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Obitius Brixiensis (Obicius Brixiensis/Obicio da Brescia/Obizio da Brescia, fl. 16th cent.)

Octavianus Camerani (Octavianus Gamerani/Ottaviano Camerani di Ravenna, d. 1658)

Octavianus de Neapoli (Ottaviano da Napoli/Ottaviano Orsi, d. 1607)

Octavianus Phaernus (Ottaviano Faerno di Cremona, fl. 16th cent.?)

Octavianus Praeconius (Octavianus de Precono/Ottaviano Praeconio/Octaviano Preconio, 1502-1568)

Octavianus Praeconius Junior (Ottaviano Praeconio, 1544-1587)

Octavianus Ravennas, see: Octavianus Strambiatus

Octavianus/Octavius Spatarius de Incisa (Ottaviano Spatari, d. 1626)

Octavianus Strambiatus (Octavianus Ravennas/Ottaviano Strambiati da Ravenna, ca. 1524-1596)

Octavianus Strambiatus Junior (Ottaviano Strambiati da Ravenna, d. 1629)

Octavius de Sancto Francisco (Octavius Iadertinus/Ottavio Zarattino/Ottavio Jankovich/Ottavio de San Francesco/Ottavio Spader, d. 1715)

Octavius Worst (d. 1671)

Oddo Truncheti (Odet du Tronchet, d. 1502)

Odo de Bueriis (second half 13th century)

Odoricus de Portunaono (Odorico da Pordenone/de Foroiulli, ca. 1265-1331), beatus (since 1755)

Odo de Rosny (Odo de Roini/Odo de Renoniaco/Eudes de Rosny, fl. 13th cent.)

Odo Rigaldus (Eudes Rigaud, 1205-1275)

Oliverius Conradus (Olivier Conrad, fl. first half 16th cent.)

Oliverius Goyer (Olivier Goyer, fl. second half 17th cent.)

Oliverius Maillard (d. 1502, Toulouse)

Olmerius Michaelis (Olmerio de'Micheli), see: Hieronymus Savonensis (Girolamo da Savona) (Letter H)

Onesimus de Kien (Onésime de Kien, d. 1654)

Onofrius de Tolvo (Onuphrius a Tolve/Onofrio da Tolve, fl. first half 17th cent.)

Onofrius Junctus (Onofrio Giunta da Palermo, d. 1746)

Onorius, see Honorius (letter H)

Orazio Civalla/Civalli, see: Horatius Civalla (letter H)

Orazio Colombano/Colombani, see: Horatius Columbanus (letter H).

Orazio da Castorano (Carlo Orazio da Castorano/K'ang Ho-chih, 1673, Castorano (Ancona) - 1755, Castorano)

Orazio da Parma (Horatius Parmensis/Orazio degli Azzi, fl. early 18th cent.)

Orazio Diola (fl. 16th cent.)

Orontius Juliobonensis (Oronce de Honfleur, 1595-1757)

Orpheus de Cancellariis de Bononia (Orpheus Cancellarius/Orfeo Cancellieri/Francesco degli Orfei, fl. early 16th cent.)

Orsola Formicini, see: Ursula Formicini (Letter U-Z)

Osvaldus de Lasko (Osvaldus a Lasco/Láskai Oswaldus/Usualdus de Asco, d. 1511)

Osvaldus Leysius (Oswald von Leys, 1707-1782)

Osvaldus Wessobrunnensis (Oswald von Wesselbrunn/Hueter, d. 1660)

Ottavianus Strambiatus, see: Octavius Strambiatus

Otto Commendus (Otho Comendeus/Otho Commendes, fl. late 15th cent.)

Otto de Passau (Otto von Passau, ca. 1386-1396)

Otto Sprug (fl. second half 18th cent.)







Obitius Brixiensis (Obicius Brixiensis/Obicio da Brescia/Obizio da Brescia, fl. 16th cent.)

OFMCap. Italian friar, who after an initial career as a secular canon of San Giorgio in Alga [or as a regular canon of San Lorenzo Giustiniano, alias San Giorgio in Alga] joined the Capuchins at Brescia. Known for his life of mortification. Seven years after his death in 1599 (?) his body was found intact.


Vite e geste dei santi della chiesa di Brescia (...) (Brescia: Marchetto, 1589).

Delle nobiltà di Brescia Never printed?


Leonardo Cozzando, Libraria bresciana prima, e seconda parte (...), 2nd Ed. (Brescia, 1694), 284; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 401; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 565; Sigismondo da Venezia, Biografia serafica degli uomini illustri che fiorirono nel francescano istituto, 507.





Octavianus Praeconius Junior (Ottaviano Praeconio, 1544-1587)

OFMConv. Italian friar (nephew of Octavianus Praeconius, Archbishop of Palermo), master of theology, chaplain of Philip II of Spain, and Bishop of Cefalù (1584-1587).


Sanctiones Synodales editae ab illustrissimo et reverendissimo D. Don Octaviano Praeconio episcopo cephaludensi regioque consiliario in diocesana congregatione habita in cephaludensi ecclesia (Palermo: Giovanni Francesco Carrara, 1584).


Mongitore, Bibliotheca Sicula, siue De scriptoribus Siculis, qui tum vetera, tum recentiora sæcula illustrarunt, notitiæ locupletissimæ, 107.





Octavianus Camerani (Octavianus Gamerani/Ottaviano Camerani di Ravenna, d. 1658)

OFMConv. Italian Convential friar and theologian. First rector of the Vienna order gymnasium and in 1625 the first professor of theology at Vienna University. Shortly afterward, he became the personal theologian of Emperor Ferdinand II. After Ottaviano's return to Italy, he befriended Bartolomeo Mastri, helping him with the edition of his philosophical and theological works. In 1647, Ottaviano wrote a defense of Mastri against the attacks of Matteo Ferchio (published in 1650). He died in Ravenna in 1558, and was buried before the main altar of the Conventual Franciscan church.


Acta decanatus P.F. Octaviani Camerani Ravennatis, Ordinis Minorum Conv. ad S. Crucem studiorum regentis, sacrae theologiae doctoris et ejusdem facultatis professoris publici academici a die 22 octobri 1627 ad 29 aprilis 1628.

De conventu Caesaris Ferdinandi cum quibusdam Imperii electoribus 1630 epistola.

Oratio dum laurea ornavit P. Carolum Antonium Barberium de Pasinis.

Elogia doctrinae scoticae, included at the beginning of the first volume of Belluto's and Mastri's Cursus Integer Philosophiae ad Mentem Scoti (volume title: Institutiones Logicae, Quas Vulgo Summulas vel Logicam Parvam Nuncupant. See on that work the entries on Bartholomeus Mastrius and Bonaventura Bellutus.

Scotus et scotistae, Bellutus et Mastrius expurgati a probosis querelis Ferchianis (Ferrara: Francisco Succio, 1650). Accessible via the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale of Florence, and via Google Books.

Dissertatio de tribus SS. Liberiis Ravennae archiepiscopis (Ravenna, 1650): MS once present in the Conventual Franciscan library of Ravenna.


P. Ginanni, Memorie storico-critiche degli scrittori ravennati (Florence, 1769) I, 110-111; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 566 & (ed. 1921) II, 292; A. Teetaert, 'Octavien Camerani', Dictionnaire de Théologie Catholique XI,1 (1931), 928; Marco Forlivesi, Scotistarum princeps. Bartolomeo Mastri (1602-1673) e il suo tempo (Padua: Centro studi antoniani, 2002), ad indicem; Marco Forlivesi, 'Mastri, Bartolomeo', in: Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy, ed. Marco Sgarbi (Springer Verlag, 2022), 2105ff.





Octavianus de Neapoli (Ottaviano da Napoli/Ottaviano Orsi, d. 1607)

OFMCap. Italian friar from the noble Orsi family. Was already well-versed in civil and canon law when he joined the order at the age of 26 in the Caserta fairy, making his solem profession on 12 October 1587. Following studies in theology. He became active as a preacher. He died relatively young, due to a severe illness, at the age of 46.


Discorsi a'Frati del P.F. Ottaviano da Napoli, della nobil famiglia Orsi, che termini di vivere nell'anno 1607: MS Naples, Biblioteca Nazionale VIII.AA.64 [once present in the immacolata concezione friary. It contains sermons on the Franciscan rule and on conclusions made at a Capuchin chapter meeting]


Apolinaro da Valencia, Bibliotheca Fratrum Minorum Capuccinorum Provinciae Neapolitanae (Naples, 1886), 134.





Octavianus Phaernus (Ottaviano Faerno di Cremona, fl. 16th cent.?)

OFMConv. Italian friar, master of theology, and acknowledged preacher. Paternal uncle of friar Paolo Faerno.


Orationes et conciones quadragesimales: MSS olim Cremona, Bib. Conv. OFMConv.


Giovanni Franchini, Bibliosofia e memorie letterarie di scrittori Francescani conventuali Ch'hanno scritto dopo 'Anno 1585 (Modena: Eredi Soliani Stampatori, 1693), 508; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 566.





Octavianus Praeconius (Octavianus de Precono/Octavianus Praeconius Siculus/Ottaviano Praeconio/Octaviano Preconio/Ottaviano Precone, 1502-1568)

OFMConv. Italian friar. Born in Castroreale (Palermo, Sicily) in 1502. He joined the Conventual Franciscans in the Conventual Messina custody. Master of theology, provincial minister (1534-1537 & 1541-1544), counselor and confessor in the courtly circles of Emperor Charles V and Philip II, bishop of Monopoli (1548, nominated by Paul III). In this capacity, and at the invitation of Philip II of Spain, he took an active part in the second and third sessions of the Council of Trent (April 1555-March 1557 and October 1561-December 1563, respectively). Under Pope Pius IV, he was made Bishop of Ariano Irpino (1561–1562), and later Archbishop of Palermo (1562-1568). During his five-year tenure at Palermo he became very active at implementing the recommendations of the Council of Trent. At the moment his sudden death on 18 July 1568, there were rumours that he was poisoned.


Adhortatio consolatoria pariter & devota ad ill. & Excell. D.D. Joannem a Vega Siciliae Pro-Regem pro obitu suae conjugis (inc.: 'Paulus Apostolus vas elections...'): MS. Current whereabouts? Cf. Juan de San Antonio & Sbaralea.

Officium gloriosae Virginis, et Martyris [...] ex verissima eius historia selectum compositumque secundum ritum monasticum (Naples: Mathio Cancer de Napoli, 1557).

Officium septem principum angelorum ante tronum Dei assistentium (Palermo 1564).

Decreta habita et acceptata in Congregatione diocesana in Cathedrali Ecclesia huius felicis urbis Panormi per illustriss. & reuerendiss. dominum fratrem Octauianum de Precone archiepiscopum dictae dioecesanae congregationis (Palermo: Mattheo Mayda, 1565).

Summa de Sacramentis (Palermo: Giovanni Mattheo Mayda, 1565).

Historia Sacra Imaginis Dei Genetricis a Scalis Messanam insigni miraculo advectae, cum Officio de Eadem (Palermo: Giovanni Mattheo Mayda, 1565-1566).

Transunto al possibile brevissimo delli decreti della Reformatione così del Clero, come del populo, del sacro santo Tridentino Concilio, transuntato e traslato da latino in volgare per fra Ottaviano Precone Arcivescovo di Palermo (Palermo: Giovanni Mattheo Mayda, 1565). Accessible via Palermo, Biblioteca Comunale, Esp. I-A-2.

Praeconium Sacramenti, hoc est praeparatio ad altissimum Eucaristiae Sacramentum, latino ac vulgari compositum eloquio per humilem S. Theologiae Professorem P. Fratrem Octavianum de Precone (Naples: Mattio Cancer et Tomasi di Riccione compagni, 1556/ Palermo: Giovan Mattheo Mayda, 1566).

Espositione, o diremo breve trattatello del Responsorio maggiore Delli Defonti: cioè Libera me Domine de morte aeterna, esposto per Ottaviano Precone (Palermo: Giovanni Mattheo Mayda, 1566). Accessible via Palermo, Biblioteca Comunale, Esp. I-A-1.

Expositio Lucida in orationem illam, que ab Ecclesia in Missa Defunctorum pio quodam ritu canitur: Domine Jesu Christe Rex Glorie. Check!

Della Passione di Christo. Check!

Meditatione del peccatore ridotto a guisa del figliol prodigo a misero e calamitoso stato, il quale ricerca contritione per vigore della passione di Christo afflitto et morto per gli peccati suoi (Naples: Giovanni De Boy, 1567).

Discorso del santo sacramento della estrema unzione (Naples: Giovanni de Boy, 1567).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 401-402; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 566; Mongitore, Bibliotheca Sicula I, 104; Konrad Eubel, Hierarchia Catholica Medii et Recentioris Aevi, 2nd Ed. (Münster: Libreria Regensbergiana, 1923) III, 269; Giovanni Odoardi, 'Serie completa dei padri e teologi francescani Minori Conventuali al Concilio di Trento', Miscellanea Francescana 47 (1947), 347-349; Rosario La Duca, I veleni di Palermo (Palermo: Sellerio, 1970), 23; Filippo Cagliola & Filippo Rotolo, Almae Siciliensis Provinciae ordinis minorum Conventualium S. Francisci (Palermo: Officina di studi medievali, 1984), 25, 32, 39, 42, 58-59, 67-68, 85, 97, 100-101, 170-171, 183, 185, 189-190; Francesco Costa, 'Profili di oratori siciliani dell'Ordine dei Minori Conventuali nel secolo XVI', Schede Medievali 12-13 (1987), 253-272 (at 260-262); F. Rotolo, 'La vicenda culturale nel Convento di S. Francesco di Palermo', in: La Biblioteca Francescana di Palermo, ed. Diego Ciccarelli (Palermo: Officina di Studi Medievali, 1995), 44-46; & ; Michele Granà, 'L'attività politica di Ottaviano Preconio, OFMConv., padre conciliare a Trento e arcivescovo di Palermo (1502-1568)', in: I francescani e la politica.Atti del convegno internazionale di studio Palermo 3-7 Dicembre 2002, ed. Alessandro Musco (Palermo, 2007), 561-577; Cesare Magazzù, 'Note su Ottaviano Preconio e il suo "Compendio in volgare dei Decreti del Concilio di Trento', in: Studia humanitatis. Saggi in onore di Roberto Osculati, ed. Arianna Rotondo (Rome: Viella, 2011) 331-338; Philip L. Reynolds, How Marriage Became One of the Sacraments: The Sacramental Theology of Marriage from Its Medieval Origins to The Council of Trent (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2016), 928, 934; Pietro Delcorno, In the Mirror of the Prodigal Son: The Pastoral Uses of a Biblical Narrative (c. 1200–1550) (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2017), 437-438.
With thanks to Pietro Delcorno.





