Mayne Kienzle, F.I.D.E.M.-Textes et Études du Moyen Âge 5 (Louvain-la-Neuve, 1996).

Modern Questions about Medieval Sermons: Essays on Marriage, Death, History and Sanctity, ed. Nicole Bériou & David L. D’Avray, Biblioteca di Medioevo Latino, 11 (Spoleto: Centro Italiano di Studi sull’Alto Medioevo, 1994).

C. Mohrmann, ‘Praedicare-Tractare-Sermo. Essai sur la terminologie de la prédication paléochrétienne’, in: Idem, Études sur le latin des chrétiens (Rome, 1977) II, 63-72.

Maria A. Moisa, 'Fourteenth-Century Preachers’ Views of the Poor: Class or Status Group?', in: Culture, Ideology and Politics: Essays for Eric Hobsbawm, ed. Raphael Samuel and Gareth Stedman Jones (London: Routledge, 1982), 166-168.

Maria Cândida Monteiro, ‘Fundamentos da praedicatio no sermonário de frei Paio de Coimbra’, in: Pensamiento medieval hispano: Homenaje a Horacio Santiago-Otero, ed. José Maria Soto Rábanos (Madrid, 1998), 1017-1036.

M. Montesano, ‘Supra acqua et supra advento’. ‘Superstixioni’, ‘maleficia e incantamenta’ nei predicatori francescani osservanti (Italia, sec. XV)’, Nuovi Studi Storici 46 (Rome, 1999).

Angela Montford, ‘To preach and to pray: considerations of occupational health in the mendicant orders’, in: The Use and Abuse of Time in Christian History: Papers Read at the 1999 Summer Meeting and the 2000 Winter Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society, ed. R.N. Swanson, Studies in Church History, 37 (Woodbridge, Suffolk: Boydell & Brewer, 2002), 95-106.

Monti di Pietà e Monti Frumentari tra Umbria e Marche, ed. Denio D’Ingecco et al. (Foligno: Cassa di Risparmio di Foligno, 2006). On social preaching of the friars (such as Bernardino da Feltro) and the erection of Monti di Pietà.

Peter C.A. Morée, Preaching in Fourteenth-Century Bohemia. The Life and Ideas of Milicius de Chremsir (d. 1374) and his Significancy in the Historiography of Bohemia (Herspice, 1999).

Tribout de Morembert, La prédication à Metz au XVII siècle', in: Bossuet. La prédication au XVII siècle, Colloque de Dijon de 1977 (Paris, 1980), 129-137.

F. Morenzoni, ‘Aux origines des Artes Praedicandi: le De artificioso modo predicandi d‘Alexandre d‘Ashby‘, Studi medievali 3rd ser. 32:2 (1991), 887-935.

F. Morenzoni, Des écoles aux paroisses. Thomas de Chobham et la promotion de la prédication au début du xiiie siècle (Paris: IEA, 1995).

F. Morenzoni, ‘La littérature des Artes praedicandi de la fin du xiie au début du xve siècle‘, in: Sprachtheorien in Spätantike und Mittelalter, ed. Sten Ebbesen (Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 1995), 339-359.

Franco Morenzoni, ‘A propos d'une Ars praedicandi attribuée à Nicole Oresme’, Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 99:1-2 (2006), 251-281.

Franco Mormando, ‘‘Virtual Death’ in the Middle Ages: The Apotheosis of Mary Magdalene in Popular Preaching’, in: Death and Dying in the Middle Ages, ed. Edelgard DuBruck & Barbara I. Gusick (New York, 2000).

Franco Mormando, The Preacher’s Demons. Bernardino of Siena and the Social Underworld of Early Renaissance Italy (Chicago-London, 1999).

Christian Mouchel, Rome franciscaine. Essai sur l’histoire de l’éloquence dans l’Ordre des Frères Mineurs au XVIe siècle, Bibliothèque littéraire de la Renaissance. Sér. 3, t. 48 (Paris, 2001).

Anne Müller, ‘Nudis pedibus ad remotissimas partes mundi. Armut und Demut als ‘Rüstzeug‘ mendikanitischer Heidenprediger’, in: In proposito paupertatis. Studien zum Armutsverständnis bei den mittelalterlichen Bettelorden, ed. Gert Melville & Annette Kehnel (Münster, 2001), 117-134.

Carolyn Muessig, ‘Bibliography’, Medieval Sermon Studies 43 (1999), 117-126.

Carolyn Muessig, ‘Sermon, preacher and society in the Middle Ages’, Journal of Medieval History 28:1 (2002), 73-91.

Carolyn Muessig, ‘Audience and Preacher: ‘Ad Status’ sermons and social classification’, in: Preacher, Sermon and Audience in the Middle Ages, ed. Carolyn Muessig, A New History of the Sermon, 3 (Leiden-Boston-Cologne: Brill, 2002), 255-276.

Carolyn Muessig, ‘The Sermones feriales et communes of Jacques de Vitry: a critical edition of Sermons 10 and 11 onanimals, part I’, Medieval Sermon Studies 47 (2003), 33-49.

Carolyn Muessig, ‘Preaching the Beatitudes in the Late Middle Ages: Some Mendicant Examples’, Studies in Christian Ethics 22:2 (2009), 136-150. [with reference to Francis of Assisi, Bonaventure, Thomas Aquinas and Bernardino of Siena]

Michèle M. Mulchahey, ‘Praedicator in conventu: a hitherto unremarked preaching office in the medieval Dominican order’, in: Roma, Magistra Mundi: Itineraria Culturae Medievalis. Mélanges offerts à Père L.E. Boyle à l’occasion de son 75e anniversaire, ed. J. Hamesse (Louvain-la-Neuve, 1998), II, 627-653.

J.J. Murphy, Medieval Rhetoric, a select bibliography (Toronto, 1971).

J.J. Murphy, Rhetoric in the Middle Ages. A History of Rhetorical Theory from Saint Augustine to the Renaissance (Berkeley-Los Angeles-London, 1974).

James J. Murphy, ‘Western rhetoric in the Middle Ages’, in: Idem, Latin Rhetoric and Education in the Middle Ages, Variorum Collected Studies Series, 827 (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005) I:1-26.

Stephan Murray, A Gothic Sermon: Making a Contract with the Mother of God, Saint Mary of Amiens (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004).

Maria Giuseppina Muzzarelli, Pescatori di uomini. Predicatori e piazze alla fine del Medioevo, Biblioteca storica (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2005).