Octavius Spatarius de Incisa (Ottaviano Spatari, d. 1626)

OFM. Italian friar from the Tuscany province. General definitor and provincial minister, public lector of speculative and moral theology in Tuscany, Lombardy, France and Germany, as well as in Rome. General preacher and theological consultant for Duke Cosmo II of Tuscany.


Aurea Methodus de Modo Corrigendi Regulares; in qua, ultra uniuersam Practicam Criminalem Omnibus Regularibus competentem, Agitur de Paterna, Fraterna, & Iudicali correctione ac de multiplici Denunciatione, novo, atque utili ordine (Venice: Baretio, 1620/Cologne: Petrus Henning, 1623). The work was put on the Index of Forbidden Books 'donec corrigator' (decree of 17 December 1623). Accessible via the Biblioteca Alessandrina in Rome, the Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele in Rome, and via Google Books (creative search, does not always show up).

Sacra Concionum Centuria Quadripartita, Tres in Quadragesimas, & unicum in Adventum (...), 2 Vols. (Venice: Baretio, 1611). The first volume is accessible via the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek in Vienna, the library of the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, the Biblioteca Nazionale of Florence, and via Google Books.

Coniones de Conceptione Virginis Mariae (check!)


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 401; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 567; Sigismondo da Venezia, Biografia serafica degli uomini illustri: che fiorirono nel Francescano istituto (...), 592; Index Librorum Prohibitorum Sanctissimi Domini Nostri Gregorii XVI Pontificis Maximi Jussu Editus (Rome: Typ. Camerae Apostolicae, 1841), 366





Octavius Strambiatus (Ottaviano Strambiati da Ravenna, ca. 1524-1596)

OFMConv. Italian friar. Philosopher and magister theologiae. Taught as regent at Bologna (1562, and around that time also active for his order at the Council of Trent), at the Collegium S. Bonaventurae and the Arciginnasio in Rome between 1587 and 1589. In between, he taught metaphysics at the universities of Chieri, Mondovì and Turin around 1574. For more information about his life and activities see Franchini.


In 4. libros Sententiarum, seu in Scriptum Oxoniensis Joannis Duns Scoti Doctoris Subtilis Commentarii: MS Pavia, Bibl. S. Giovanni (check!).

Lectiones super primo Sententiarum libro: olim MS Ferrara, Bibl. S. Francisci (check!)

Super quaestionibus quolibetalibus Scoti per Magistrum Octavianum Ravennae Regentem 1562. Bononia: olim MS Ferrara, Bibl. S. Francisci (check!)

In Physicam expositio: olim MS Ravenna, Bibl. S. Francisci (check!)

Lectura super prologum habita Romae an. 1584. ?

Several additional commentaries on the logical and philosophical and metaphysical works of Aristotle, as well as treatises on predestination, free will and the Symbolon are mentioned by Franchini, and also by Sbaralea, yet nothing seems to be known about their whereabouts.


Giovanni Franchini, Bibliosofia e memorie letterarie di scrittori Francescani conventuali Ch'hanno scritto dopo 'Anno 1585 (Modena: Eredi Soliani Stampatori, 1693), 508-515; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 567.





Octavius Strambiatus Junior (Ottaviano Strambiati da Ravenna, d. 1629)

OFMConv. Italian friar. Nephew of Ottaviano Strambiati (d. 1596). Lector of philosophy (esp. metaphysics), as well as regent of the Franciscan theological seminaries of Rimini, Cesena and Assisi. He taught philosophy (‘in via Scoti’) at the university of Padua for 20 years (1607-1628), and wrote several treatises of moral theology.


Tractatus de theologia morali: MS Ravenna, Biblioteca Classense no. 744.


Giovanni Franchini, Bibliosofia e memorie letterarie di scrittori Francescani conventuali Ch'hanno scritto dopo 'Anno 1585 (Modena: Eredi Soliani Stampatori, 1693), 508-515; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 567-568; Cimarosto Sigismondo da Venezia, Biografia serafica degli uomini illustri che forirono nel francescano istituto per santità, dottrina e dignità (Venice: G.B. Merlo, 1846), 523; C. Piana, ‘Il mag. Ottaviano Strambiati da Ravenna O.F.M. Conv. lettore di metafisica ‘in via Scoti’ nell’Università di Padova (1607-1628)’, Studi Francescani 79 (1982), 471-476.





Octavius de Sancto Francisco (Octavius Iadertinus/Octavius Spader Jadertinus/Ottavio Zarattino/Ottavio Jankovich/Ottavio de San Francesco/Ottavio Spader/Ottavio di Zara, 1646-1715)

OFM. Croatian (Dalmatian) Observant friar from Zara (Zadar). Lector at the Convento di Santa Maria in Aracoeli in Rome, and in Bologna. Bishop of Arbe (Rab) in Croatia (1695), and later in Assisi (1698), where he died on 24 March 1715.


Catalogus de Minoribus provinciae Dalmaticae S. Hieronymi nuncupatae, qui sanctitate et publicis muneribus floruerunt (Bologna, 1686/1737).

Prolegomena biblicae sapientiae et Scotisticae disciplinae (Venice, 1686/1689).

Filosofia Antispinosistica: Never published?

(as editor) Introductio ad Lecturae Theologicae et Praedicationis Evangelicae Officium Pro Religionis Seraphicae Studentibus. Tractatus Elementarius Tripartitus, Polemicus, Biblicus, Hierorhetoricus; Videlicet, Summula Dogmaticae de Ecclesia Catholica Eijusque hostium Catalogus. Notitia Librorum Canonicorum Sacrae Scripturae. Praxes Sacrae Concionis, editae a FF. Didaco Stella & Francisco Panigarola. Haec recusa, caetera comportata per Fr. Octavium Iadertinum Dalmatam (...) (Rome: Giuseppe Vanacci, 1693).

Lumi serafici di Portiuncula, accesi dall'infiammato Cuore del gran P. S. Francesco, nell'istituto dell'Ordine dei Minori, e nell'impetrazione di massima Indulgenza concessa dal Supremo Eterno Pontefice Gesù Cristo, e suoi Vicarii Honorio III, Paolo III, et Innocenzo XII. Riflessioni historiche e teologiche considerate da Fr. Ottavio di S. Francesco, Lettore Giubilato Aracelitano, Vescovi d'Arbe, hora d'Assisi (...) (Venice: Antonio Bartoli, 1700).

Dissertazioni due sulla storia dell indulgenza di Porziuncula, I (Venice, 1701/1705). See also Dimostrazione cronologica brevissima dell'Indulgenza che ottene il Serafico Padre S. Francesco (...) and Fratris Francisci Bartholi Assisiatis Minoritae Tractatus de Portiuncula Seraphica et de Sacra Portiunculae Indulgentia mentioned further down.

Assisiensis Ecclesiae prima quatuor luminaria, Felicianus Martyr, Fulginei Rufinus, Victorinus et Sabinus Martyres Episcopi Assisii. Acta ex vetusto manuscripto lectionario huius Cathedralis, ex quibus plures emendantur scriptorum errores, transcripta et adnotationibus elucidata per Fr. Octavium a Sancto Francisco, lectorem iubilatum Aracoelitanum, Episcopum Assisiensem (Foligno: Francesco Antonelli, 1715).

Synopsis argumenti theologi chronici de die mortis Christi. Per Fr. Octavium a S. Francisco, lectorem iubilatum Aracielitanum, episcopum Assisiensem (Foligno: Francesco Antonelli, 1715).

Breve relazione fatta dall'Illustrissimo e Reverendissimo Mons. Ottavio Vescovo di Assisi, circa il Cuore ed Interiora del Serafico Patriarca S. Francesco esistenti nella detta Cappella, situata nella gran Basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli, presso la celebre ed antichissima città di Assisi. Data alla luce da un divoto Sacerdote Veneto (...) (Venice: Giovanni Radici, 1723).

Dimostrazione cronologica brevissima dell'Indulgenza che ottene il Serafico Padre S. Francesco dal nostro Salvatore Gesù Cristo per intercessione della gloriosa Vergine Maria nella sua Porziuncula Diploma del 1335 di Corrado Vescovo di Assisi, esposta dal suo successore Fra Ottavio di S. Francesco. Opera postuma (Lucca: Francesco Marescandoli, 1726).

(as editor) Fratris Francisci Bartholi Assisiatis Minoritae Tractatus de Portiuncula Seraphica et de Sacra Portiunculae Indulgentia, luci reddictus, et adnotationibus auctus per Fratrem Octavium a Sancto Francisco (...): MS. Check! Mentioned in Miscellanea Francescana 10 (1908), 137 & 11 (1909), 14.

Il Misto Serafico, formato da quatro elementi delle sue distinte forme di vivere, congiunte nell'unità della Regola e nome di Frati Minori, che sono Conventuali, Cappuccini, Riformati, Osservanti, considerato da Frat'Ottavio di S. Francesco Zarattino Minorita: MS Foligno, Biblioteca Comunale, A.III.17.

Esposizione intorno alla Mistica teologia sopra il divin libro di S. Dionisio Areopagita secondo alla dottrina positiva e scolastica del Dottor sottile Giovanni Scoto, distribuita in 4 lezioni brevi e commode da Frate Ottavio Zarattino de'Minori dell'Osservanza di S. Francesco (...): MS Foligno, Biblioteca Comunale, A.VI.6.

Doctoris subtilis Iohannis Duns Scoti Minoritae Vita per Fratrem Octavium Iadertinum Dalmatam eiusdem Ordinis et scriptoribus probatissimis collecta semper Immaculatae Mariae Sacra. Accedit de Alexandro Alensi duorum Doctorem praeceptori Thomae Angelici, et Bonaventurae Seraphici etc. (...): MS Foligno, Biblioteca Comunale, A.III.16.

Breve dichiarazione delli tre Serafici Santuari della Sagratissima Vergine Madre di Dio e del suo gran Santo Padre nostro Francesco nel Sacro logo di Porziuncula presso Assisi, descritta a consolazione spirituale di chi l'ha richiesta da Fr. Ottavio di S. Francesco, Vescovo di Assisi de'Minori Osservanti, edited in Oriente Serafico. Bollettino ufficiale per la celebrazione del VII centenario del Terz'Ordine Francescano 21 (1890), 229-258.

Archivum Portiunculae, id est Patriarchae Pauperum Seraph. Franc. Portiuncula Monumentis novis, et veteribus adornata per Fratrem Octavium a S. Francisco Lectorem Iubil., Aracoelit. Episcopum Assisiensem (...), edited by M. Faloci Pulignani in: Miscellanea Francescana 10 (1906 [1909?]), 13-21, 54-60.

Adnotationes ad legendam S. Francisci (autograph ms, and concerns comments on the Legenda major and Legenda minor of Bonaventure): MS Perugia, Biblioteca Comunale. Cf. the remarks by M. Faloci Pulignani, in Miscellanea Francescana 10 (1906 [1909?]), 96.

Esposizone intorno alla Mistica teologia supra il divin libro di S. Dionisio Areopagita secondo alla dottrina positiva e scolastica del Dottor sottile Giovanni Scoto, distribuita in 4 lezioni brevi e commode da Frate Ottavio Zarattino de'Minori dell'Osservanza di S. Francesco, Lettore Giubbilato Aracelitano, Vescovo d'Arbe et Assisi. Mori li 24 Marzo 1715: MS Rimini, Convento delle Gratie [extract. check!]; Foligno, Biblioteca Comunale, A.VI.6.

Bibliotheca Scotistarum, 3 or 4 Vols. (written in Cremona, 1667): A series of manscripts with philosophical texts sent by Ottavio to Bonaventura di Zara for the Zara/Zadar convent library. The individual works included have titles such as Scotus philosophus seu philosophiae Aristotelicae ad mentem Scoti...Syntagma, habitus intellectualis, lucida contemplatio pleniscolastica discretione Scotistis propositaTheatri philosophici orchestra mathematica.

Universalis Philosophiae substantia (1665): MS Zara/Zadar convent library ? (check!).

Medicinae pars secunda, Postilla: MS Zara/Zadar convent library ? (check!)

(with Lucius Ferrarensis/Lucio Ferraris) Prompta Bibliotheca canonica, juridico-moralis, theologica, 10 Vols. (Bologna, 1758). This work was later finished and brought to press by the Franciscan theologian Lucio Ferraris, professor of the University of Bologna. See the entry on Lucius Ferrarensis (Letter L).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 402; Costantino Boxich, Biografia del P. Ottavio Jankovich detto Spader di Zara minore osservante vescovo pria d'Arbe e poi d'Assisi (Zara: Demarchi & Rougier, 1846); Miscellanea Francescana 10 (1906 [1909?]), 13-21; Zarko Dadic, 'Prirodnofilozofski rukopisi u franjevackim samostanima u Zadru, Varazdinu, Kosljunu i Kamporu', Prilozi za istrazivanje hrvatske filozofske bastine [Contributions to the Research of Croatian Philosophical Heritage] 2:3-4 (1976), 177-188; 'Spader Jankovic, Oktavije (Octavius Spader Jadertinus)', in: Filozofski leksikon, Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleza, ed. S. Kutlesa (Zagreb, 2012), 1078–1079. See also





Octavius Worst (d. 1671)

OFMCap. Dutch friar from Amsterdam. Theologian and preacher. He prepared at least ten volumes of sermon collections and related treatises for publication, several of of them, including anti-Jansenist and anti-Calvinist treatises did not reach the printing press. He died In Bruges (Brugge) on 18 or 22 November 1671.


Liber Maria signatus septem sigillis, quem vidit S. Joannes Apocalip. cap 5, quae sunt septem festa principalia B.M.V. (...). See the remarks in the article of Hildebrand van Hooglede.

Liber Franciscus signatus septem sigillis, quem vidit S. Joannes Apocalip. cap 5, quae sunt septem festa principalia Ord. Seraphici (...). See the remarks in the article of Hildebrand van Hooglede.

Sol in eclypsi seu Sanctus Augustinus in Cornelio Jansenio [Mentioned at the end of Compendium quarundam notabilium falsificationum]

Vindiciae Augustinianae Catholicae [Mentioned at the end of Compendium quarundam notabilium falsificationum. According to Hooglede, Vindiciae Augustinianae Catholicae could have been a more extended version of the Compendium].

Compendium quarundam notabilium falsificationum, etiam saepe in materia fidei occurrentium, quas theologi Lovanienses, qui opera S. Augustini anno salutis 1576, 1577, 1586, 1614, 1616, 1637, 1651 typis mandarunt, perpetrarunt: MS Vatican City, BAV, Barber. lat. 1010.

Apologia sacra, in qua S. Romani Pontificis jurisdictionis primatus, sicut & illius infallibilis in conroversiis Fidei decidendis authoritas ex solo sacro textu comprobatur: MS Vatican City, BAV, Barber. lat. 1097.

Summum et infallibile Orbis Christiani in rebus fidei definiendis tribunal, seu Cathedra Sancti Petri. This work has never been found, but the dedication of this work to Pope Alexander VII has survived in MS Vatican City, BAV, Chigi B.VII.120, ff. 140-141.

Calvinus Pelagianus redivivus, seu Augustinus Cornelii Jansenii:

Panoplia Sancti Augustini, seu doctrina Augustini adversus Augustinum Corneloo Jansenii anteaugustini:

Triumphis S. Romanae Ecclesiae super omnes principales haereses Calvinistarum, quae in Hollandia, Anglia, Germania & Gallia grassantur:

Manipulus seu Compendium controversiarum Fidei pro usu eorum qui in missionibus occupantur:

Satyra Hollandica fidei monstruosa haeresum multarum, quae in sola Hollandia vigent:

Cursus Philosophicus breviter, sed clare traditus, 3 Vols.

Cursus Theologicus breviter, sed clare traditus, 4 Vols.

In Domin. et festa:

Anastasis Aeternitatis, seu Animae rationalis immortalitas Beatitudo Poena. In Quatuor Tractatus divisa. Omnia secundum mentem, & Doctrinam S. Augustini Doctoris praecipui (Rome: Filippo M. Mancini, 1665). Dedicated to Queen Christina of Sweden. Accessible via the Mediathèque of Lyon (check Numelyo), and via Google Books.

Liber Christus Signatus Septem Sigillis in quo Sub figura Libri signati Sigillis septem, quem vidit S. Ioann. c. 5 Apocalip. septem festa principalia Christi, quae sunt Nativitas, Circuncisio, Epiphania, Pascha, Ascensio, Pentecostes, & Transfiguratio, sub figura septem Sigillorum, per Expositiones morales elucidantur (...) (Rome: Filippo M. Mancini, 1666). This work, dedicated to Cardinal Marzio Ginetti, amounts to a series of sermons. Accessible via the Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele in Rome, the British Library in London, the Mediathèque of Lyon (check Numelyo), and via Google Books.

Ionas in Suggestu seu Conciones Quadraginta Morales quæ Tempore Orationes 40. horarum, & calamitatis publicæ declamari possunt, cum indice duplice (...) (Giovanni Battista Ferroni, 1669 [1670]). Dedicated to Cardinal Gisbertus Borromaeus.


Bernardus a Bononia, Bibliotheca Capuccina (Venice, 1747), 201-202; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 402-403; Hildebrand van Hooglede, ‘Een vergeten theologant. Octavius Worst van Amsterdam’ [cap. † 1671], in: Idem, Miscellanea II, 1071-1089.





Oddo Truncheti (Odet du Tronchet, d. 1502)

OM. French Franciscan theologian and doctor of theology. Member of the convent of Gray (Haute-Saône), and for this friary he bought in Paris at the end of the fifteenth century a series of theological works, including the 1493 edition of the Sentence commentary of Scotus, the Summa theologica of Antoninus, a Manipulus curatorum and a Confessionale, as well as classical works.


H. Lippens, ‘Oddo Truncheti, O.F.M. bibliophilus ac suffraganeus Bisuntinus’ AFH 31 (1938), 550-554; Pierre Aquilon, ‘Petites et moyennes bibliothèques 1480-1520‘, in: Histoire des bibliothèques françaises, vol. 1: Les Bibliothèques médiévales, du VIe siècle à 1530, ed. André Vernet (Paris: Éditions du Cercle de la Librairie/Promodis, 1989), 290.





Odo de Bueriis (second half 13th century)

OM. French friar. Preached in Paris ca. 1282/83


Sermones de S. & de T.: Paris BN Lat 14947 & 15005 (only a few sermons spread in the mss)


Zawart, 300; AFH, 5 (1912), 437; Schneyer, IV, 391





Odoricus de Portunaono (Odorico da Pordenone/de Foroiulli, ca. 1265-1331), beatus (since 1755)

OM. Italian friar and missionary. Foremost known for his travels, and more in particular for his long journey through the far East and China (until Bejing) between 1314/18 and 1331, and his missionary activities along the way in the diocese of the Franciscan bishop John of Montecorvino. He related his travel experiences in his Itinerarium, or the Historia suae peregrinationis sexdecim annorum/Librum de mirabilibus mundi. After his return to Italy (in Udine, where he died), he dictated his experiences to Guilelmus de Solagna (autograph manuscript found in Assisi, Conventus S. Francisci). Previous bibliographers attributed to Odorico also a Chronica compendiosa a mundi exordio usque ad an. 1331. Yet this seems to be a forgery of the Chronicle of Elemosina of Gualdo. Likewise the sermons and letters ascribed to him might be spurious.


Itinerarium/Historia suae peregrinationis sexdecim annorum/Librum de mirabilibus mundi. See: Elogio storico alle gesta del beato Odorico dell'ordine de' minori conventuali con la storia da lui dettata de' suoi viaggj asiatici, ed. Giuseppe Venni (Venice: Antonio Zatta, 1761); Les voyages en Asie au xive siècle du bienheureux Frère Odoric de Pordenone religieux de Saint François, ed. Ernest Leroux (Paris, 1891); Sinica Franciscana, ed. A. van den Wijngaert (Quaracchi, 1929-) I, 413-495; Cathay and the Way Thither. Being a Collection of Medieval Notices of China, transl. & ed. Henry Yule. New edition, revised by Henri Cordier. Vol. II, Works Issued by the Hakiuyt Society II, 33 (London, 1913); Relazione del viaggio in Oriente e in China (1314?-1330), édition des textes latin et italien (Pordenone, 1982); Die Reise des seligen Odoricos von Pordenone nach Indien und China (1314/18-1330), trans. Folker Reichert (1987); The Travels of Friar Odoric. A 14th-Century Journal of the Blessed Odoric of Pordenone, trans. Henry Yule, Introd. Paolo Chiesa, Italian Texts & Studies on Religion & Society (Grand Rapids MI – Cambridge: Eerdmans, 2001); Relatio de mirabilibus orientalium Tatarorum, ed. Annalia Marchisio, Edizione nazionale dei testi mediolatini d'Italia, 41 (Florence, 2016). In the past scholars attributed to him a Chronica compendiosa a mundi exordio usque ad an. 1331, but that is a forgery, or an abbreviation of Elemosina’s chronicle; Vita Thomae Martyris et al., AF, 3 (1897), 474-479, 597-604, 474-479; AF, 4 (1906), 323-334; BBb, II, 70-71, 110-112, III, 211-213; Memoriale Toscano. Viaggio in India e Cina (1318-1330), ed. Lucio Monaco & Jeannine Guérin-Dalle Mese (Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso, 1990).
For translations, see also: Libro delle nuove e strane e meravigliose cose. Volgarizzamento italiano del secolo XIV dell’“Itinerarium” di Odorico da Pordenone, ed. Alvise Andreose, Centro Studi Antoniani, 33 (Padova, Centro Studi Antoniani, 2000). [cf. review in Collectanea Franciscana 71 (2001), 237f.]; Konrad Steckels deutsche Uebertragung der Reise nach China des Odorico de Pordenone, ed. Gilbert Strasmann, Texte des späten Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit, 20 (Berlin, 1968); Odorico delle meraviglie. Il viaggio in Asia di Odorico da Pordenone nel manoscritto BNF 2810, ed. Paolo Cicconofri, Giulio C. Testa & Carlo Vurachi (Pordenone: Associazione Cintamani di Pordenone, 2015); Odoricus de Pordenone, Racconto delle cose meravigliose d'Oriente, In cammino (Padua: Edizioni Messaggero, 2018). Cf. review in Il Santo 59 (2019), 267-268. A facsimile edition and Italian translation of a French version of Odorico of Pordenone’s travel account in MS BNF 2810 is now also available in a digital format at

Sermones: ?