László Szelestei Nagy, Magyar ferencesek prédikácios gyakorlata a 17. száradban. Csíksomlyói kéziratos prédikációk (Piliscsaba, 2003). A study on Hungarian Franciscan preaching in the seventeenth century, with information on sermon manuscripts from the Csíksomlyó friary. Cf. review in AFH 99 (2006), 358-359.

Lidia Negoi, 'Ideas of poverty in late medieval Dominican preaching materials from Catalonia and Aragon', in: Poverty and Devotion in Mendicant Cultures, 1200–1450, ed. Constant J. Mews & Anna Welch (London: Routledge, 2016).

Fernando Negredo del Cerro, Los predicadores de Felipe IV. Corte, intrigas y religión en la España del Siglo de Oro (Madrid: Actas, 2006).

Simona Negruzzo, ‘Le missioni interne dal XVI al XX secolo (Francia, Italia) (Chambéry, 18-20 marzo 1999’, Riv.Stor. Chiesa Italia 54 (2000), 275-283.

Bronwen Neil, ‘Pagan Ritual and Christian Liturgy: Leo the Great’s Preaching on Sun-Worship’, in: Liturgie und Ritual in der Alten Kirche: Patristische Beiträge zum Studium der gottesdienstlichen Quellen der Alten Kirche, ed. Wolfram Kinzig, Wolfram, Ulrich Volp & J. Schmidt (Leuven: Peeters, 2011), 127-142.

Dagmar Neuendorff, ‘Bruoder Berthold sprichet-aber spricht er wirklich? Zur Rhetorik in Berthold von Regensburg zugeschriebenen deutschen Predigten’, Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 101:2 (2000), 301-312.

Dagmar Neuendorff, ‘Etymologien in Rusticani und deutschen Predigten Bertholds von Regensburg. Struktur und Funktion’, in: Etymologie, Entlehnungen und Entwicklungen. Festschrift für Jorma Koivulehto zum 70. Geburtstag, ed.Irma Hyvärinen, Petri Kallio & Jarmo Korhonen, Mémoires de la Société Néophilologique de Helsinki, 63 (Helsinki: Société Néophilologique, 2004), 207-221.

M. Neumayr, Die Schriftpredigt im Barock. Auf Grund der Theorie der katholischen Barockhomiletik (Paderborn, 1938).

Richard Newhauser, ‘Jesus as the first Dominican? Reflections on a sub-theme in the exemplary literature of some thirteenth-century preachers’, in: Christ among the Medieval Dominicans: Representations of Christ in the Texts and Images of the Order of Preachers, ed. Kent Emery Jr. & Joseph Wawrykow, Notre Dame Conferences in Medieval Studies 7 (Notre Dame IN, 1998), 238-255.

Alfred Niebergall, `Die Geschichte der christlichen Predigt’, in: Leiturgia II, ed. K.F. Müller & W. Blankenburg (Kassel, 1955).

Chris L. Nighman, ‘Commonplaces on preaching among commonplaces for preaching? The topic Predicatio in Thomas of Ireland’s Manipulus florum’, Medieval Sermon Studies 49 (2005), 37-57. [argues that the Manipulus is a collection of authoritative quotations for the self-formation of university students]

Sabastiana Nobili, ‘Salimbene da Parma tra narrativa e predicazione’, in: Letteratura in forma di sermone. I rapporti tra predicazione e letteratura nel secoli XIII-XVI, ed. G. Auzzas, G. Baffetti & C. Delcorno, Atti del Seminario di Studi di Bologna, 15-17 novembre 2001 (Florence, 2003), 301-314.

Daniel Nodes, 'Exegetical Traditions and the Artes Praedicandi in the Collationes de tempore of Frater Petrus (Fourteenth Century)', Medieval Sermon Studies 61:1 (2017), 20-43 [DOI: 10.1080/13660691.2017.1368574 /]

Patrick Nold, ‘Bertrand de la Tour OMin. Manuscript list and sermon supplement II’, AFH 95 (2002), 3-52.

Christina von Nolcken, 'Some Alphabetical Compendia and How Preachers Used Them in Fourteenth-Century England', Viator 12 (1981), 271–288.

Corrie Norman, ‘The Franciscan preaching tradition and its sixteenth century legacy: the case of Cornelio Musso’, Catholic Historical Review 85 (1999), 208-232.

Elisa Novi Chavarria, Il governo delle anime. Azione pastorale, predicazione e missioni nel Mezzogiorno (secoliXVI-XVIII), Historica, 5 (Naples,2001).

Miguel Ángel Núñez Beltrán, La oratoria sagrada de la época del Barroco. Doctrina, cultura y actitud ante la vida desde los sermones sevillanos del siglo XVII, Geografía e Historia, 54; Focus, 13 (Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla, Fundación Focus-Abengoa, 2000).

Jörg Oberste, ‘Predigt und Gesellschaft um 1200. Praktische Moraltheologie und pastorale Neuorientierung im Umfeld der Pariser Universität am Vorabend der Mendikanten’, in: Die Bettelorden im Aufbau. Beiträge zu Institutionalisierungsprozessen im mittelalterlichen Religiosentum, ed. Gert Melville & Jörg Oberste, Vita Regularis 11 (Münster, 1999), 245-294.

Mary E. O’Carroll, A Thirteenth-Century Preacher’s handbook: Studies in MS Laud Misc. 511, PIMS Studies and Texts 128 (Toronto, 1997).

Colmán N. Ó Clabaigh, ‘Preaching in late-medieval Ireland: the Franciscan contribution’, in: Irish Preaching, 700-1700, ed. Alan J. Fletcher & Raymond Gillespie (Dublin, 2001), 81-93. With references to sermon materials from the Franciscan convent of Youghal (Cork).

Eva Odelman, ‘Editing the Sermones moralissimi de tempore’, in: Constructing the Medieval Sermon, ed. Roger Andersson, Sermo: Studies on Patristic, Medieval, and Reformation Sermons and Preaching, 6 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2007), 165-176.

Of Eloquence. Studies in Ancient and Medieval Rhetoric, ed. A. King &N. North (Ithaca-London, 1970).

John O‘Malley, Praise and Blame in Renaissance Rome: Rhetoric, Doctrine and Reform in the Sacred Orators of the Papal Court c. 1450-1521, Duke Monographs in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 3 (Durham NC: Duke UP, 1979).

John O’Malley, ‘Content and Rhetorical Forms in Sixteenth-Century Treatises on Preaching’, in: Renaissance Eloquence, ed. J.J. Murphy (Berkeley, 1983), 238-252.

John O’Malley, ‘Erasmus and the History of Sacred Rhetoric. The Ecclesiastes of 1535’, in: Erasmus of Rotterdam Society Yearbook 5 (1985).

John O’Malley, ‘Form, Content, and Influence of Works about Preaching before Trent: The Franciscan Contribution’, in: Ifrati minori tra ‘400 e ‘500, Atti del XII Convegno Internazionale Assisi, 18-19-20 ottobre 1984 (Assisi, 1986), 26-50.

Veronica O’Mara & Suzanne Paul, A Repertorium of Middle English Prose Sermons, Sermo: Studies on Patristic, Medieval, and Reformation Sermons and Preaching, 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2007).

Peter Orth, ‘Spuria unter den Predigten Gebuins von Troyes. Ein nachtrag zu Schneyers Repertorium der lateinischen Sermones des Mittelalters’, Scriptorium 52/2 (1998), 364-371.

G.R. Owst, Preaching in Medieval England (Cambridge, 1926)

G.R. Owst, Literature and Pulpit in Medieval England (Cambridge, 1933) [cf. Collectanea Franciscana, 7 (1937), 479-480]

G.P. Pacini, `Predicazione di minoriosservanti a Vicenza: fondazioni, confraternite, devozioni’, in: Predicazione francescana e società veneta del quattrocento: committenza, ascolto, ricezione (Padua, 1995 (2nd ed.))

Kazimierz Panus, ‘Exemplum w historii kaznodziejstwa’, Analecta Cracoviensia 29 (1997), 299-317.[The Exemplumin the history of Catholic preaching]

Claudio Paolocci, Predicazione, devozioni e presenza francescana a Genova e in Liguria tra XVII e XVIII secolo, Studia Ligustica, 3 (Biblioteca Franzoniana 2012).

Pastoral Care in Late Anglo-Saxon England, ed. Francesca Tinti Anglo-Saxon Studies, vol. 6 (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2005).

B.Th. Paton, Preaching Friars and the Civic Ethos: Siena, 1380-1480 (London, 1992).

A. Pecorini Cignoni, ‘Due sermoni anonimi del secolo XIV in onore di san Francesco’, Studi Francescani 110:1-2 (2013), 5-30.

Arianna Pecorini Cignoni, ‘Sermoni “In festo Sancti Francisci” Ms. Vaticano Borghesiano 138’. Studi Francescani 114:1-2 (2017), 23-52.

Letizia Pellegrini, ‘Prédication et politique dans la péninsule italienne au XVe siècle’, in: Preaching and Political Society: From Late Antiquity to the End of the Middle Ages, ed. F. Morenzoni (Turnhout: Brepols, 2013), 311-330.

Letizia Pellegrini, ‘Tra la piazza e il Palazzo. Predicazione e pratiche di governo nell’Italia del Quattrocento’, in: I frati osservanti e la società in Italia nel secolo XV. Atti del XL Convegno internazionale (Assisi - Perugia, 11-13 ottobre 2012) (Spoleto: CISAM, 2013).

Luigi Pellegrini, ‘Mendicanti e parroci: coesistenza e conflitti di due strutture organizzative della cura animarum‘, in: Francescanesimo e vita religiosa dei laici nel ‘200, Atti del VIII Convegno della società internazionale di Studi Francescani (Assisi, 1981), 131-167.

Luigi Pellegrini, ‘Predicazione osservante e propaganda politica: a partire da un caso di Todi’, in: La propaganda politica nel basso medioevo. Atti del XXXVIII Convegno storico internazionale. Todi, 14-17 ottobre 2001 (Spoleto: Centro Italiano di studi sull’alto medioevo, 2002), 511-531.

Josep Perarnau Espelt, ‘Les primeres ‘reportationes’ de sermons de St. Vicent Ferrer: les de Friedricht von Amberg. Fribourg, Cordeliers, Ms 62’, Arxiu de textos catalans antics 18 (1999), 63-155.

Josep Perarnau i Espelt, ‘Cent anys d’estudis dedicats als sermons de Sant Vicent Ferrer’, Arxiu de textos catalans antics18 (1999), 10-62.

Josep Perarnau i Espelt, ‘Aportació a un inventari de sermons de Sant Vicent Ferrer: temes bíblics, títols i divisions esquemàtiques’, Arxiu de textos catalans antics 18 (1999), 479-811.

Idem, ‘Sermons manuscrits del dominic Sant Vincent Ferrer en un convent franciscà (CLM 26785: un llibre amb una certa història)’, in: Revirescunt chartae. Codices documenta textus. Miscellanea in honorem P. Caesaris Cenci OFM, ed. Alvaro Caciotti & Pacifico Sella (Rome: Edizioni Antonianum, 2002), 241-353.

Petrus Cantor, Verbum Abbreviatum, in: Migne, Patrologia Latina, 205, pp. 21-370.

M. Peuchmaurd, ‘Mission canonique et prédication. Le prêtre ministre de la parole dans la querelle entre Mendiants et Séculiers au XIIIe siècle‘, Recherches de Théologie Ancienne et Médievale 29 (1962), 52-76 & 30 (1963), 122-144, 251-276.

H.G. Pfander, The Popular Sermon of the Medieval Friars in England (New York, 1937).

Philippe le Chancelier prédicateur, théologien et poète parisien du début du XIIIe siècle, ed. Gilbert Dahan & Anne-Zoé Rillon-Marne, Bibliothèque d’Histoire Culturelle du Moyen Âge, 19 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2017). Review in Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 111:1-2 (Jan.-June 2018), 237-240.

Felice Picciotti, `In principio fuit praedicatio franciscana.‘ Dalla predicazione francescana ai Monti di Pietà, dai Monti di Pietà agli odierna Istituti delle Banche Populari Cooperative‘, Vita Minorum 67 (1996), 35-52.

Christian Plath, ‘Das seelsorgerische Wirken der Franziskaner im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert’, Fuldaer Geschichtsblätter 83 (2007), 110-138.

Cynthia L. Polecritti, Preaching peace in Renaissance Italy. Bernardino of Siena and his audience (Washington, D.C., The Catholic University of America Press, 2000).  [Reviews in Collectanea Francescana 71 (2001), 264f; Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 94 (2001), 250-253; Catholic History Review 87 (2001), 98-100]

Marianne Pollheimer, ‘Of Shepherds and Sheep: Preaching and Biblical Models of Community in the Ninth Century’, in: Strategies of Identification: Ethnicity and Religion in Early Medieval Europe, ed. Walter Pohl & Gerda Heydemann, Gerda, Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, 13 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2013), 233-256.