Wadding, Scriptores, 181; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 404; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 569-570 & (ed. 1921) II, 296-298; Teofilo Domenichelli, Sopra la vita e i viaggi del Beato Odorico da Pordenone dell'ordine de'minori. Studi con documenti rari ed inedite (Prato 1881); Henri Cordier, Les voyages en Asien au XIVe siècle du B. Fr. Odorico de Pordenone (Paris, 1891); Berthold Laufer, ‘Was Odoric of Pordenone ever in Tibet ?’, T’oung Pao 15 (1914), 405-418; G. Golubovich, ‘II B. Fr. O. da P., OFM’, AFH 10 (1917), 17-46; Anastasius Van den Wyngaert, Sinica Franciscana I (Rome, 1929), 381-412; C. Petrocchi, ‘Il b. Odorico de Pordenone e il suo ‘Itinerario’’,  Le Venezie francescane 1 (1932), 195-214; 2 (1933), 3-19, 70-84, 194-205; 3 (1934), 3-17; H. Matrod, L'itinéraire en Extrême-Orient du b. Ordoric de Pordenone (Paris, 1936); Dorotheus Schilling, ‘War der selige O. v. P. in Japan?’, AFH 35 (1942), 153-176; Luigia Galliani, ‘L’etnologia dei popoli asiatici nelle relazioni di viaggio dei missionari francescani dei secoli XIII e XIV’, Studi francescani 3rd ser. 22 (1950), 73-90; A. Bomb, Mission to Cathay. The Biography of Blessed Odoric of Pordenone (Paterson, 1956); Antonio Sartori, ‘Odoriciana. Vita e memorie’, Il Santo. Rivista Antoniniana di storia, dottrina, arte 6 (1966), 7-65; Paolo Lino Zovatto, ‘Il beato Odorico da Pordenone e il sarcofago di Filippo De Sanctis’, Memorie storiche Forogiulese 47 (1966), 119-128; Christian W. Troll, ‘Die Chinamission im Mittelalter’, Franziskanische Studien 48 (1966), 109-150; 49 (1967), 22-79; Agostino Lotti, ‘Dal viaggio missionario di Odorico da Pordenone nel Tibet: la spiegazione di ‘Pape Satan Aleppe’’,  Palestra del Clero 52 (1973), 746-756; Lucio Monaco, ‘I volgarizzamenti italiani delia relazione di Odorico da Pordenone’, Studi mediolatini e volgari 26 (1978-79), 179-220; Luciano Petech, ‘I francescani nell'Asia centrale e orientale nel XIII e XIV secolo’, in: Espansione del francescanesimo tra Occidente e Oriente nel secolo XIII. Atti del VI convegno internazionale, Assisi 1978 (Assisi, 1979), 213-240; Clément Schmitt, ‘Odoric de Pordenone’, Catholicisme hier-aujourd'hui-demain IX (Paris, 1982), 1498-1500; Odorico da P. e la Cina, Convegno Storico Internazionale (Pordenone, 1982) (with articles by a.o G. Bertuccioli, P. Corradini, L. Petech, P. P. Pang, L. Monaco, G. C. Testa, C. Schmitt, B. H. Willeke, G. Hamann, Yang Na, O. Baldacci, G. Melis, A. Freschi); Giovanni Battista Ramusio, Navigazioni e viaggi, ed. Marica Milanesi (Torino, 1983) IV, 265-318; Donald F. Lach, ‘Die Entdeckung von Cathay (1240-1350), in: Europa und die Kaiser von China, Berliner Festspiele (Berlin, 1985), 17-37; Reinhold Jandesek, Der Bericht des O.P. über seine Reise nach Asien, Bamberger Schriften zur Kulturgeschichte, Reihe A, Heft 1 (1987); Folker Reichert, ‘Eine unbekannte Version der Asienreise Odorico’s von Pordenone’, Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 43 (1987), 513-573; Folker E. Reichert, Begegnungen mit China. Die Entdeckung Ostasiens im Mittelalter, Beiträge zur Geschichte und Quellenkunde des Mittelalters, Bd. 15 (Sigmaringen: Thorbecke 1992), 65-135; F. Reichert, ‘Chinas Beitrag zum Weltbild der Europäer. Zur Rezeption der Fernostkenntnisse im 13. und 14. Jahrhundert’, in: Das geographische Weltbild um 1300, ed. P. Moraw, Reisen und Reiseliteratur, 33-57; A.-D. von den Brincken, ‘Odorich von Pordenone’, LThK VII3, 980; Enrico Menestò, ‘Odorico da Pordenone’, in: Il grande libro dei Santi III, 1512-1516; Alvise Andreose, ‘‘Lo libro dele nove e stranie meravioxe cose.’ Ricerche sui volgarizzamenti italiani dell’ ‘Itinerarium’ del beato Odorico da Pordenone’, Il Santo 38 (1998), 31-67; Folker E. Reichert, ‘Wirklichkeit und ihre Wahrnehmung im Itinerar Odoricos da Pordenone’, in: Überseegeschichte. Beiträge der Jüng Heren Forschung. Festschrift anlässlich der Gründung der Forschungsstiftung für vergleichende europäische Überseegeschichte 1999 in Bamberg, ed. Thomas Beck et al., Beiträge zur Kolonial- und Überseegeschichte, 75 (Stuttgart, Steiner, 1999), 42-55; Antonio García Espada, ‘Fray Odorico y el Karmapa. El Tibet de los viajeros medievales’, Medievalismo 9 (Madrid, 1999), 83-103;  Paolo Chiesa, ‘Per un riordino della tradizione manoscritta della “Relatio” di Odorico da Pordenone’, Filologia mediolatina 6-7 (1999-2000), 311-350; Alvise Andreose, ‘Fra Veneto e Toscana: vicende di un volgarizzamento trecentesco dell’Itinerarium’ di Odorico da Pordenone’, Filologia Veneta. Lingua, letteratura, tradizioni 6 (2000); Luigi Bressan, ‘Odorico da Pordenone (1265-1331). La sua visione della Cina e del sud-est asiatico e il suo contributo ai rapporti tra Asia ed Europa’, Il Santo 40 (2000), 71-98; Giordano Brunettin, ‘Odorico da Pordenone e il francescanesimo in Friuli. Una modesta proposta d’interpretazione’, Memorie Storiche Forogiuliesi 82 (2002), 11-45; Giancarlo Stival, Frate Odorico del Friuli. Da Pordenone all Cina per ‘guadagnare anime’, Orientamenti formativi francescani (Padua: Edizioni Messagero, 2002); Paolo Chiesa, ‘Scelta di un testo base e conseguenze traduttive nella ‘Relatio’ di Odorico da Pordenone’, in: Tradurre testi medievali: obiettivi, pubblico, strategie. Bergamo, 12-13 ottobre 2001, ed. Maria Grazias Cammarota & Maria Vittoria Molinari (Bergamo: Bergamo UP – Edizioni Sestante, 2002), 229-247; Luigi Malamocco, A piedi scalzi. In cammino con frate Odorico del Friuli (Tavagnacco (Udine): Segno, 2002); Antonio De Biasio, ‘Odorico e il bestiario cinese’,  Memorie Storiche Forogiuliesi 82 (2002), 47-74; Paolo Chiesa, ‘Una forma redazionale sconosciuta della ‘Relatio’ latina di Odorico da Pordenone’, Itineraria 2 (2003), 137-164; Il Santo 44, 2-3 (2004) [thematic issue on the body of Odorico da Pordenone, entitled Il beato Odorico da Pordenone: Vita e Miracula, Atti della ricognizione medico scientifica, Miscellanea di studi in memoria di Mons. Padre Antonio Vitale Bommarco OFMConv (1923-2004). Also contains interesting essays on Odorico’s life and canonisation]; Andrea Tilatti, Odorico da Pordenone. Vita e miracula, Centro Studi Antoniani, 41 (Padua: Centro Studi Antoniani, 2004); Christine Bousquet-Labouerie, ‘Un franciscain en Chine: Odéric de Pordenone’, Pecia 4 (2004), 7-17; Philippe Ménard, ‘Réflexion sur les manuscrits du ‘Livre de peregrinacion et de voiage’ d’Oderic de Pordenone (version de Jean Le Long)’, in: Famille, violence et christianisation au Moyen Age. Mélanges offerts à Michel Rouche, ed. Martin Aurell & Thomas Deswarte, Cultures et civilisations médiévales, 31 (Paris: Presses de l’Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2005), 265-274; Marina Münkler, ‘Reisen, Wahrnehmen, Erinnern. Zur Funktion der Memoria für die Konstitution von Erfahrungswissen am Beispiel der ‘Historia Mongolarum’ des Johannes de Plano Carpini’, in: Memoria. Ricordare e dimenticare nella cultura del medioevo. Memoria. Erinnern und Vergessen in der Kultur des Mittelalters. Trento, 4-6 aprile 2002, ed. Michael Borgolte et al. (Bologna-Berlin: Il Mulino-Duncker & Humblot, 2005), 77-98; Alvise Andreose, ‘Tra ricezione e riscrittura: la fortuna romanza della ‘Relatio’ di Odorico da Pordenone’, in: Medioevo romanzo e orientale. Il viaggio nelle letterature romanze e orientali. V Colloquio Internazionale. VII Convegno della Società Italiana di Filologia Romanza (Catania-Ragusa 24-27 settembre 2003), ed. Giovanna Carbonaro et al. (Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro), 2006), 5-21; Alvise Andreose, ‘Ego frater Odoricus de Foro Julii de Ordine fratrum Minorum’: forme dell’autodiegesi nell’Itinerarium di Odorico da Pordenone’, Quaderni di storia religiosa 13 (2006), 217-235; Odoric of Pordenone: From Venice to Peking and Back. Meetings on the roads of the Old World in the 13th-14th centuries, ed. Petr Sommer & Vladimir Liscak (Prague, 2008); Antonio García Espada, ‘Marco Polo, Odorico of Pordenone, the crusades, and the role of the vernacular in the first descriptions of the Indies', Viator 40:1 (2009), 201-222; Vladimir Liscak, ‘Odorik z Pordenone: ‘De mirabilibus orientalium”, in: Frantis kanstvi v ko kaktechs jinym a cizim, ed. Petr Regalat Benes et al., Europaeana Pragensia, 1: Historia Franciscana 3 (Prague: Univerzita karloba v Praze, 2009), 110-124; Richard Maber & Angela Tregoning, ‘Conveying the Unimaginable: Odoric of Pordenone’s Travels and Their Vernacular Translations’, in: Travels and Travelogues in the Middle Ages, ed. Jean-François Kosta-Théfaine, AMS Studies in the Middle Ages, 28 (AMS Press, 2009), 95-134; Marianne O’Doherty, ‘The ‘Viaggio in Inghilterra’ of a ‘Viaggio in Oriente’: Odorico da Pordenone’s ‘Itinerarium; from Italy to England’, Italian Studies 64 (2009), 198-220; Annalia Marchisio, ‘Il volgarizzamento tedesco della ‘Relatio‘ di Odorico da Pordenone e il suo modello latino‘, Filologia mediolatina. Rivista della Fondazione Ezio Franceschini 18 (2011), 305-358; Giancarlo Stival, Frate Odorico del Friuli: da Pordenone alla Cina per guadagnare anime (Padua, 2012); Alvise Andreose, La strada, la Cina, il cielo: studi sulla Relatio di Odorico da Pordenone e sulla sua fortuna romanza (Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro), 2012); I Francescani e la Cina. Un’opera di oltro sette secoli. Atti del X Convegno storico di Greccio, ed. Alvaro Cacciotto & Maria Melli (Rome: Centro Culturale Aracoeli, 2012). Signalled AFH 106:3-4 (2013), 659-660 & lengthy review in Il Santo. Rivista Francescana di storia, dottrina, arte 54:1 (2014), 191-195 [info on Giovanni da Pian Carpine, William of Rubruck, Giovanni da Montecorvino, Peregrino da Castello, Andrea da Perugia, Odorico da Pordenone, Giovanni de Marignolli]; Andrea Tilatti, 'Odorico da Pordenone, viaggiatore', Dizionario biografico degli italiani 79 (2013) []; Antonio De Basio, Odorico da Pordenone in Cina. Rilettura dei capitoli cinesi della «Relatio» (Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2013) [positive review in Il Santo. Rivista Francescana di storia, dottrina, arte 54:1 (2014), 195-196]; Folker Reichert, 'Goldlilien. Odorico da Pordenone und die Entdeckung chinesischer Schönheit', in: Idem, Asien und Europa im Mittelalter: Studien zur Geschichte des Reisens (Göttingen, 2014), 273-292 [reprint older article]; Folker Reichert, 'Odorico da Pordenone über Tibet', in: Idem, Asien und Europa im Mittelalter: Studien zur Geschichte des Reisens (Göttingen, 2014), 377-386 [reprint older article]; Paolo Cicconofri, Giulio Cesare Testa & Carlo Vurachi, Odorico delle meraviglie: il viaggio in Asia di Odorico da Pordenone nel manoscritto BNF 2810 (Pordenone, 2015); Annalia Marchisio, 'One Edition Odorico da Pordenone's Travel to China', The Journal of Medieval Latin 26 (2016), 43-75; Luca Pellarin, 'Odorico da Pordenone: breve riflessione sullo stato degli studi con un'intervista a Giulio Cesare Testa, Ce Fastu? 93 (2017), 81-104; Romedio Schmitz-Esser, 'Tra esperienza personale e piacere del pubblico: Odorico da Pordenone e il ruolo del retroterra veneziano per la conoscenza dell'Asia nel Medioevo', in: Venezia e l'Europa orientale tra il tardo Medioevo e l'età moderna, ed. Grigore Arbore Popescu & Cristian Luca (Crocetta del Montello (Treviso), 2017), 261-278; Luciano Bertazzo, '"Fratres in itinere": diplomazia e missione dei frati francescani nel Cathay. L'esemplarità di Odorico da Pordenone', Miscellanea Francescana 119 (2019), 161-174; Antonella Dalla Torre, The Body and Its Signifiers: Bodily Depictions In Niccolo De' Conti and Odorico Da Pordenone, PhD. Thesis (City University of New York, 2019) [ ]; Andrea Tilatti, 'Stanchi di viaggiare?: Giovanni da Montecorvino e Odorico da Pordenone', in: Frati mendicanti in itinere: (secc. XIII-XIV): atti del XLVII Congeno internazionale: Assisi - Magione, 17-19 ottobre 2019, Atti dei Convegni della Società internazionale di studi francescani e del Centro interuniversitario di studi francescani, N.S. 30 (Spoleto: CISAM, 2020), 321-360.
There is also an Italian website devoted to Odorico on url (progetto di divulgazione e disseminazione sul Beato Odorico da Pordenone), but it remains a bit unclear what is the academic status of the site.





Odo de Rosny (Odo de Roini/Odo de Renoniaco/Eudes de Rosny, fl. 13th cent.)

OM. French friar. Studied at Paris under Alexander of Hales (fellow scholar of odo Rigaldi). Baccalaureus Sententiarum around 1244/45. His introitus on the first Book of the Sentences, as well as his first lecture on the Third Book of the Sentences. In 1248, he is mentioned among those consulted in the Talmud affair. During that year he also preached the crusade. Magister regens in Paris possibly in 1254 and at the latest before 1260. Famous preacher and confessor of the sister of Saint Louis, Isabelle.


In III Sent.: MSS Troyes, Mediathèque 15011, 1862, 1245, 1862; Brussels 1542.

Sermones: MSS Paris BN Lat 16481 nos. 6 & 48 [collection compiled by Raoul de Châteauroux. Cf. Bériou (1998)]; Paris BN Lat 15971 f. 162vb [reportatio by Pierre de Limoges]. See AFH, 5 (1912), 437; Zawart, 300; Bériou (1998), 762-3.
For editions, see: See Louis-Jacques Bataillon, 'Fragments de sermons de Gérard d'Abbeville, Eudes de Rosny et Thomas d'Aquin', in: Idem, La prédication au XIIIe siècle en France et Italie: etudes et documents (Aldershot: Variorum, 1993), 257-268 [previously issued in Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 51 (1984), 257-268]


Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 569 & (ed. 1921) I, 569; Histoire Littéraire de la France 26, 403; AFH 33 (1940), 3-54; Glorieux, Répertorium II nos. 307; F. Henquinet, `Eudes de Rosny OFM, Eudes Rigaud et la somme d'Alexander de Hales', AFH, 33 (1940), 3-54; Doucet, AFH, 47 (1954), 113; K.F. Lynch, Franciscan Studies, 9 (1949), 138f.; Nicole Bériou, L’Avènement des maîtres de la parole. La prédication à Paris au XIIIe siècle, Collection des Études Augustiniennes. Série Moyen Âge et Temps Modernes, 31, 2 Vols (Turnhout: Brepols, 1998) II, 762-3.





Odo Rigaldus (Eudes Rigaud, 1205-1275)

OM. French friar from the Ile-de-France region, probably born in Brie-Comte-Robert. Entered the order between 1231 and 1236. Studied in Paris under Alexander of Hales. One of the friars taking part in the composition of the Expositio Quatuor Magistrorum (together with Alexander of Hales, John of La Rochelle, and Robert de la Bassée). Read the Sentences probably between 1243 and 1245. Succeeded John of Rupella as magister regens (sept. 1245) One of the theologians who finished Alexander of Hales Summa. Was appointed guardian of Rouen in 1247/1248. Shortly therafter appointed Archbishop of Rouen (April 1248). Took his archepiscopal apostolate very seriously (witness his Registrum, a long journal of his work in the diocese and the church province, and his journeys to Rome and London for episcopal matters). Active as counsellor of king Louis IX of France. Fulfilled several ambassadorial missions and accompanied the King on his crusade to Tunis (1267-70), and was present at the king’s deathbed. In 1274, he was asked, like Bonaventure, to come to the second council of Lyon. Odo died at Gaillon-sur-Seine on 2 July 1275. On Odo Rigaldus’ theological positions, see the literature mentioned below, as well as the quick characterisation by Leonardo Sileo, in DSpir XIII, 671-674.


In I-IV Sent.: a.o. Troyes 824 (thirteenth century); Vat.Lat., 5982;>Trier>see also Doucet & Lechner. Book II.ii.dist. 26-29 have been edited in J. Bouvy, ‘Les questions sur la grâce dans le Commentaire des Sentences d’Odon Rigaud’, Revue de théologie anciénne et médiévale 27 (1960), 290-343 & 28 (1961), 59-96; J. Bouvy, ‘La necessité de la grâce dans le commentaire des Sentences d’Odon Rigaud’, Revue de théologie anciénne et médiévale 28 (1961), 59-96; K.F. Lynch, ‘The Alleged Fourth Book on the Sentences of Odo Rigaud’, Franciscan Studies 9 (1949), 87-145.

In III Sent.: Naples, Naz. >>Cenci no. 650 (=manuscript no.?). Leonardo Sileo, ‘Virtù ‘naturales’ e giustizie. La Q. 1 della dist. 33 del III libro della ‘Lectura super sententias’, di Odo Rigaldi’, Antonianum 80 (2005), 661-677.

In I. Sent.: Bruges Royal Library 208; Paris, BN 14910. See also: L. Sileo, Teoria della scienza teologica. Quaestio de Scientia Theologicae di Odo Rigaldi e altri testi inediti (1230-1250), 2 vols., Studia Antoniana, 27 (Rome, 1984) II, 77-112 [edition of the Prologue and Book I.i.dist.1]; In I Sent., dist. 35, 36, 39 have been edited in Leonardo Sileo, De rerum ideis. Dio e le cose nel dibattito universitario del Tredicesimo secolo, I. Editio textuum Odonis Rigaldi et aliorum, Saperi testi contesti, 1 (Città del Vaticano: Urbaniana University Press, 2011). This includes Dictinctions 35, 36, 38, q. 1 and 39 of In I Sent. And the Quaestio de exsistentia rerum in Deo of Odo Regaldi, several anonymous questions, and Richard of Mediavilla, Quaestiones disputatae de Deo, de angelis et de homine, q. 1. [cf. review in CF 82 (2012), 414-416 & AFH 106:1-2 (2013), 212-215]

Sermones de S. & de T: a.o. Bologna Archigin A. 715; Troyes 816, 1760 & 1965; Arras, 759

Sermones in Synodi Rothomagensi: MS Troyes 816, 1760, 1965. Edited by L. Duval-Arnould, in AFH 69 (1976), 336-400 & AFH 70 (1977), 35-71.

Sermones Quadragesimales: Naples, Naz. VIII.A.30 ff. 132a-206d; Toledo ?

Sermones>> J.G. Bougerol, ‘Un sermon inédit d’Eudes Rigaud’, Ad’HDLMA 62 (1995), 343-358. See on his sermons and their manuscripts furthermore Schneyer, Repertorium der Lateinischen Sermones IV, 510-517 [listing 91 sermons, the attribution of 71 of these is uncertain].

Registrum Visitationum, Journal des visites pastorales, ed. Th. Bonnin (Paris, 1852). [Cf. P. Andrieu-Guitrancourt, L’archevêque Eudes Rigaud et la vie de l’Église au 13e siècle (Paris, 1938).]. The register was also edited as: The Register of Eudes of Rouen ed. J. F. O'Sullivan and trans. S. M. Brown, Records of Civilization Sources and Studies 72 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1964).