Giovanni Pozzi, ‘La parola dal pulpito fra ‘700 e ‘800’, in: L’Accademia della Crusca per Giovanni Nencioni, ed. Francesco Sabatini (Florence: Le Lettere, 2002).

Preacher and Audience: Studies in Early Christian and Byzantine Homiletics, ed. Mary B. Cunningham & Pauline Allen (Leiden: Brill, 1998).

Preacher, Sermon and Audience in the Middle Ages, ed. Carolyn Muessig, A New History of the Sermon, 3 (Leiden-Boston-Cologne: Brill, 2002).

Preachers and People in the Reformations and Early Modern Period, ed. Larissa Taylor (Leiden-Boston-Köln: Brill, 2001).

Preaching and New Worlds: Sermons as Mirrors of Realms Near and Far, ed. Timothy J. Johnson, Katherine Wrisley Shelby & John D Young, Routledge Studies in Medieval Religion and Culture (Routledge, 2018). [with quit a few articles on Franciscan preaching and homiletic iconography]

Preaching and political society: from late Antiquity to the end of the Middle Ages/depuis l'Antiquité tardive jusqu'à la fin du Moyen Âge, ed. Franco Morenzoni, Sermo, 10 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2013). See TMR 15.02.20.

Preaching in the Age of Chaucer. Selected Sermons in Translation, ed. S. Wenzel (Washington D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2008). See review in: TMR 10.01.06 (by Laura Iseppi).

Preaching in the Patristic Age. Studies in Honor of Walter J. Burghardt, ed. David G. Hunter (New York/Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1989), 36-52.

Preaching in the Patristic Era: Sermons, Preachers, and Audiences in the Latin West, ed. Anthony Dupont et al., A New History of the Sermon, Volume: 6 (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2018).

Preaching the Word in Manuscript and Print in Late Medieval England: Essays in Honour of Susan Powell, Martha W. Driver & Veronica M. O’Mara (Turnhout: Brepols, 2013).

Preaching, Sermon and Cultural Change in the Long Eighteenth Century, ed. Joris van Eijnatten, New History of the Sermon, 4 (Leyden-Boston: Brill, 2009).

Preaching the Memory of Virtue and Vice. Memory, Images and Preaching in the Late Middle Ages, ed. Kimberly A. Rivers & V. O’Mara, Sermo: Studies on Patristic, Medieval and Reformation Sermons and Preaching, 4 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2009).

Preaching the Word in Manuscript and Print in Late Medieval England: Essays in Honour of Susan Powell, ed. Martha W. Driver & Veronica O'Mara, Sermo: Studies on Patristic, Medieval, and Reformation Sermons and Preaching, 11 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2013). Reviewed on TMR 15.03.12.

Praedicatores, Inquisitores, II: La Orden Dominicana y la Inquisición en el mundo ibérico e hispanoamericano. Actas del 2o Seminario Internacional sobre los Dominicanos y la Inquisición (3-6 de marzo de 2004 Sevilla, España), ed. Arturo Bernal Palacios (Rome: Istituto Storico Domenicano, 2006).

Prêcher d‘exemples. Récits de prédicateurs du Moyen Âge, ed. J.-Cl. Schmitt (Paris, 1985).

Prêcher la paix et discipliner la société. Italie, France, Angleterre (XIIIe-XVe siècle), ed. Rosa Maria Dessì, Collection d’études médiévales de Nice, 5 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2005).

Prédication et liturgie au Moyen Âge, ed. Nicle Bériou & Franco Morenzoni, Bibliothèque d’histoire culturelle du Moyen Âge, 5 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2008). With many important essays, by Carlo Delcorno, Jean-Claude Schmitt, George Ferzoco, Paola Ventrone, Martin Morard etc.

Prédication et performance du XIIe au XVIe siècle, ed. M. Bouhaïk-Gironès and M.A. Polo de Beaulieu (Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2013).

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Idem, Repertorium der lateinischen Sermones des Mittelalters I-IX, Beitr. Gesch. Philos. Theol. MA, 43, 1-9 (Münster, 1973-1980). A CD-Rom edition of this work came out as well: Repertorium der lateinischen Sermones des Mittelalters für die Zeit von 1350-1500, Üeber 10.000 Predigt-Initien nach den Vorarbeiten von J.B. Schneyer, Herausgegeben von L. Hödl & W. Knoch. CD-Rom Edition (Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2002). [Cf. the following reviews and corrections of the book version: B. Distelbrink, ‘Repertorium Sermonum Latinorum Medii Aevi (1150-1350)’, Coll. Franc., 42 (1972), 87-101; M. d’Alatri, Coll. Franc., 44 (1974), 403ff; 46 (1976), 409ff; 47 (1977), 135ff; 48 (1978), 453ff; Cl. Schmitt, AFH, 63 (1970), 195-196; 64 (1971), 206-208, 611-613; 66 (1973), 460ff; 67 (1974), 583-585; 69 (1976), 586-588; 71 (1978), 294ff; 72 (1979), 225; 73 (1980), 811.]

Idem, ‘Baseler Konzilspredigten aus dem Jahre 1432’, in: Von Konstanz nach Trient: Beiträge zur Kirchengeschichte von den Reformkonzilien bis zum Tridentinum. Festgabe für August Franzen, ed. R. Bäumer (Munich, 1972), 139-145.

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Minou Schraven, Festive Funerals in Early Modern Italy: The Art and Culture of Conspicuous Commemoration (London-New York: Routledge, 2014).

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Markus Schürer, ‘Die Beredsamkeit des philosophus celestis. Predigt und Rhetorik bei den Mendikanten des 13. Jahrhunderts’, in: Um verbis ut Italici solent suavibus atque ornatissimis. Funktionen der Beredsamkeit im kommunalen Italien. Funzioni dell'eloquenza nell'Italia comunale, ed. Florian Hartmann (Göttingen, 2011), 41-66.

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Tom Scott, ‘The collective response of women to early Reforming preaching: four small communities and their preachers compared’, Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte 102 (2011), 7-32.

Filippo Sedda, La predicazione agli infedeli tra Francesco d’Assisi e Ramon LLull’, Antonianum 90:2 (2015), 622-627.

André Séguenny, ‘La prédication contestée par les spirituels’, in: Annoncer l’Évangile, 351-362.

Mario Sensi, ‘Conflitti per la ‘cura animarum’ tra mendicanti e parroci’, in: Vita religiosa im Mittelalter, 421-439.

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Sermo doctorum: Compilers, Preachers, and Their Audiences in the Early Medieval West, ed. Maximilian Diesenberger, Yitzhak Hen & Marianne Pollheimer, Sermo: Studies on Patristic, Medieval, and Reformation Sermons and Preaching, 9 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2013).

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Valentí Serra de Manresa, 'Predicació i predicadors caputxins a la Catallunya del barroc', Analecta Sacra Tarraconensia 91 (2018), 39-89.

Silvia Serventi, ‘Did Giordano da Pisa Use the Distinctiones of Nicolas Gorran?’, in: Constructing the Medieval Sermon, ed. Roger Andersson, Sermo: Studies on Patristic, Medieval, and Reformation Sermons and Preaching, 6 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2007), 83-116.

Shmuel Shepkaru, ‘The preaching of the First Crusade and the persecutions of the Jews’, Medieval encounters 18 (2012), 93-135.

Maria Sherwood-Smith & Patricia Stoop, ‘Repertorium of Middle Dutch Sermons: introduction’, Medieval Sermon Studies 47 (2003), 63-78.

Ian D.K. Siggins, A Harvest of Medieval Preaching: The Sermon Books of Johann Herolt, OP (Bloomington: Xlibris Corporation, 2009).

Stefano Simiz, ‘La prédication catholique en ville, du Concile de Trente au milieu du XVIIe siècle’, in: Annoncer l’Évangile, 193-205.

Franz Simmler, ‘Textsorte ‘Diatessaron’ und seine Traditionen. Kontinuitäten und Neuansätze vom 9. bis 15. Jahrhundert’, in: Textsorten deutscher Prosa vom 12./13. bis 18. Jahrhundert und ihre Merkmale. Akten zum Internationalen Kongress in Berlin 20.-22. September 1999, ed. Franz Simmler (Bern-Berlin-Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang, 2002).

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Hilary Dansey Smith, Preaching in the Spanish Golden Age: A Study of Some Preachers of the Reign of Philip III (Oxford: OUP, 1978).

Lesley Smith, 'Friars and the Preparation of Pastoral Aids', in: The English Province of the Franciscans (1224-c.1350), ed. Michael Robson (Leiden-Boston: Brillm 2017), 175-192.

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Daniele Solvi, 'L'Indulgenza in predica. I sermoni sul Perdono nel '400 (con 5 schede)', in: Il Perdono di Assisi. Storia agiografia erudizione, ed. S. Brufani, (Spoleto, 2016), 237-256.

Daniele Solvi, 'La predicazione osservante e l'indulgenza della Porziuncola', in: Il Perdono di Assisi e le indulgenze plenarie. Atti dell'Incontro di studio in occasione dell'VIII centenario dell'Indulgenza della Porziuncola (1216-2016), S. Maria degli Angeli, 15-16 luglio 2016 (Spoleto: CISAM, 2017), 219-234.

Daniele Solvi, ‘Liste di autorità e programmi formativi nella predicazione osservante’, Filologia mediolatina 24 (2017), 123-139. Article focuses on the educational programs of subsequent generations of Franciscan observants, showing that Bernardino da Siena aimed at a permanent, lifelong catechism, which even led to the formulation of reading lists, as can be gathered from his De christiana religione. Solvi showed how this was taken up by Giovanni da Capestrano, Marco da Montegallo and Cherubino da Spoleto. Interesting article, but does not take English scholarship into account. Short review in Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 111:1-2 (Jan.-June 2018), 303-304.

Marina Soriani Innocenti, ‘San Francesco e santa Chiara nella predicazione di Odo di Châteauroux. (Edizione di due sermoni, Pisa, Biblioteca Cathariniana, ms. 21)’,Franciscana 2 (2000), 201-227.

Pavel Soukup, Reformni kazatelstvi a Jakoubek ze Stribra [Reform preaching and Jakoubek of Stríbro] (Prague, 2011).

A.C. Spearing, ‘The Art of Preaching and ‘Piers Plowman‘‘, in: Criticism and Medieval Poetry (London, 1964), 68-95.

Speculum Sermonis. Interdisciplinary Reflections on the Medieval Sermon, ed. G. Donavin, C. Nederman & R. Utz, Disputatio, 1 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2005).

H. Leith Spencer, English Preaching in the Late Middle Ages (Oxford, 1992).

Klaus-Bernhard Springer, 'Betteln und predigen - predigen und betteln. Zu Armut und Evangelisierung bei Franziskanern, Dominikanern und Kapuzinern', in: In propositio paupertatis. Studien zum Armutsverständnis bei den mittelalterlichen Bettelorden, ed. Gert Melville & Annette Kehnel (Münster i.W., 2001), 219-235.

R. Stapper, ‘Eine angeblich von Albertus Magnus verfasste ‘ars praedicandi‘‘, in: Kirchengeschichtliche Festgabe, Anton de Waal zum goldenen Priesterjubiläum dargebracht (Rome-Freiburg, 1913), 388-402.

R. Stapper, ‘Zur angeblich von Albert dem Grosse verfassten ‘Ars praedicandi‘‘, Römische Quartalschrift 36 (1928), 324-328.

Sita Steckel, ‘Universitätspredigten’, in: Universitäre Gelehrtenkultur vom 13.-16. Jahrhundert: ein interdisziplinäres Quellen- und Methodenhandbuch, ed. Jan-Hendryk de Boer, Marian Füssel & Maximilian Schuh, 2 Vols. (Stuttgart, 2018) II, 539-558.

Charlotte Steenbrugge, Drama and Sermon in Late Medieval England: Performance, Authority, Devotion (Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications, 2017).

Georg Steer, `Bettelorden-Predigt als `Massenmedium’’, in: Literarische Interessenbildung im Mittelalter: DFG.-Symposion 1991, ed. J. Heinzle, Germ. Symposien-Berichtsbände, 14 (Stuttgart, 1993).

Stephanus de Borbone, Tractatus de diversis materiis predicabilibus: Tertia pars, ed. Jacques Berlioz, Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Medievalis CXXIV B (Brepols: Turnhout, 2006).

Leo F.Stelten, ‘Gospel homilies of Gregory the Great: a partial manuscript’, Manuscripta 41,3 (1997), 193-194.

Fr. Stingeder, Geschichte der Schriftpredigt (Paderborn, 1920).