Quaestiones Disputatae. Sixteen of Odo Rigaldus’ Quaestiones Disputatae have survived, namely:
1 Quaestiones de Modo Essendi Dei in Creaturis et Rerum in Deo: Toulouse 737 ff. 167ra-172vb; Klosterneuburg, Bibl. Can. Reg. S. August. 309 ff. 35ra-43ra.
2 Quaestio de Existentia rerum in Deo: Toulouse, Bibliothèque Municipale 737 ff. 172vb-178va; Klosterneuburg, Augustiner-Chorherrenstift 309 ff. 43ra-49rb. This text has been edited in Leonardo Sileo, De rerum ideis. Dio e le cose nel dibattito universitario del Tredicesimo secolo, I. Editio textuum Odonis Rigaldi et aliorum, Saperi testi contesti, 1 (Città del Vaticano: Urbaniana University Press, 2011) [cf. review in CF 82 (2012), 414-416 & AFH 106:1-2 (2013), 212-215]
3 Quaestio de Ideis.
4 Quaestio de Voluntate Dei: Toulouse 737 ff. 178va-188va; Klosterneuburg 309 ff. 49rb-59vb.
5 Quaestio de Poenis Parvulorum Decedentium sine Baptismo.
6 Quaestio de Peccato Veniali.
7 Quaestio de Gratia.
8 Quaestio de Contritione.
9 Quaestio de Libero Arbitrio.
10 Quaestio de Dotibus Corporum Glorificatorum.
11 Quaestio de Angelis Lapsis.
12 Quaestio de Eo quod est Psallere sive de Psalmo.
13 Quaestio de Providentia.
14 Quaestio de Effectibus Divinae Providentiae.
15 Quaestio de Creatione.
16 Quaestio de Scientia Theologiae.
Long excerpts of several of these questions have been published in L. Sileo, `Dalla lectio alla disputatio. Le Questioni De Modo Essendi Dei in Creaturis, De Existentia Rerum in Deo e De Voluntate Dei di Odi Rigaldi', in: Editori di Quaracchi, 100 anni dopo. Bilancio e prospettive, ed. A. Cacciotti & B. Faes de Mottoni, Medioevo, 3 (Rome, 1997), 109-131. On p. 120, Sileo remarks that the questions do not reflect acual university disputations:: ` è propensi a credere invece che le tre quaestioni [De Modo Essendi Dei in Creaturis; De Existentia Rerum in Deo and De Voluntate Dei] siano il frutto di disputazioni in scholis, svolte nello studium dei Minori nell'ambito della cattedra di cui Rigaldi è regente. In questa luce il testo trasmesso potrebbe essere il risultato di un suo minimale lavoro redazionale, basato forse su reportationes.’ The Quaestio de Gratia has been edited by B. Pergamo, ‘Il desiderio innato del sopranaturale nelle questioni inedite di Oddone Rigaldi O.F.M., Arcivescovo di Rouen (d. 1275)’, Studi francescani 7 (1935), 414-417 & 8 (1936), 308-349. The Quaestio de Libero Arbitrio has been edited by O. Lottin, in Revue Thomiste 36 (1931), 886-895. The Quaestio de Eo quod est Psallere sive de Psalmo has been edited by A. Van Dijk, in Ephemerides Liturgicae 56 (1942), 20-42. The Quaestio de Scientia Theologiae has been edited by L. Sileo, in: L. Sileo, Teoria della scienza teologica. Quaestio de Scientia Theologicae di Odo Rigaldi e altri testi inediti (1230-1250), 2 vols., Studia Antoniana, 27 (Rome, 1984) II, 5-74. See also: B. Pergamo, ‘De quaestionibus ineditis fr. O. Rigaudi, fr. Guillelmi de Meliona ed. Cod. 782 circa naturam theologiae deque earum relatione ad Summam theologicam fr. Alexandri Halensis', AFH 29 (1936), 3-54, 308-364.

Expositio Quattuor Magistrorum Regulae Fratrum Minorum, ed. L. Oliger (Rome, 1950). This work as a collective effort of Eudes Rigaud, Alexander of Hales, Jean de La Rochelle, and Robert de la Bassée.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 403-404; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 568-569; R. Ménindès, ‘Eudes Rigaud, Frère Mineur. Sa famille, ses années de formation, ses premièrs travaux’, Revue d’Histoire de France 8 (1931), 157-178; F. Pelster, ‘Beiräge zur Erforschung des schriftlichen Nachlasses Odo Rigaldis’, Scholastik 6 (1931), 321-353; Brown, ‘Note biographique sur Eudes Rigaud’, Le Moyen Age 41 (1931), 167-194; O. Lottin, in: Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale 4 (1932), 7-92; E. Joven, Eudes Rigaud archevêque de Rouen (Rouen, 1932); O. Lottin, ‘Un commentaire dur les Sentences attribués d’Odon Rigaud’, RThAM, 7 (1935), 402ff; P. Andrieu-Guitrancourt, L’archevêque Eudes Rigaud et la vie de l'église au 13e siècle (Paris, 1938); J. Lechner, ‘Ein Trierer Handschrift mit dem 2. und 3. Buch des Sentenzenkommentars von Odo Rigaldi O.F.M.’, Franz. Stud., 23 (1936), 201-207; F. Henquinet, ‘Les manuscrits et l’influence des écrits theologiques d’Eudes Rigaud’, Recherches de Théologie Ancienne et Médiévale, 11 (1939), 323-350; Idem, AFH, 33 (1940), 3-54; K. Lynch, Franciscan Studies 9 (1949), 87-145; E. Lio, Franz. Stud., 33 (1951), 385-420; Schneyer,IV, 510-517; Doucet, AFH, 47 (1954), 149; J. Bouvy, ‘Les questions sur la grâce dans le commentaire des Sentences d'Odon Rigaud', Recherches de Théologie Ancienne et Médiévale 27 (1960), 290-343; J. Bouvy, ‘La necessité de la grâce dans le Commentaire des Sentences d’Odon Rigaud’, Recherches de Théologie Ancienne et Médiévale 28 (1961), 59-96; W.H. Principe, ‘Odo Rigaldus, a Precursor of St. Bonaventure on the Holy Spirit as Effectus Formalis in the mutual love of the Father and the Son’, Mediaeval Studies 39 (1977), 498-505; Francisco Martínez Fresneda, 'La plenitud de gracia en Jesucristo según Odón Rigaldo', Carthaginensia 4 (1988), 45-77; Rega Wood, ‘Distinct Ideas and Perfect Solitude: Alexander of Hales, Richard Rufus and Odo Rigaldus’, Franciscan Studies 53 (1993), 7-46 (with partial edition of text from Odo); J. Bouvy, La nécessité de la grâce dans le commentaire des Sentences d'Odon Rigaud', RThAM, 28 (1961), 59-96; J.G. Bougerol, ‘Odo Rigaldi teologo della speranza’, in: La Speranza. Studi biblio-teologici e apporti del pensiero francescano (Rome, 1984), 297-335; See also Sileo under mss and editions; L. Sileo, DSpir XIII, 670-674; F. Martínez Fresneda, ‘La ciencia humana de Jesucristo según Odón Rigaldo', Recherches de Théologie et de Philosophie Médiévales 62 (1995), 157-181; F. de A. Chavero Blanco, ‘Homo, imago Dei. En torno a un texto de Odón Rigaldi’, in: El pensament antropologic medieval: Actes del Simposi Internacional de Filosofia de l'Edat Mitjana, Vic-Girona, 11-16 d'abril de 1993, ed. P. Llorente (Vic, 1996), 228-238; Adam J. Davis, ‘The formation of a thirteenth-century ecclesiastical reformer: Eudes Rigaud and the Franciscan ‘Studium’ in Paris’, Revue Mabillon 12 (2001), 45-63; Italo Moretti, ‘Itineraria’, in: Arti e storia nel Medioevo, 349-368; Phyllis E. Pobst, ‘Visitation of religious and clergy by Archbishop Eudes Rigaud of Rouen’, in: Religion, Text, and Society in Medieval Spain and Northern Europe. Essays in Honor of J.N. Hillgarth, ed. Thomas E. Burman, Mark D. Meyerson & Leah Shopkow (Toronto: PIMS, 2002), 223-249; William Chester Jordan, ‘Archbishop Eudes Rigaud and the Jews of Normany, 1248-1275’, in: Friars and Jews in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, ed. Steven J. McMichael & Susan E. Myers, The Medieval Franciscans, 2 (Leiden-Boston, 2004), 39-52; Adam J. Davis, ‘The formation of a thirteenth-century ecclesiastical reformer at the Franciscan studium in Paris: the case of Eudes Rigaud’, in: Medieval Education, ed. Ronald B. Begley & Joseph W. Koterski, Fordham Series in Medieval Studies, 4 (New York: Fordham UP, 2005), 99-120; Adam J. Davis, ‘A thirteenth-century Franciscan money manager. Archbishop Eudes Rigaud of Rouen, 1248-1275’, Journal of Ecclesiastical History 56:3 (2005), 431-455; Susan M. Carroll-Clark, ‘Bad habits: clothing and textile references in the register of Eudes Rigaud, Archbishop of Rouen’, Medieval Clothing and Textiles 1 (2005), 81-103; Leonardo Sileo, “Utrum Deus sit nominabilis’. Da Guglielmo d’Auxerre a odo Rigaldo’, in: “Ad Ingenii Acuitionem”. Studies in Honour of Alfonso Maierù, ed. S. Caroti, R. Imbach, Z. Kaluza, G. Stabile, L. Sturlese (Louvain-la-Neuve: FIDEM – Turnhout: Brepols, 2006), 981-991; Adam J. Davis, The Holy Bureaucrat: Eudes Rigaud and Religious Reform in Thirteenth-Century Normandy (Ithaca, NY & London: Cornell University Press, 2006) [cf. Review by Michael Cusato in Speculum 82 (2007), 976-978]; Leonie V. Hicks, Religious Life in Normandy, 1050-1300: Space, Gender and Social Pressure (Woodbridge, Suffolk: Boydell & Brewer, 2007) [work itself seems to be flawed yet it exploits Eudes' register quite extensively]; Leonardo Sileo, ‘Virtù ‘naturales’ e giustizie. La q. 1 della dist. 33 del III libro della ‘Lectura super Sententas’ di Odo Rigaldi’, in: I Francescani e la politica. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studio, Palermo 3-7 Dicembre 2002, Tomi I-II, ed. Alessandro Musco (Palermo: Officina di Studi Medievali 2007), 1035-1050; Aleksander Horowski, ‘Il concetto di ‘fructus’ (spirituali) nei maestri di san Bonaventura’, Miscellanea Francescana 109 (2009), 439-469 [Alexander of Hales, Johannes Rupella, Odo Rigaldus]; Eva Schlotheuber, ‘Der Erzbischof Eudes Rigaud, die Nonnen und das Ringen um die Klosterreform im 13. Jahrhundert’, in: Institution und Charisma. Festschrift für Gert Melville zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. Franz J. Felten, Annette Kehnel & Stefan Weinfurter (Köln-Weimar-Wien, 2009), 99-110; A. Hennetier, ‘Les visites pastorales de Eudes Rigaud (…)’, L’art réligieux en Seine-Maritime (2009), 36-45; Carlos Mateo Martínez Ruiz, ‘Odón Rigaud y la cuestión del poder: Lectura super II Librum Sententiarum, d. 44’, AFH 103 (2010), 339-358; Julián Barenstein, 'Presencia agustiniana en las Quaestiones acerca de las ideas: los casos de Eudes Rigaud y Richard of Middletown', Etiam. Revista agustiniana de pensamiento 7 (2012), 115-136; Elisabeth Lalou, 'Eudes Rigaud, un archevêque d'exception', in: Rouen: primatiale de Normandie, ed. Jean-Charles Descubes, Jean-Charles (Strasbourg, 2012), 395-398; Sophie Delmas, ‘Eudes Rigaud prédicateur’, Collectanea Franciscana 83:1-2 (2013), 107-118; Élisabeth Lalou, ‘Eudes Rigaud en son temps. Compte rendu du colloque international, Université de Rouen, 30-31 mai 2013’, Études Franciscaines n.s. 7:1 (2014), >>; Alexis Grélois, 'Peut-on ne se fier qu'à une source ? Â propos des visites d'Eudes Rigaud à Notre-Dame-de-Bondeville', in: Sur les pas de Lanfranc, du Bec à Caen: recueil d'études en hommage à Véronique Gazeau, ed. Pierre Bauduin (Caen, 2018), 501-510; Nathalie Gorochov, 'Odo Rigaldus at the University of Paris (c.1220–48)', in: The Legacy of Early Franciscan Thought, ed. Lydia Schumacher, Veröffentlichungen des Grabmann-Institutes zur Erforschung der mittelalterlichen Theologie und Philosophie (Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter, 2021), 151-160.





Oliverius Conradus (Olivier Conrad, fl. first half 16th cent.)

OFM. French friar from Meung-sur-Loire.


Le Mirouer des pecheurs (Paris: François Regnault, à l'enseigne de l'Eléphant, s.a. [1527?]).

La vie, faictz, et Louanges de Sainct Paul, apostre de Iesu Christ. le tout fidelement extraict tant des Actes des Apostres, que de ses Epistres, & aultres sainctz docteurs, par frere Olivier Conrad en l'ordre Sainct Francoys à Menug sur L'Oyre (Paris: Jean Loys, 1544/Paris: Jehan Ruelle, 1546). The 1546 edition seems accessible via the Austrian National Library of Vienna, and via Google Books.

Oliverii Conradi Meldunensis Penthalogus eiusdem Saphicum carmen de Conceptione virginis christifere. Necnon de eiusdem nativitate (..), ed. Nicolas Du Puy (Paris: Antoine Bonnemère pro Denis Roce, 1510). Is this friar really the author this work? It is accessible via the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek and Google Books (creative search), yet the ascription seems doubtful.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 404; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 570; Andrew Pettegree et al., French Vernacular Books. Books published in the French Languages before 1601/Livres vernaculaires français. Livres imprimés en français avant 1601: A-G (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2007), 422, 487 (with potential other ascriptions).





Oliverius Goyer (Olivier Goyer, 1663-1721)

OFMRec. French friar. Active in France and in Nouvelle France (Canada) from 1698 onward, where he became provincial commissioner of the Canadian Recollets.


Oraison funèbre du comte de Frontenac: MS BNF, Fr. 13516, ff.163–196. It received a first edtion by P.-G. Roy in Bulletin des Recherches Historiques 1 (1895), 66–76, 82–89, and more recently was re-edited in : Éric Van der Schueren, ''Oraison funèbre du comte de Frontenac' par le père récollet Olivier Goyer (1698). Présentation et édition critique', in: Les Récollets en Nouvelle-France: traces et mémoire, ed. Paul-André Dubois, Patrimoine en mouvement (Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval, 2018), 319-362.