Patricia Stoop, ‘The Writing Sisters of Jericho: Authors or Copyists?’, in: Constructing the Medieval Sermon, ed. Roger Andersson, Sermo: Studies on Patristic, Medieval, and Reformation Sermons and Preaching, 6 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2007), 275-308.

Debra L. Stoudt, ‘The influence of preaching on Dominican women in fourteenth-century Teutonia’, Medieval Sermon Studies 44 (2000), 53-67.

Valentin Strappazzon, ‘Vocabulaire mystique des Sermons de saint Antoine de Padoue’, Il Santo. Rivista francescana di storia, dottrina e arte 55 (2015), 49-122.

David Strong, ‘Illumination of the Intellect: Franciscan Sermons and Piers Plowman‘, in: Speculum Sermonis. Interdisciplinary Reflections on the Medieval Sermon, ed. G. Donavin, C. Nederman & R. Utz, Disputatio, 1 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2005), 195-218.

Mary Swan, ‘Constructing Preacher and Audience in Old English Homilies’, in: Constructing the Medieval Sermon, ed. Roger Andersson, Sermo: Studies on Patristic, Medieval, and Reformation Sermons and Preaching, 6 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2007), 177-188.

Jenny H. Swanson, ‘Childhood and childrearing in ad status sermons by later thirteenth-century friars’, Journal of Medieval History 16:4 (1990), 309-331.

J. Sweet, ` Some thirteenth-century sermons and their authors‘, Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 4 (1953), 27-36.

Ryan Szpiech, ‘Preaching Paul to the Moriscos: The Confusión o confutación de la secta Mahomética y del Alcorán (1515) of ‘Juan Andrés’’, La Corónica 41: 1 (2012), 317-344.

Alicja Szulc, “Reduc me in memoriam’. Wokol nurtu pasyjnego sredniowiecznych kazan bernardynskich’, in: Bernardyni na Slasku w poznym sredniowieczu, ed. Jakub Kostowski (Wroclaw: Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT, 2005), 157-168. On affective themes and terminology in late medieval Observant preaching, esp. in the sermons of Ladislaw de Gielniow.

Alicja Szulc, Homo religiosus póznego sredniowiecza: bernardynski model religijnosci masowej Poznan: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza. Wydzial teologicznu. Redakcja Wydawnictwo, 2007). On the pastoral vision of Observant friars in Poland and their interpretation of being a religious man.

Alicja Szulc, >> a Polish article on the Cracow university's role in medieval preaching, in: Tempus est optimus magister vitae. Prace dedykowane Ojcu Profesorowi Wieslawowi Franciskowi Murawcowi OFM, ed. Aleksander Krzysztof Sitnik (Cracow: Wydawnictwo Calvarianum, 2010).

Joyce Tally Lionarons, The Homiletic Writings of Archbishop Wulfstan (Boydell & Brewer, 2010).

Ciro Tammaro, ‘Brevi considerazioni sulla legislazione canonica medievale circa l’autonomia degli Ordini mendicanti nell’esercizio del ministro pastorale’, Antonianum 81 (2006), 525-538.

Gianpiero Tavolaro, ‘Noe vir iustus atque perfectus. Un inedito sermone De beato Francisco di Giacomo da Viterbo (4 ottobre 1305)’, Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 111:1-2 (Jan.-June 2018), 33-64.

Andrew Taylor,‘Translation, censorship, authorship and the lost work of Reginald Pecock’, in:The Politics of Translation in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, ed. Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Luise von Flotow & Daniel Russell, Perspectives on Translation (Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2001), 143-160. [On Pecock’s project of Bible translation and preaching to combat the Lollard movement]

Larissa Taylor, Soldiers of Christ. Preaching in Late Medieval and Reformation France (Oxford, 1992).

E.V. Telle, ‘En marge de l’éloquence sacrée aux XVe-XVIe siècles. Érasme et Fra Roberto Caracciolo’, Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance 43 (1981), 449-470.

Idem, ‘‘To every thing there is a season…’. Ways and Fashions in the Art of Preaching on the Eve of the Religious Upheavals in the Sixteenth Century’, Erasmus of Rotterdam Society Yearbook 2 (1982), 13-24.

Eugene Teselle, ‘Exploring the inner conflict: Augustine’s sermons on the Romans 7 and 8’, Society of Biblical Literature, 1998 Seminar Papers, Part Two: 134th Annual Meeting, November 21-24, 1998, Society of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers Series 37 (Atlant: Scholars Press, 1998), 968-990.

Niek Thate, ‘Shylock herzien. De joodse geldschieter in de middeleeuwse prediking’, Skript. Historisch Tijdschrift 15:4 (1993), 235-245.

Anne T. Thayer, `Intercessors, examples and rewards: the roles of the saints in the penitential themes of representative late medieval sermon collections‘, in: Models of Holiness in Medieval Sermons, Proceeding of the International Symposium (Kalamazoo, 4-7 May 1995), ed. Beverly Mayne Kienzle et al., Textes et Etudes du Moyen Age, 5 (Louvain-la-neuve, 1996), 339-354.

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The last judgement in medieval preaching, ed. Thom Mertens, Hans-Jochen Schiewer, Maria C. Sherwood-Smith & Michael Mecklenburg, Sermo, 3 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2013).

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The Old English Homily. Precedent, Practice, and Application, ed. A.J. Kleist, Studies in the Early Middle Ages, 7 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2007).

The Sermon, ed. Beverly Mayne Kienzle, Typologie des Sources du Moyen Âge, 81-83 (Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2000).

Thomas Aquinas, The Academic Sermons, trans. Mark-Robin Hoogland, The Fathers of the Church: Medieval Continuation, Vol. 11 (The Catholic University of America Press, 2010).

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The Tongue of the Fathers: Gender and Ideology in Twelfth-Century Latin, ed. David Townsend & Andrew Taylor, The Middle Ages Series (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997).

Augustine Thompson, Revival Preachers and Politics in Thirteenth-Century Italy. The Great Devotion of 1233 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992).

Augustine Thompson, ‘From Texts to Preaching: Retrieving the Medieval Sermon as an Event’, in: Preacher, Sermon and Audience in the Middle Ages, ed. Carolyn Muessig, A New History of the Sermon, 3 (Leiden-Boston-Cologne: Brill,2002), 13-37.

J.-P. Torrell, ‘La pratique pastorale d‘un théologien du xiiie s.: Thomas d‘Aquin prédicateur‘, Revue Thomiste, 82 (1982), 213-245.

Tadeusz M. Trajdos, ‘Dominikanie i franciszkanie na ziemiach ruskich Korony Polskiej i Wielkiego Ksiestwa Litewskiego wobec wlady panstwowej za panowania Wladyslawa II Jagielly’, in: Klasztor w panstwie sredniowiecznym i nowozytnym, ed. Marek Derwich & Ana Pobog-Lenartowicz (Wroclaw-Opole-Warszawa: LARHCOR-Wydawnictwo DiG, 2005), 429-44. On OP and OM Preachers in Polish Ruthuanian and Lithuanian lands during the reign of Ladislaw II Jagellion.

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Lorenzo Turchi, "Perdo et venco': la predicazione osservante sul gioco nel'400', Antonianum 93 (2018), 655-670.

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Johanneke Uphoff, ‘Instruction and Construction: Sermons and the Formation of a Clarissan Identity in Nuremberg’, in: Religious Orders and Religious Identity Formation, ca. 1420–1620: Discourses and Strategies of Observance and Pastoral Engagement, ed. Bert Roest & Johanneke Uphoff (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2016), 48-68.

Erminia Valier, ‘La retorica ‘ingegnosa’: ‘secreti della natura’, novità scientifiche e predicazione nell’Italia barocca’, in: Libri, biblioteche e cultura nell’Italia ddel Cinque e Seicento, ed. Edoardo Barbieri & Danilo Zardin (Milan: Vita e Pensiero, 2002), 255-280.

Marie-Anne Vannier, Maître Eckhart Prédicateur (Paris: Beauchesne, 2019).

Cesare Vasoli, ‘Arte della memoria e predicazione’, Lettere italiane 38:4 (1986), 478-499.

Silvana Vecchio, ‘Il decalogo nella predicazione del XIII secolo’, in: Cristianesimo nella storia: Ricerche storiche, esegetiche, teologiche 10 (1989),41-56.

Silvana Vecchio, ‘Les langues de feu: Pentecôte et rhétorique sacrée dans les sermons des XIIe et XIIIe siècles‘, in: La parole du prédicateur, Ve-XVe siècle, ed. Rosa Maria Dessi & Michel Lauwers (Nice, 1997), 255-269.

Silvana Vecchio, ‘Dalla predicazione alla conversazione: il Liber de introductione loquendi di Filippo da Ferrara OP’, Medieval Sermon Studies 44 (2000), 68-86.

Dario Velandia Onofre, 'Teatro en el pulpito? La oratoria sagrada española del siglo XVII', Perífrasis 3:5 (Bogotá, January-June 2012), 35-48 [ ]

Wim Verbaal, ‘Bernard of Clairvaux’ sermons for the liturgical year: a literary liturgy’, in: The Appearances of Medieval Rituals: The Play of Construction and Modification, ed. Nils Holger Petersen, Mette Birkedahl Bruun, Jeremy Llewellyin & Eyolf Østrem, Disputatio, 3 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2004), 49-66.

Verbum eius: Predicazione e sistemi giuridici nell’Occidente medievale, ed. Laura Gaffuri & Rosa Maria Parrinello, Reti Medievali E-Book, 32 (Florence: Firenze University Press, 2018). With a wide range of interesting essays on medieval preaching (topic, techniques, institutional contexts) and important medieval preacher.

Isidoro de Villapadierna, ‘I cappuccini tra eremitismo e predicazione’, in: I frati minori tra ‘400 e ‘500, Atti del XII Convegno Internazionale Assisi,18-19-20 ottobre 1984 (Assisi, 1986), 51-80.

C. Vincent, ‘Lo sviluppo della devozione mariana dal XIII al XV secolo, e Lo sviluppo della predicazione mariana dal XIII al XV secolo’, in: Storia della mariologia, ed. E. Dal Covolo & A. Serra, 2 Vols. (Rome, 2009) I, 873-899.

Rita Voltmer, ‘Political Preaching and a Design of Urban Reform: Johannes Geiler of Kaysersberg and Strasbourg’, Franciscan Studies 71 (2013), 71-88.

Ch. Von Nolcken, ‘Some Alphabetical Compendia and how Preachers used them in Fourteenth Century England‘, Viator 12 (1981), 271-288.

W. Wackernagel & M. Rieger (eds.), `Die deutsche Predigt’, in: Altdeutsche Predigten und Gebete (Basel, 1876), 291-445.

Keith Walls, John Bromyard on Church and State: The Summa Praedicantium and Early Fourteenth-Century England: A Dominican’s Books and Guide for Preachers (Market Weighton: Clayton-Thorpe Publications, 2007).

Claire M. Waters, ‘The Labor of Aedificatio and the Business of Preaching in the Thirteenth Century‘, Viator 38:1 (2007), 167-190.

Rudolf Kilian Weigand, ‘Predigt und Beichte als Prägungsmittel der Identität von Religiosengemeinschaften’, in: Religiosità e civiltà - Identità delle forme religiose (secoli X - XIV): atti del convegno internazionale, Brescia, 9 - 11 settembre 2009, Elisabetta Filippini & Giancarlo Andenna (Milan, 2011), 225-242.

J.-Th. Welter, L‘exemplum dans la littérature religieuse et didactique du Moyen-Âge (Paris-Toulouse, 1927; Reprint Slatkine, 1973).

Siegfried Wenzel, ‘The Seven Deadly Sins: some problems of research‘, Speculum 43 (1968), 1-22.

S. Wenzel, ‘Chaucer and the Language of Contemporary Preaching‘, Studies in Philology 73 (1976), 138-194.

Siegfried Wenzel, ‘Vices, Virtues and Popular Preaching‘, Medieval and Renaissance Studies (summer 1976) (Durham: Duke UP, 1976), 28-54.

Siegfried Wenzel, Verses in Sermons. Fasciculus Morum and its Middle English Poems (Cambridge, MA, 1978).

Siegfried Wenzel, Preachers, Poets and the Early English Lyric (Princeton, 1986)

S. Wenzel, Macaronic Sermons: Bilingualism and Preaching in Late-Medieval England (Ann Arbor, 1994).

S. Wenzel, ‘A sermon repertory from Cambridge University’, History of Universities 14 (1998 for 1995-96), 43-67. [discussion of MS Cambridge Gonville & Caius 356 (583), which contains 156 sermons held and/or transmitted in a universitary context]

Siegfried Wenzel, ‘Sermon collections and their taxonomy’, in: The Whole Book: Cultural Perspectives on the Medieval Miscellany, ed. Stephen G. Nichols & Siegfried Wenzel (Ann Arbor Mich., 1996), 7-21.