Archives des Franciscains de Québec, Dossier Olivier Goyer. AN, L, 941; P.-G. Roy, 'Remarques sur l’oraison funèbre de feu M. de Frontenac prononcée en l’église des Récollets de Québec, le 19 décembre 1698, par le P. Olivier Goyer, commissaire des Recollets', Bulletin des Recherches Historiques 1 (1895), 95–108; Gabriel-Marie Réal Dumas, 'Goyer, Olivier', Dictionary of Canadian Biography II [, last accessed on 4 November 2021]





Oliverius Maillard (c. 1430-1502)

OMObs. French friar. Born in Brittanny (at Yvignac?), c. 1430. Entered the order in Aquitaine (according to Wadding), or in Touraine (at Châteauroux or Dinant?), and studied theology at Paris. After his doctorate very active as order administrator and general preacher (after c. 1460, not only in the Aquinaine province, but in many Franciscan continental provinces north of the Alps). Between c. 1475 and 1487, he is active as provincial vicar of the Touraine province (two times) and the Aquitaine province (La France Franciscaine 15 (1932), 114; AF II, 502; AFH 8 (1915), 119-127). In 1490, he becomes provincial vicar of the Parisian province (Revue Hist. Francisc. 6 (1929), 275-276). Three times general of the Ultramontine Observants (1487-1490, 1493-1496, 1499-1502; cf. Wadding, Annales XIV, 487 & XV, 36, 204; AFH 4 (1911), 331-333; AF II, 51-52). Died on 13 June, 1502 in Toulouse. During his vicariate charges, he founded several new convents and stimulated the spread of the regular Observance. Also active as papal and royal diplomat. At the same time, he was an indefatigable preacher in the Observant tradition (cf. for instance the testimony of Glassberger, Chronica, AF II, 504-505), as well as a prolific religious author (in French and Latin). The printing history of Maillard's sermons is rather complex and the listing below is not complete and probably not fully correct


Sermones de Adventu (Paris, 1494 & 1497); Sermones de adue[n]tu: quadragesimales: d[omi]nicales, et de peccati stipe[n]dio et gratie premio vnacu[m] pulcerrimis iuris questionibus quolibet in sermone insertis [et] spiritualiter applicatis (Strasbourg: Johannes Knoblauch1506/Strasbourg, 1512). [many other editions as well (some of which also contain other sermon collections of Maillard, see for instance Zawart; The 1494 and 1497 editions contain 44 sermons preached at Paris in 1494, in the Church Saint-Jean en Grève] The 1512 Strasbourg edition can be accessed digitally via the website of the Staatsbibliothek of Munich. The 1506 edition now seems accessible via Google Books

Sermones Quadragesimales (70 sermons), edited in Sermones de Adventu/Sermones Variae & Sermones de Stipendio Peccati et Gratiae Proemio (Lyon, 1503/Strasbourg, 1506/Strasbourg, 1512).

Sermones Dominicales (47 sermons), edited in Sermones de Adventu/Sermones Variae & Sermones de Stipendio Peccati et Gratiae Proemio (Lyon, 1503/Strasbourg, 1512)

Sermones Variae & Sermones de Stipendio Peccati et Gratiae Proemio (Lyon, 1498/Paris, 1500/ Lyon, 1503). [The Sermones Variae comprise all materials mentioned above, which apparently were also edited separately. The Sermones de Stipendio Peccati is a collection of 16 sermons]

Sermones de Sanctis (Paris: Gerlier, 1507/Paris: Bocard, 1507/Paris: Jean Petit, 1513/Strasbourg, 1514) [Seven editions until 1521. 32 or 56 sermons, apparently depending on the edition]. Some of these editions apparently also contain Sermones de Defunctis. The 1514 Strasbourg edition can be read and downloaded from the digital collections of the Munich State Library and via Google Books. See also Summarium quoddam Sermonum de Sanctis (1513), which is also accessible via Google Books.

Sermo de Iustitia & Opus Quadragesimale (Paris, 1498 & 1508/Lyon, 1498) [at least 11 editions in 1520. The Opus Quadragesimale contains 70 sermons preached at Paris in 1498, in the Church Saint-Jean en Grève]

Expositio Epistularum Totius Anni [Totius Quadragesimae ?] (Paris, 1497)

Sermones Domenicales post Pentecosten (Paris: Antoine Caillaut, 1498/.../Paris: Jean Petit, 1515) [at least 10 further editions until 1521. The work contains 47 sermons] The 1498 edition is now accessible via Google Books.

Novum Diversorum Sermonum Opus (Paris, 1502) [4 editions until 1518?. This work contains an Adventuale breve (32 sermons), a Quadragesimale (60 sermons preached during Lent 1501 at Bruges), Sermones de Miseriis Animae (8 sermons), and several sermons for sun- and feastdays). There also are separate editions of these various collections]

Opus Quadragesimale (Paris, 1507/Paris, 1513/Paris, 1518) [Contains 57 sermons preached during Lent before 1470 at Nantes. These sermons are all preached to a fictional audience/auditor, who continually asks his preacher what he should do to obtain eternal life. This collection is followed by a Quadragesimale Criminosi, addressed at a ‘criminal sinner’]

Vernacular sermons: A number of Maillard's French sermons were published separately. Most well known in this respect are his passion sermons. See: Histoire de la Passion Douloureuse de Notre Doux Sauveur et Rédempteur Remémorée es Sacrés et Saints Mystères de la Messe (Paris, 1493/.../Paris, 1828-1835). At least seven editions before the 19th century (partial) edition of Peignot. A new edition of these texts appeared as: Istoire de la Passion douloureuse, ed. Tamara Steiner (Pieterlen-Berlin-Brussels-Frankfurt a.M.-New York-Vienna: Peter Lang, 2001). See on this the informative review Costanzo Cargnoni in Collectanea Franciscana 73 (2003), 733-734. Unclear to us as yet as to whether Passio D.N.J. Christi (Paris, 1508), also accessible via Google Books, is in fact the same sermon. Also published separately was Maillard’s Sermon de Carême (Antwerp, 1503/.../Paris, 1826) [Sermon preached at Bruges, in 1500]. See also: Oeuvres Françaises d'Olivier Maillard. Sermons et poésies, ed. Arthur de la Borderie (Nantes: Société des Bibliophiles Bretons et de l'Histoire de Bretagne, 1877).

La Confession de frère O. Maillard (Poitiers, 1481/Michel le Noir, 1500; many more editions followed).

Le confession générale (Lyon, 1526)/ etc., many more editions) [follows the late medieval confessionalia in its treatment of the essential elements of Christian faith and morals, in line with the penitential insights of other medieval Franciscan theologians. Cf. also F.-M. Delorme, ‘Olivier Maillard et Duns Scot à Toulouse’, La France Franciscaine 17 (1934), 347-365]

L’instruction et consolation de la vie contemplative (Paris, 1499) [Copy in Paris BN, Vélins n. 1769]. It also appeared in an incunable edition: Oliverius Maillardus, L'instruction et consolation de la vie contemplative; Sermon du jour de l'Ascension; Sermon pour le jour de la Pentecôte; Traité du conflit des vices et des vertus; Fruits et utilités du Sacrement de l'autel; Le sentier de Paradis; Instruction pour connaitre les instigations de l'ennemi; Contemplation sur les sept heures du jour (Paris: Pierre Le Caron for Antoine Vérard, before 25 Oct. 1499. This Work was written for female religious. Amounts to an amalgam of spiritual councils and sermons, treatises on virtues and vices, instructions on the sacraments, a ‘sentier de paradis,’ prayers, and a ‘contemplation faicte sur les sept heures du jour sur la Passion.’ The incunable edition can be read and downloaded from ]

Chanson Piteuse (15 May, 1500) & Chants Royaux en l’Honneur de la Vierge. [See on these and other French works A. De La Borderie, Oeuvres françaises d’Olivier Maillard (Nantes, 1877), 39-43, 46-51.]

Letters and sermons to the Poor Clares of Nürnberg: MSS Brixen, Klarissenkloster S 11 ff. 33r-50v (early 16th cent.) [Manuscript in possession of the Poor Clare Justina Plebin, who ended her life (1521) in the Poor Clare convent of Brixen.]; Dresden, Ehemalige Bibliothek des Prinzl. Sekundogenitus 8° 12 f. 172r (c. 1500); Munich cgm 4439 ff. 48v-50v; Prague, University Library cod. XVI G 31 ff. 28v-33v (early 16th cent.) [last three manuscripts only contain one text on the seductions by the Devil]. For en edition of all of these texts, see: M. Straganz, `Ansprachen des Fr. Oliverius Maillard an die Klarissen zu Mürnberg', Franziskanische Studien 4 (1917), 68-85. These letters and the sermon, rendered into German (maybe translated from French or Latin by Stephan Fridolin, confessor of the Poor Clares of Nürnberg) show Maillards extraordinary relationship with the Nürnberg Poor Clares. He visited the convent at least twelve times. See on this also K. Ruh, in; VL² V, 1173-1175 & P. Kesting, in: VL² V, 1258.

To be continued...


Glassberger, Chronica, AF II (1887), 502, 505, 510, 521, 525-530, 535; Wadding-Chiappini, Annales Minorum XIV & XV; Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 404-405; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 570 & (ed. 1921) II, 298-300; A. De La Borderie, Oeuvres françaises d’Olivier Maillard (Nantes, 1877); A. Samouillan, Étude sur la chaire et la société française au quinzième siècle: Olivier Maillard, sa prédication et son temps (Toulouse-Paris, 1891); A. Stark, ‘Syntaktische Untersuchungen im Anschluss an die Predigten Oliviers Maillard’, Romanische Forschung 15 (1904), 689-773; Zawart, 305; D.H. Carnaham, ‘Some Sources of Olivier Maillard’s Sermon on the Passion’, Romanic Review 7 (1916), 144-169; M. Delorme, ‘Olivier Maillard et Duns Scot à Toulouse’, La France Franciscaine 17 (1934), 347-365; A. Mabille de Poncheville, Beatus Olivier Maillard, le moine au franc parler (Paris, 1946); AF VIII (1946), 819f; M.-Th. Chevreux, Comparaison des principaux thèmes dans la prédication de Gerson et celle de Maillard, Mémoire (Nancy, 1965) [Cf. Revue d’Histoire d’Eglise de France 54 (1968), 500]; M. Piton, ‘L’idéal épiscopal selon les prédicateurs français de la fin du 15e siècle’, Revue d’Histoire Ecclesiastique 61 (1966), 77-118, 393-423; L. Beaumont-Maillet, Le grand couvent des cordeliers de Paris (Paris, 1975), 71-75; DSpir X, 106-109; B. Chevalier, ‘Olivier Maillard et la Réforme des Cordeliers 1482-1502‘, Revue d‘Histoire de l´Église de France 174 (1979), 25-39; H. Dedieu, AFH 77 (1984), 150-158; Kurt Ruh, 'Maillard, Olivier', Die deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters. Verfasserlexikon V (1985), 1173-1175; Hervé, Martin, Le métier de prédicateur, 179, 579-581; Bernard Chevalier, 'Maillard, Olivier (c. 1430-1502)', Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages II (2002), 891; Larissa Taylor, Soldiers of Christ (2002), passim; Tamara Steiner, ‘Olivier Maillard (um 1430-1502). Das Evangelium dieser Messe’, in: Franziskanische Stimmen. Zeugnisse aus acht Jahrhunderten, ed. Paul Zahner (Munich-St. Anna: Edition Coelde-Butzon & Bercker, 2002), 96-100; Kurt Ruh, 'Maillard, Olivier', Die deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters. Verfasserlexikon XI (2004), 957; Jean-François Courouau, ‘La prose religieuse en langue occitane au XVIe siècle’, Revue d’histoire de l’Eglise de France 94:232 (2008), 39-61; Pietro Delcorno, In the Mirror of the Prodigal Son: The Pastoral Uses of a Biblical Narrative (ca. 1200-1550), PhD Thesis Radboud University (Nijmegen: Bookbuilders, 2015), 218-225 & passim [see also the Brill version: In the Mirror of the Prodigal Son: The Pastoral Uses of a Biblical Narrative (c. 1200-1550), Commentaria, 9 (Leiden: Brill, 2018), ad indicem]; Johanneke Uphoff, 'Instruction and Construction: Sermons and the Formation of a Clarissan Identity in Nuremberg', in: Religious Orders and Religious Identity Formation, ca. 1420–1620: Discourses and Strategies of Observance and Pastoral Engagement, ed. Bert Roest & Johanneke Uphoff (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2016), 48-68; Peter Victor Loewen, 'Olivier Maillard in an Age of Reform', Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Moyen Âge 130:2 (2018) [ ]; Alexandre Samouillan, Olivier Maillard, sa prédication et son temps. Étude (Hachette, 2019 [reprint of the work from 1891!])





Onesimus de Kien (Onésime de Kien, d. 1654)

OFMCap. Belgian (Flemish) friar from Ypres (Yper). Well-known preacher and definitor of his order province, who died on January 3, 1654. He translated from Spanish into Latin several works by Hieronymus de Lanuza (Jeronimo de Lanuza), OP and by Jeronimo de Mata, OP. These Latin translations were published in Antwerp between 1649 and 1653.


Reverendissimi Patris Hieronymi Baptista de Lanuza, ex Ordini FF. Praedicatorum (...) Homiliae in Evangelia Quadragesimalia (...), trans. Onésime de Kien, 4 Vols. (Antwerp: Willem Lesteens, 1649). This translation was later revised by the German Dominican Johann Freylinck, who issued this in Mainz in 1656.

Reverendissimi Patris Hieronymi Baptista de Lanuza, ex Ordini FF. Praedicatorum (...) Homiliae in Festum Corporis Christi (...), trans. Onésime de Kien (Antwerp: Willem Lesteens, 1650).

Paradisus Virginalis, sive Discursus praedicabiles in solemnitatibus ac festis semper Virginis Dei Genetricis Mariae (...) auctore adm. R.P.F. Joanne de Mata Generali Praedicatore Ordinis S. Dominici (...), trans. Onésime de Kien (Antwerp: Willem Lesteens, 1652). The Italian Franciscan Clemente da Barera translated the same sermons into Italian.

Triumphi Jesu Christi, Dei ac Salvatoris nostri, sive discursus praedicabilis in ejus solemnitatibus ac festis, auctore admodum Rev. Patre Fratre Joanne de Mata (...) trans. Onésime de Kien (Antwerp: Willem Lesteens, 1652).

Medulla Cedri Libanu, sive Conceptus praedicabiles super Dominicas & Festa totius anni. Ex Homiliis Quadragesimalibus (...) F. Hieronymi Baptista de Lanuza (...), trans. Onésime de Kien, 2 Vols. (Antwerp: Willem Lesteens, 1653).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 405; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 570-571; Memoires Pour Servir à L'Histoire Litteraire Des Dix-Sept Provinces de Pays-Bas, de la Principauté de Liège, et de quelques contrées voisines III, 664-665; Biogr. Belg. X, 761-762; P. Hildebrand, De Kapucijnen in de Nederlanden en het Prinsbisdom Luik (Antwerp, 1952) VII, 512 (no. 3680).





Onofrius de Tolvo (Onuphrius a Tolve/Onofrio da Tolve, fl. first half 17th cent.)

OFM. Italian friar from the Basilicata province. Joined the order after an initial career as secular priest. As a friar, he eventually became papal penitentiary of San Giovanni in Laterano in Rome, and he died in the Aracoeli friary in or after 1640.


Antiveleno contro i tre veleni per ricevere rettamente il Sacramento della Penitenza (Rome: Francesco Cavalli, 1643).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 405; Sigismondo da Venezia, Biografia serafica degli uomini illustri: che fiorirono nel Francescano istituto, 628.





Onufrius Junctus (Onofrio Giunta da Palermo, d. 1746)

TOR. Italian (Sicilian) regular tertiary. He was for about 30 years a consultant (Consultore & Qualificatore) for the inquisition. Many of the materials (some 60 topics/fragments) related to his activities in this regard were issued after his death with the assistance of his brother Paolo Giunta. This work included yet another work by Onofria that had been published separately before his death, namely a Manuale Qualificatorum S. Officii.


Manuale Qualificatorum S. Officii (1742).

Rev. Patris Onuphrii Giunta Panormitani ex Religione Tertii Ordinis S. Francisci S.T.D. ac Magistri ec. Fragmenta Juris & Praxis ad sacrum Fidei Tribunalem spectantia, opus Posthumum, in quo complura ad leges & usum sanctissimae Inquisitionis pertinentia, in omnibus materiis utilia, & practicabilia resolvuntur, opera & studio F. Pauli Giunta a Panormo Authoris Fratris germani ex eodem ordine S.P.M. Joh. Alberghini Siculae Inquisitionis Qualificatoris (...) (Palermo: Eredi Aiccardi, 1748/Palermo: Eredi Aiccardi, 1748 [secundo impressum ac mendis expurgatum]).


Francesco Antonio Zaccaria, Storia letteraria d'Italia IV (ed. Venice, 1753), 54; Sigismondo da Venezia, Biografia serafica degli uomini illustri: che fiorirono nel Francescano istituto, 778-779.





Orazio da Castorano (Carlo Orazio da Castorano/K'ang Ho-chih, 1673, Castorano (Ancona) - 1755, Castorano)

OFMRef. Italian friar who took his profession in 1690. Came to China in 1700 and in 1702 to Chantung, where he established several parishes. General vicar of the bishop of Beijing (since 1707). Later Apost. Administrator of the diocese of Beijing (in 1721). Back to Italy, Rome, to enlist papal support for the supression of Chinese rites in the Church. Spent his last years in Castorano.


Dictionarium latino-Italico-Sinicum.

Vita Confucii.

Chinese Grammar.

Versio Monumenti (...) Civitatis Si-ngan-fu.


Streit, VII, 206-210; K. Menz, Necrologia Fratrum Minorum in Sinis (Peking, 1948), 138f; Sinica Franciscana, V & VI, check!





Orazio da Parma (Orazio degli Azzi/Horatius de Parma, 1673-1757)

OFMRef. Italian friar. Probably born in 1673 or a few years earlier (possibly 1668). He first wanted to join the Jesuits, but eventually opted for he Minori Osservanti Riformati, in line with his elder brother Felice degli Azzi. Received a theological education and fulfilled several lector positions. Had contacts with popes Clement XII and Benedict XIV, to whom he dedicated some of his works. According to some, he was connected with the Accademia Albrizziana (Venice) He retired to the San Paolo in Monte friary in Bologna, where he died on 11 November 1757. He is first and foremost known for his multi-volume biblical commentary.


Pozzo profondo scoperto alla cattolica greggia nella sacra Genesi da Fra'Orazio da Parma (...) consecrato alla Maestà divina della SS. Trinità e consegnato alla protezione del (...) Cardinale Nicolò Grimaldi Legato di Bologna (Venice: Antonio Bartoli, 1707). A revised edition of this work came out under the title Riflessioni sopra la Genesi, 2 Vols. (Venice: Stamperia Bragadina appresso Giovanni de'Paoli, 1710/Venice: Stamperia Bragadina, 1716 [in 3 volumes]).

Il divoto di S. Pietro d'Alcantara al suo confronto per esaminar solitario nel cuore in quindici giorni tutto se stesso (...) considerato dal P. Orazio da Parma (...) (Venice: Giuseppe Corona, 1730).

La vera sorte dell'anima stimolata, ed irresoluta di darsi a Dio, e di portarsi alla perfezione (Venice: Giuseppe Corona, 1730).

Esposizioni Letterali, E Morali Sopra La Sacra Scrittura (…), 13 Vols (Venice: Francesco Pitteri, 1736-1746). It is a massive, multi-volume biblical commentary (volumes 1-10 on the biblical books of the Old Testament and volumes 12-13 on the New Testament). The first six volumes were dedicated to Clement XII, the seventh 'Alla Sapienza dell'uomo-Dio', and the others to pope Benedict XIV. Most volumes are accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibiothek in Munich, the Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele in Rome, and via Google Books.

Espozizioni Lettera-Storiali, Morali e Profetali ne'Davidici salmi, ed esposizioni letterali sopra il Cantico di Salomone, e sopra tutti li Cantici (...) dedicata agli Accademici della Società Albriziana (...), 3 Vols. (Venice: Francesco Pitteri, 1740).

Il viaggio interno di un peccatore in tre corse di spirito. Corsa prima (...) Opera ascetico-mistica dedicata alla venerabile Compagnia di Gesù da f. Orazio da Parma (Venice: Girolamo Bartoli, 1747). The first 'Corsa' is accessible via the Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele in Rome, the Mediathèque of Lyon (check Numelyo), and via Google Books. In total, this work contains 3 volumes.


Ireneo Affò & Angelo Pezzana 'Felice, ed Orazio Azzi Minori Osservanti Riformati', Memorie degli scrittori e letterati Parmigiani 7 (1833), 55-60; Giammaria Mazzuchelli, Gli scrittori d'Italia I, ii (1753), 1288; Benedikt Mertens, Solitudo seraphica: Studien zur Geschichte der Exerzitien des Franziskanerordens der Frühneuzeit (ca. 1600-1750) (Kevelaer, 2008), passim.





Orazio Diola (Horatius Diola, fl. 16th cent.)

OFM. Italian friar from Bologna. Translator of the Croniche de gli ordini instituiti da Padre San Francesco of Marco of Lisbon. According to Sbaralea, he was not a Franciscan friar but a lay fellow traveller, interested in the history of the order.


Historia Ordinis Minorum Illustriss. D. Marci de Lisboa, Episcopi Portuensis, 2 Vols. (Parma: Erasmo Viotti, 1566/Brescia, 1582/Venice, 1598 (apparently with print mistakes)).


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 84; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 359; Federica Dallasta, 'Orazio Diola traduttore delle “Croniche de gli ordini instituiti da Padre San Francesco” di Marcos De Lisboa (1581-1591) e la sua biblioteca', Collectanea franciscana 85 (2015), 523-593.





Orontius Juliobonensis (Oronce de Honfleur/Honnefleur, 1595-1757)

TOR. French friar from Normandy and provincial minister of the Saint Ives province, as well as general definitor.


Lettre d'affiliation spirituelle accordée à Noël Le Roy, à son épouse Marie Renard, at à leurs enfants This letter of spiritual affiliation is kept in the Archives Franciscaines de Paris, and an image is provided on [checked 19-02, 2020]

Méthode courte et efficace pour obtenir une bonne confession?

L'Esclavage de la Vièrge (Paris, 1646). This work, like several other works with comparable titles and topics published by others during the early to mid seventeenth century were forbidden by the Catholic Church and came on the index.

Kalendarium Festorum Sancti ac Beati trium Ordinum S. Francisco cum Rubricis propriis Francisci Bordini (Paris, 1653). This is supposedly an extended and corrected version of an existent work.


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 405; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 571.





Orpheus de Cancellariis de Bononia (Orpheus Cancellarius/Orfeo Cancellieri/Francesco degli Orfei, fl. early 16th cent.)

OFM. Italian friar from Bologna. Preacher (in any case not to be identified with Franciscus de Orpheis, as is maintained in some old Franciscan author catalogues). He issued strong invectives against fashion, make-up and other ways in which women in particular would have embellished themselves, discussing to what extent these practices were sinful and even amounted to mortal sins.


Liber Candidum ac liberum Lectorem opto. Primum itaque diligenter legito, postea iudicato. Tractatus utilissimus de Ornatu Mulierum, Sanctissime ac purissime Virginum Virgini dicatus (Bologna: Girolamo Benedetti, 1526). Accessible via the Biblioteca Casanata in Rome, and via The Incipit of the work reads on p. Aii: 'Incipit Tractatus egregius ac predicatoribus et confessoribus valde utilis de Ornatu mulierum compositus per Venerandum Patrem Fratrem Orpheum de Cancellariis de Bononia Ordinis Minorum Obser. reg. Predicatorem Eximium. In quo et sanctorum Patrum testimoniis et Theologorum, Canonistarum ac Juristarum fundamentis, necnon Philosophorum, Oratorum, Poetarum, Historicorum sententiis et exemplis multi in presenti materia deteguntur errores.'


Giovanni Fantuzzi, Notizie degli scrittori bolognesi III, 73-74; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 571; N. Denholm-Young & H. Kantorowicz, ‘De Ornatu Mulierum: A Consilium of Antonius de Rosselis, with an Introduction on Fifteenth-Century Sumptuary Legislation’, La Bibliofilia 35 (1933), 328-329.





Osvaldus de Lasko (Osvaldus a Lasco/Osvat Láskai Oswaldus/Usualdus de Lasco, ca. 1450-1511)

OMObs. Slovenian/Hungarian (Styrian) Franciscan friar from Laskó. Theologian (graduate studies at the university of Vienna), preacher and several times guardian of the friary of Pest (in any case guardian there in 1496 and again in 1506). Lector at the studia of Esztergom e Buda, and provincial vicar of the Observant branch of the Hungary province between 1497-1501 and 1507-1509, when the Observance there saw a significant expansion. During his stints as provincial vicar, the Hungarian Observants issued the Constitutions of Ayta (approved in 1499), which played a role in the re-integration of the Hungarian Observant into the Cismontane Observance. Probable author of several sermon collections, among which stands out the famous Biga Salutis. Yet some of these have also been ascribed to a friar called Michael de Hungaria.


(as editor of the final part of the work), Pelbartus Ladislaus of Temesvár, Aureum Sacrae Theologiae Rosarium iuxta Quattuor Sententiarum Libros Pariformiter Quadripartitum, 4 Vols. (Hagenau: Heinrich Gran, 1503-1508/Venice, 1586 & 1589/Brescia, 1590). This work was apparently brought to completion by Osvald of Lasko.

Commentaria in 4. Libros Sententiarum (Buda, 1505). Cf. the remarks of Sbaralea.

(ascribed) Sermones Dominicales Perutiles a Quodam Fratre Hungaro Ordinis Minorum de Observantia Comportati Biga Salutis Intitulati (Hagenau: Heinrich Gran & Johann Rynmann, 1497/Hagenau, 1498/Hagenau: Heinrich Gran & Johann Rynmann, 1499/Hagenau, 1506/Hagenau, 1515). The 1497 edition can for instance be found in the Médiathèque de la Vieille-Île of Haguenau (sign.: Inc. 94), the Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire of Strasbourg (sign.: K 2338) and the Bibliothèque du Grand Séminaire of Strasbourg (sign.: A 333); The 1499 edition can be found in Paris, Bibl. Nat. (sign. Inc. 1028), and can also be obtained in a digital format at : ; The 1506 edition is digitized and can be accessed on the website of the Staatsbibliothek Munich; The 1515 edition has been digitized at : . See now also : Some quotes from sermon 77 (‘Ece constitui te super gentes’ [Jeremiah 1:10] have been printed in Paul Freedman, Images of the Medieval Peasant, Figurae: Reading Medieval Culture (Stanford: Stanford UP, 1999), 395 (Notes to chapter 11): ‘Ve principi qui suos subditos gravat iniustis exactionibus. Ve inquam principi qui contra consuetudinem illegitime vexat suos propinatione sui vini et ceruisse. Ve illis omnibus qui oibagiones [=serfs] suas devorant inordinate dica et angaria.’

(ascribed) Quadragesimale Gemma fidei intitulatum tractans de sacrosancta ortodoxaque fide catholica: compilatum per quendam fratrem Hungarum ordis Minorum de observantia ex conventum Pesthiensis (Hagenau: Heinrich Grann per Johannes Rynmann, 1507). See Paris, Bibl. Nat. Inc. 1030. A part of the sermons can be accessed at : . The 1507 edition now can also be accessed via the digital collections of the National Library of Austria, the Biblioteca Alessandrina in Rome, and via Google Books. An Edition of the prologue of the Quadragesimale Gemma fidei is also accessible via the 2004 study of Madas mentioned below. The work has also been ascribed to Michael of Hungaria.