Siegfried Wenzel, Monastic Preaching in the Age of Chaucer, Lectures on Medieval Judaism, III (Kalamazoo, Western Michigan University: Kalamazoo, 1996).

Siegfried Wenzel, ‘A Dominican preacher’s book from Oxford’, Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum 68 (1998), 177-203. [study of MS Oxford, New College 88]

Siegfried Wenzel, ‘The arts of preaching’,in: The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism, II: The Middle Ages, ed. Alastair Minnis & Ian Johnson (Cambridge: CUP, 2005), 84-96. Discusses influence of preaching arts on medieval poetry.

Siegfried Wenzel, Latin Sermon Collections from Later Medieval England: Orthodox Preaching in the Age of Wyclif, Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature, 53 (Cambridge: CUP, 2005). Review in Speculum 82/1 (2007), 248f.; The Catholic Historical Review 91:4 (Oct. 2005), 805-807; The English Historical Review 122 (April 2007), 475-477.

Siegfried Wenzel, Preaching in the Age of Chaucer. Selected Sermons in Translation, Medieval Texts in Translation (Washington D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2008).

Siegfried Wenzel, ‘The Classics in Late-Medieval Preaching’. in: Idem, Elucidations (2010), 121-138.

Siegfried Wenzel, The Art of Preaching. Five Medieval Texts & Translations (The Catholic University of America Press, 2013). [also on John of La Rochelle!]

Siegfried Wenzel, Of Sins and Sermons, Synthema, 10 (Louvain: Peeters 2015) [Seventeen previously published papers, here updated and revised].

Siegfried Wenzel, Medieval Artes Praedicandi: A Synthesis of Scholastic Sermon Structure, Medieval Academy Books, 114 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2015).

Siegfried Wenzel, Beyond the 'Sermo modernus'. Sermon Form in Early Fifteenth-Century England, Studies and Texts, 222 (Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 2021).

Thomas Wetzstein, ‘Jenseitsvorsorge im Spätmittelalter. Die Bruderschaftspredigten Gabriel Biels als frömmigkeitsgeschichtliche Quelle’, in: Roma, Magistra Mundi: Itineraria Culturae Medievalis. Mélanges offerts à Père L.E. Boyle à l’occasion de son 75eanniversaire, ed. J. Hamesse (Louvain-la-Neuve, 1998) III, 383-406.

William of Newburgh, The Sermons of William of Newburgh, ed. A.B. Kraebel, Toronto Medieval Latin Texts Texts, 31 (Toronto: PIMS, 2010).

Andrea L. Winkler, ‘Building the imagined community: Dominican exempla and theological knowledge’, Quidditas19 (1998), 197-226. On the use of exempla in sermons as a way for Dominican clerics to set up a dialogue with each other and with the laity

Dagmara Wójcik, ‘Sermones de tempore et de sanctis of Martinus Polonus, OP: authenticity in question’, Medieval Sermon Studies 47 (2003), 51-60.

Filip Wolánski, 'The Symbplic Role of Poverty in the Franciscan Preaching of the Saxon Era', Roczniki Humanistyczne 66:2 (2018), 43-56.

Women Preachers and Prophets through Two Millennia of Christianity, ed. Beverly Mayne Kienzle & Pamela J. Walker (Berkeley: U. of California Press, 1998) [good collection of essays on female preaching and reactions to it. This volume, together with the volumes Medieval Monastic Preaching, Medieval Sermons and Society and De l’Homélie au sermon, gives a good introduction to current interests and knowledge in sermon studies in the 1990s]

Thomas Wünsch, ‘Mittelalterliche Bibelexegese am Beispiel der Predigten des Peregrinus von Oppeln’, in: Dominikanie w srodkowej Europie w XIII-XV wieku, ed. Jerzy Kloczowski & Jan Andrzej Spiez, Studia nad historia dominikanów w Polsce, 3  (Poznán: W drodze, 2002), 199-212.

Samantha Zacher, Preaching the Converted: The Style and Rhetoric of the Vercelli Book Homilies (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009). On the Vercelli Book Old English homilies and poems from the tenth century. See also: New Readings in the Vercelli Book, ed. Samantha Zacher and Andy Orchard, Toronto Anglo-Saxon Series (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009).

Zelina Zafarana, `La predicazione francescana’, in: Francescanesimo e vita religiosa dei laici nel ‘200, Atti dell’ VIII Convegno Internazionale Assisi, 16-18 ottobre 1980 (Assisi, 1981), 205-250

Gabriella Zarri, ‘Places and gestures of women's preaching in Quattro- and Cinquecento Italy’, in: Charisma and Religious Authority: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Preaching, 1200 - 1500, ed. Katherine Ludwig Jansen & Miri Rubin (Turnhout: Brepols, 2010), 177-193.

Anscar Zawart, The History of Franciscan Preaching and of Franciscan Preachers (1209-1927), A Bio-bibliographical Study, Franciscan Studies, 7 (New York, 1928).

R. Zerfass, Der Streit um die Laienpredigt (Freiburg-Basel-Vienna: Herder Verlag, 1974).

Marc Zier, ‘Preaching by Distinction: Peter Comestor and the Communication of the Gospel‘, Ephemerides Liturgicae 105 (1991), 301-329.

M. Zink, La prédication en langue romane avant 1300, Nouvelle Bibliothèque du Moyen Age, 4 (Paris, 1976).

M.Zink, ‘La rhétorique honteuse et la convention du sermon ‘ad status‘ à travers la ‘Summa de arte praedicatoria‘ d‘Alain de Lille‘, in: Alain de Lille, Gautier de Châtillon, Jakemart Gielée et leur temps, ed. Henri Roussel & F. Suard, Actes de colloque de Lille (Lille, 1980), 171-185.

M. Zink, ‘La prédication en langues vernaculaires‘, in: Le Moyen Âge et la Bible, ed. P. Riché & G. Lobrichon (Paris: Beauchesne, 1984), 489-516.

M. Zink, ‘Le traitement des ‘sources exemplaires‘ dans les sermons occitans, catalans, piémontais du xiiie s.‘, in: La religion populaire en Languedoc du XIIIe à la moitié du xive siècle, Cahiers de Fanjeaux, 11 (Toulouse: Privat, 1976), 161-186.

P. Zumthor, `Pour une poétique de la voix‘, Poétique, 40 (1979), 514-524.

P. Zumthor, La lettre et la voix (Paris, 1987).