Juan de San Antonio, Biliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 405-406 & III, 158; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 571; R. Horváth, Laskai Ozsvát (Budapest, 1932); K. Benedek, ‘‘Exempla sive miracula.’ L’usage des ‘exempla’ dans les ‘Sermones quadragesimales’ d’Osvaldus de Lasko (1498)’, in: Les ‘exempla’ médiévaux, 293-307; Jenö Szücz, ‘A Ferences Obszervancia és az 1514 évi parasztháború. Egy kódex tanúsága’, Levéltári Közlemények 43 (1972), 216-261 [On the Observant Franciscans and the Peasant War of 1514); Jenö Szücz, ‘Die oppositionelle Strömung der Franziskaner im Hintergrund des Bauernkrieges und der Reformation in Ungarn’, in: Études historiques hongroises 1985:2 (Budapest, 1985), 483-513 (esp. 506-512); Katalin Benedek, ‘Exempla sive miracula: L'usage des exempla dans les Sermones quadragesimales d'Osvaldus de Lasko (1498)’, in: Les exempla médiévaux. Nouvelles perspectives. Actes du Colloque du C.N.R.S. et de l'Ecole normale supérieure, Saint-Cloud 27-28 sept. 1994, ed. Jacques Berlioz & Marie-Anne Polo de Beaulieu (Paris: CNRS, 1998), 293-307; M-M. de Cevins, 'La religion des laïcs, vue par les prédicateurs franciscains hongrois de la fin du Moyen Âge', Specimina nova 1 (2001), 147-168; E. Madas, 'A prédikáció magvetésével a magyar nemzet védelmében: Laskai Osvát Gemma fidei címü prédikációskötetének elöszava', in: Religió, retorika, nemzettudat régi irodalmunkban, ed. I. Bitskey & S. Oláh (Debrecen, 2004), 50-58 [also contains an edition of the prologue of the Quadragesimale Gemma fidei]; M-M. de Cevins, Les Franciscains observants hongrois de l’expansion á la débâcle (vers 1450 – vers 1540) (Rome, 2008) [on his sermons, in part. pp. 243-258]; Balácz Kertész, ‘Two Hungarian Friars Minor (Franciscian Observants) in the Late Middle Ages: Pelbart de Temesvár and Oswald de Lasko’, in: Infima aetas Pannonica. Studies in late medieval hungarian history, ed. Péter E. Kovács & Kornél Szovák (Budapest, 2009). 60-78; O. Gecser, 'Predicazione, formazione scolastica e modelli culturali nell’Osservanza francescana ungherese alla fine del medioevo', in: Osservanza francescana e cultura tra Quattrocento e primo Cinquecento: Italia e Ungheria a confronto, ed. F. Bartolacci & R. Lambertini (Rome, 2014), 33-52; Dávid Falvay & Ezster Konrád, ‘Osservanza francescana e letteratura in volgare dall’Ungheria: ricerche e prospettive’, in: Osservanza francescana e cultura tra Quattrocento e primo Cinquecento: Italia e Ungheria a confronto. Atti del Convegno Macerata-Sarnano, 6-7 november 2013, ed. Francesca Bartolacci & Roberto Lambertini (Rome: Viella, 2014), 161-186; B. Kertész, 'The 1499 constitutions of the Hungarian Observant Franciscan vicariate', Chronica - Annual of the Institute of History, University of Szeged 15 (2017), 173-186. [esp. pp. 176-180, an overview on Laskai's life, with the hypothesis that he might be also the author (or at least the promotor) of the chronicle of the Hungarian Observant friars]; L. Viallet, 'L’Observance sans les vicaires: enjeux et conceptions de la vie franciscaine', Chronica - Annual of the Institute of History, University of Szeged 15 (2017), 89-104 [analysis of the Constutution of Ayta (1499) and the role of Laskai].
With thanks to dr. Pietro Delcorno





Osvaldus Leysius (Oswald von Leys, 1707-1782)

OFMRef. Austrian friar and member of the Tirol Sankt Leopold province. Provincial definitor and guardian.


Dreyfaches Leben zu finden bey dem kostbarsten Schatze des allerheiligsten Seitenblutes Jesu Christi, durch die Schatzmeisterinn desselben Maria die göttliche Mutter des guten Rathes, in dem erzherzoglich-hochbefreyten Stifte und Gotteshause Stams des heil. Ordens Cisterz, vorgetragen den 3ten May als dem damal einfallenden hohen Titularfeste des kostbarsten Bluts Jesu Christi, vom R.P. Oswaldo Leis, (...) Definitor und des Klosters zu Delfs im Oberinnthale dermaligen Obern (Innsbruck: Wagner, 1767).


Pascal M. Hollaus, 'Die Schriftsteller der Tiroler Franziskanerprovinz vom hl. Leopold gesammelt von P. Gerold Fußenegger OFM (1901-1965), 108 [Accessible via and]





Osvaldus Wessobrunnensis (Oswald von Wessobrunn/Hueter, d. 1660)

OFMCap. German friar. Sculptor.




Lexicon Capuccinum, 132.





Ottavianus Strambiatus de Ravenna (Ottaviano Strambiati da Ravenna, fl. c. 1620)

OFMConv. Italian friar. Lector of metaphysics ‘in via Scoti’ at the University of Padua between 1607 and 1628.


C. Piana, ‘Il mag. Ottaviano Strambiati da Ravenna O.F.M. Conv. lettore di metafisica ‘in via Scoti’ nell’Università di Padova (1607-1628)’, Studi Francescani 79 (1982), 471-476.





Otto Commendus (Otho Comendeus/Otho Commendes, fl. late 15th cent.)

OMObs. French Franciscan friar from the Tours province. Titular bishop (episcopus in partibus infidelium) of Veszprem in Hungary. Would have been the author of the Elucidatorium Franciscanum (…) elucidatio rationalibis separationis Fratrum minorum de observantia a aliis fratribus (Paris, 1499). This is probably the Minorica elucidativa rationalibis separationis fratrum minorum de observantia ab aliis fratribus eiusdem ordinis [a work also attributed to Alessandro Ariosto and to Nicolaus de Lovanio/Nicholas of Louvain].


Minorica elucidativa rationalibis separationis fratrum minorum de observantia ab aliis fratribus eiusdem ordinis (Paris: Jean Petit pour Jean Alexandre et Charles de Bougne, 1499); Minorica elucidativa: rationabilis separationis FF. Minor. de Observ. ab aliis fratribus eiusd. Ordinis (1505) [the 1505 edition is available via Google Books and the webportal of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek].


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 406; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 571; Robert Sauzet, Mendiants et réformes. Les réguliers mendiants acteurs du changement religieux dans le royaume de France (1480-1560) (Tours: Publications e l’Université de Tours, 1994), 69.





Otto de Passau (Otto von Passau, ca. 1386-1396)

OM. German Franciscan theologian and spiritual writer. Apparently entered the Franciscan order in the Strasbourg province. Reading master/lector and custos of the Franciscan convent of Basel (1362-85). In 1384 active as visitator and reformer of the Poor Clares in Königsfelden. Finished in Basel, according to his own statements, on 1 February 1386 his edifing work in the German vernacular Die vierundzwanzig Alten oder der goldene Thron der minnenden Seele. It is a compilation, which, on the basis of 104 sources [at least that is the number of sources mentioned by the compilator: church fathers, classical authors, the Victorines, etc.], provides a doctrine of Christian life through 24 chapters, each of which providing a moral/religious theme or road enabling the soul to reach a golden throne that is reserved for it in Paradise. These 24 themes or roads are `delivered' by the subsequent 24 elder of the Apocalypse [apparently a popular group of supernatural figures in late medieval German popular theology. Cf. Schmidt (1938), 6-25]. Many manuscripts provide illustrations of the 24 elder of the Apocalypse. From the very beginning, the work contained registers and cross references, therewith making it suitable for meditative reading and consultation alike. According to Otto’s prologue to Der Gulden Tron, the work was meant as a guide for meditation and contemplation for ‘alle gotz frunde, geistlich und weltlich, edel unde (un)edel, frouwen und man.’ Schnyder, VL², 233, remarks that: ‘Die Textüberlieferung gibt ein abweichendes, spezifischeres Bild. Größte Lesergruppe sind die Nonnen [in the Rhine area]. In Männerklöstern findet das Werk nur als pastorales Hilfsbuch oder für die Laienbrüder Verwendung. Bloß wenige Codd. sind für fürstliche Repräsentation gedacht. So treten unter dem Laienpublikum die gehobenen und mittleren Schichten der Städter hervor.’ Otto argues for frequent communion (Chapter 11), and frequent reading encounters with Scripture (Chapter 14). He also is in support of Mary’s immaculate conception (Chapter 12), and stresses the conversion of the soul via a thorough imitation of the poverty of Christ (cf. Chapters 6 & 20). The work had a thorough influence on fifteenth-century sermon cycles and meditative manuals, and continued to be read until the nineteenth century (Cf. in this regard the remarks of Poulenc in DSpir XI, 1066-1067).


Der Gulden Tron [=Die 24 Alten, 1386]: Ghent, Univ. Library 1271 (ca. 1500); Vienna, Österr. Nationalbibl. 2679 (an. 1435); Colmar, Bibl. Publ. 261; Brussels, Bibl. Royale IV, 364 (an. 1432); Karlsruhe, St. Peter im Schwarzwald pap. 26 (15th cent.) Hamburg, Universitätsbibliothek Cod. 9 in scrin (15th cent.); Munich Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Cgm 371 ff. 36r-40v; Munich Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Cgm 488 ff 84v-99r, 129v-160v (fragments); Nürnberg Stadtbibliothek Cent. VI 99 ff. 29v-118r; Nürnberg Stadtbibliothek Amb. 44.4° ff. 85r-107v (incomplete); Prague, Národní Knihovna (Kapucini Litomerice Ms.3=) Cod. XXVII B 10; >>[many more mss, (more than 100?): in any case more than 40 full copies. See Schmidt (1938), Jaspers (1986) and the manuscript listings/corrections in Die deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters. Verfasserlexikon VII, 229ff & XI, 1153]
The work received a fair number of incunable and early modern editions: Der Guldern Tron (Augsburg, 1480/Augsburg, 1483/Utrecht, 1480 [Dutch version]/Strasbourg, 1483/Strasbourg, 1484/Haarlem, 1484 [Dutch version]/Cologne, 1492/Strasbourg, 1500/Strasbourg, Johannes Knoblauch, 1508 [=Die vier und zwenzig alten]/Dillingen, 1568/Ingolstadt, 1587/Ingolstadt, 1596/Ingolstadt, 1607) [at least 8 incunabula and at least 6 later editions up to the 1836 Regensburg-Landshut edition]. For a modern edition, see: Die vierundzwanzig Alten Ottos von Passau, ed. W. Schmidt, Palaestra 212 (Leipzig, 1938). Fragments have also been published in an Italian translation in Mistici Francescani. Secolo XIV, 1073-1078.

Die minnende Seele: Sélestat Bibl. Munic. 69 (an. 1430)


Juan de San Antonio, Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana II, 406; Sbaralea, Supplementum (ed. 1806), 571 & (ed. 1921) II, 301-302; K. Eubel, Geschichte der oberdeutschen (Straßburger) Minoriten-Provinz (Wurzburg, 1886), 34-35, 256; R. Wackernagel, ‘Geschichte des Barfüsser Klosters zu Basel’, in: Festbuch zur Eröffnung des historischen Museums (Basel, 1894), 186, 212, 215, 248; Zawart, ‘The History of Franciscan Preaching and Franciscan Preachers (1209-1927)’, 316 (with more info on his life and works); W. Schmidt, Die vierundzwanzig Alten Ottos von Passau (Leipzig, 1938), passim and esp. the introduction; Manfred Lemmens, in: Marienlexikon,V, 41a-b; L. Mees, Bio-bibliographia franciscan neerlandica ante saec. XVI (Nieuwkoop, 1974), II, 140-141 & III, 216-221; Jérôme Poulenc, ‘Otton de Passau’, DSpirXI, 1066-1067; André Schnyder, in: Verfasserlexikon² VII, 229-234; G.J. Jaspers, `Otto van Passau in de Nederlandse handschriften', Ons Geestelijk Erf, 60 (1986), 302-347; Irene von Burg, ‘Gestern ein Bestseller - heute vergessen. Mittelalterrezeption der Erbauungsliteratur am Beispiel Die 24 Alten von Otto von Passau‘, in: Mittelalter-Rezeption, Bd. 4: Medien, Politik, Ideologie, Ökonomie. Gesammelte Vorträge des 4. Internationalen Symposions zur Mittelalter-Rezeption an der Universität Lausanne 1989 (Göppingen, 1991), 1-10; Walter Hoffmann, ‘Einige Anmerkungen zur wiederaufgefundenen Otto von Passau-Handschrift aus Trier‘, in: Vielfalt des Deutschen. Festschrift für Werner Besch, ed. K.J. Mattheier et al. (Frankfurt a.M., 1993), 225-240; Norbert H. Otto, ‘Otto von Passau, Franziskaner, Autor eines populärmystischen Erbauungsbuchs, 2. Hälfte des 14. Jahrhunderts‘, in: Neue Deutsche Biographie XIX (1998), 699-700; André Schnyder, ‘Otto von Passau‘, in: Verfasserlexikon XI (2004), 1153; Stephen Mossman, 'Otto von Passau and the Literary History of Basel in the Later Fourteenth Century', in: Raum und Medium: Literatur und Kultur in Basel in Spätmittelalter und früher Neuzeit, ed. J. Thali & N. Palmer, Kulturtopographie des alemannischen Raums, 9 (Berlin: Walther de Gruyter, 2020), 107-152, 530-533.





Otto Sprug (fl. second half 8th cent.)

OFM. Croatian friar. Lector of theology.


Historia insignis indulgentiæ Portiuncula nuncupatæ Sacri Montis Alverniæ cum suis sanctuariis ac sacrorum stigmatum a filio Dei Seraphico Patriarchae Francisco mirabiliter impressorum in compendium redacta (Laibach [Labaci]: Johann Friedrich Eger, 1766). Accessible via the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek in Vienna and via Google Books.

Dissertationes dogmaticae. De Paradiso terrestri et immortalitate hominis innocentis. De statu animae post hanc vitam, et judicio particulari. De resurrectione mortuorum, et judicio universali. De supernaturali hominis beatitudine, inferno, purgatorio, et indulgentiis (Laibach [Labaci]: Johann Friedrich Eger, 1769).

Otthonis Sprug Dissertationes dogmaticae de exteriori Dei cultu. Adoratione Eucharistiae, et sacrificio nobilissima divinis cultus specie. De inventione, et adoratione S. Crucis, caeterorumque Dominicae Passionis instrumentorum. Mediatione et oratione Christi. De invocatione, cultu, et veneratione Beatissimae Virginis Mariae, angelorum, et caeterorum sanctorum. De sacris caeremoniis, variis benedictionibus, jejuniis, et festis. Compendiosa methodo digestae (Salzburg: Johann Joseph Mayr, 1771). Accessible via the digital collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and via Google Books.

Dissertationes dogmaticae de statu hominis in originali justitia, et paradiso terrestri de conditione animae rationalis praesertim post hanc vitam, juducio particulari, mortuorum resurrectione, & judicio universali compendiosa methodo digestae a p. f. Othone Sprug, 2 Vols. (1774).

Dissertationes dogmaticae de divina revelatione sive de verbo Dei cum scripto, tum tradito compendiosa methodo digestae (Pietro Savioni, 1779).


Sigismondo da Venezia, Biografia serafica degli uomini illustri che fiorirono nel francescano istituto (...) (Venice: G.B. Merlo, 1846), 830.